Intramural sports return

Intramural recruiting for Fall 2021 begins

Mikayla Coleman | News Editor

The recent return to campus life leaves many students questioning just what extracurricular activities are resuming for fall term. Intramural sports have made a strong willed return. 

Intramural sports programs are open to all Western students, faculty, staff and spouses. They are a great option for those who want to participate in sports, but may not necessarily have the commitment level or developed skill set for a school sports program. 

“Intramurals fill a unique void. There are no practices, no coaches — it’s just show up and have fun and play with your friends,” said Andy Main, assistant director for Campus Recreation. 

Intramurals have less emphasis on qualities that make sports a stressful event and weigh more on getting involved within the campus community. 

“It’s a unique way to blow off steam, maybe take your mind off of a stressful final coming up — for me, most importantly is to meet and bond and get to know new people,” Main said. 

Western’s intramural program has thirteen different sports that they are currently recruiting for. Each sport does have a cost associated with it depending on the scope of the league, tournament or event. This fall term they plan to offer many exciting in person events including Badminton League, Corn Hole League and Volleyball League. Amidst the pandemic panic we have all endured, they also plan to grow with the technical times and implement two virtual sports and activities: the NCAA Bowl Game Pick’em and esports. 

All rules and regulations can be found on

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