Humans of Western

By: Zoe Strickland
Staff Writer

Stevie Lamica, English Writing major, fourth-year.

“I have a dog. His name is Walter, he’s a black miniature schnauzer. He’s a puppy, so he’s six-months-old and learning how to be potty-trained. Because I live in Dallas and go to school here, I constantly come home to little doggy turds everywhere … I think I’m a cat person. I have a cat, he’s a Persian. He’s really cute. Everyone says he’s really ugly, but they just don’t know what’s cute. He’s like my little world … Edgar. Edgar and Walter. I almost got a cat two weeks ago, but the boyfriend talked me out of it.”

“The boyfriend and I have been together for four years, and we just moved in together last year. So it only makes sense to have a plan, because we grew up together and he was my best friend my whole life. We’re that high school sweetheart thing … his family is friends with my family, his brother grew up with my brother and they’re best friends. So we’ve always been comfortable enough to talk about marriage and having kids and we’re both on agreement.”

“[Writing] is one of the few things people have always encouraged in me. I’ve always known that I’m decent at it, I wouldn’t say I’ve been great at it. But it makes it so it makes me more confident about it, because my confidence was built up about it, it made me want to do it. And then I realized ‘oh, this makes me happy’ and ‘oh, look it I can change things with this’ and ‘make other people happy with it’… It makes me happy to write in my pastime, but if I wanted to support a family off of it one day, how much stability would it provide me with? [Poetry] is probably my favorite thing to write. I would like to write novels, but I don’t have time … it’s hard. I’m addicted to working, so that doesn’t help.”