Humans of Western

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By: Joleen Braasch
Staff Writer

Shannon Haas, senior computer science major, is graduating this spring. She shared her feelings about graduation and life after college, and the people who have been there along the way.

“Graduation will be like an orgasm. School has been riding me so hard these past four years, and when June 11 comes it’s going to be the most ultimate climax and release of my life so far. There are things I’ll miss after I leave: the occasional Fat Friday where my awesome roomie and I eat junk and watch Netflix, working at The Cottage with the fantastic staff and students, and just being on this beautiful campus. But I will not miss the late night homework life, the stress of senior capstone projects, or the additional debt I accrued every new term. Western has helped me shape myself into a better adult and brought me many good memories and lifelong friendships, but I’m ready to get the fuck out of here. 60 days and counting!

The main goal I have after college is finding a place in southern Oregon that will allow me to live with my dog again. I pretty much work hard so my dog can have a good life. However, a more ‘adulty’ goal is striving to live a more balanced life. Right now my life is a lot of work and very little play—not very healthy. I want to go hiking with my dog more, be with my family more, and just enjoy life more. I keep reading this post getting shared around Facebook that says, ‘I’m tired of people romanticizing overexertion … too many people are burning out before they have a chance to truly shine.’ When I read it, all I could think was, ‘YES!’ I don’t want to burn out, but I’m almost there. Post-graduation, I’m going to fix that.

I look up to many people in my life for varying reasons; like my dad for his strength to stay sober and how he’s genuinely a good person that cares, and my roommate for her confidence and adventurous personality. However, I would say I have looked up to my mom the most in my life. She is such a beautiful and strong woman that keeps fighting, even when life is at its shittiest. She taught me to rely solely on myself, and it caused me to become the independent person I am today. Every day I bust my ass at school and work, just like my momma taught me, so I can hopefully have a job that will allow me to relieve some of her financial burden, because she truly deserves it. I can only hope to be even just half as awesome as her! I love you, mom!”