Humans of Western: Bethany McWhorter, senior, English Literature major

By: Megan Clark
Campus Life Editor


“I love writing, I love the power of words and how they can make an impact … I use poetry as a coping mechanism for a lot of things. My nephew recently died and he was two months old. And so I was able to dig really deep and find the beauty in this tragic situation, and kind of process my pain that way. And it helped a lot of people, because my family read it and it helped them kind of see things in a different perspective.”

“I was a sophomore in high school and my family was going through a really difficult time … I had no motivation, no drive to do anything. And I was sitting in my third period class, this is how well I remember this, I got a call, my teacher came back and said, ‘You need to go to the office right now.’ Like, I didn’t do anything, I’m a good kid. So, I go to the office and my dad is sitting there and my dad’s got tears in his eyes…He’s like, ‘We gotta go right now, we got to get to the hospital.’… So he rushes me out, we get down the stairs and he starts laughing. He goes, ‘I had to get you out, we’re going to the coast for the day … I had to throw in all the dramatics, because if this wasn’t Grammy award winning, I don’t know what is.’”

“I used to be really hardcore, just pro-life, anti-abortion, but then I started talking with people, people who have had abortions, who’ve been through this, who’ve lived it. We talked about regret, all of the emotional stuff that goes along with it. And I believe that they should have a choice. I’m still pro-life, just for the record. I still believe that, you know, if abortion can be avoided, it should be. But I understand the value of choice.”