Humans of Western


By: Megan Clark
Campus Life Editor

Perrin Dean, sophomore, Pre-ASL interpreting major
Jackson Fryer, transfer student, ASL Studies major

Dean: “We actually just like met randomly in the music hall, and he, I don’t even know what you asked me-”

Fryer: “I was like, hey I’m looking for people to play music with”

Dean: “And I was like, ‘hey, I play music!’”

Fryer: “And one thing lead to another, and here we are.”

Fryer: “Well, usually [we sing together], though most of the time it’s me singing and me trying to get her to sing. But she’s a f—ing amazing and talented singer and musician, but she just don’t think that herself.”

Fryer: “At least for me, if the whole ASL thing doesn’t work out, then you know … I guess, it’s more like if the music thing doesn’t work out, then I have the whole ASL thing to fall back on.”

Fryer: “Have we only known each other a month?”

Dean: “It has not been long! We bonded really quickly … We should make a friend-iversary.”

Fryer: “Can you bake a cake? I like cake.”

Fryer: “I was in band, so my teacher was like, ‘Hey Jackson, you want to play an instrument, right?’ and I was like ‘F— yes!’ Instruments equal cool, equal friends, you know? So then he was, ‘Yeah, so the tuba …’ And I was like, ‘That’s f—ing genius!’ So I started playing the tuba … I quickly realized that any instrument with a spit valve is not a cool instrument, so I switched over to the guitar, and it’s been, you know, love at first strum.”