Hey Teacher! Don’t leave this club alone

By: Joleen Braasch 
Staff Writer

When Western was first founded as Monmouth University in 1856, the school was focused on creating educators. Today, Western is a liberal arts campus, but the tradition of excellence in education continues 160 years later.

“Kids need competent teachers who have undergone quality training. That’s why I’m at WOU. So I can get a top notch education that will eventually allow me to become a top notch educator,” said Heather Nelson, a junior double-major in elementary education and Spanish.

Assisting in this top-notch endeavor, the WOU Education Club, the only Oregon chapter of the Association for Supervision and Career Development, provides a space for anybody interested in education to build valuable connections, resources and skills for their future as an educator and socialize with other education majors.

Nelson, who is not part of the education club due to commuting restraints, believes that the education club is extremely important for all education majors, as the networking with established professionals is crucial for obtaining jobs in tight-knit communities.

Adelina Vazquez, a senior interdisciplinary studies major, goes so that she can meet like-minded people. Addie Sherman, a junior early childhood/elementary education major, appreciates the professional development. Mariah Castro, a senior early childhood/elementary education major, is involved so she can give back to the community.

This year, the education club officers have been working hard to engage with the community and have partnered with the Monmouth Burgerville to host family literacy nights every third Thursday of the month. The officers have also started a new silent-auction fundraiser this year, “A Night at the Gardens,” which will occur Saturday, March 5 at the Oregon Gardens.

Are you interested in the education club? Like them on Facebook at “WOU Education Club (ASCD).” Do you have questions? Contact Linzy Griffin, Webmaster, at lgriffin14@wou.edu

Contact the author at jbraasch12@wou.edu