Get to know a major

By: Paige Scofield
Campus Life Editor

Western offers a wide variety of degrees that students can major in, many of which students don’t know are offered, or know next to nothing about. This week, in “Get To Know a Major”: receiving a Bachelor of Fine Arts in theater.

Natalie Doerfler, a sophomore, is working towards receiving a BFA in theater with a focus in acting.

“Originally, I had gotten a scholarship to St. Mary’s, in Minnesota of all places. But, my twin sister, Meghan, wanted to come visit Western, so I tagged along with her,” said Doerfler. “As soon as I got on campus I knew that I wanted to go here. It’s small, and I thought, this is a place I could call home nine months out of 12.”

Once Doerfler learned more about the BFA program from the theater professors, she was ready to start her college years at Western. The Western website describes the program as, “a rigorous and competitive program of study for students interested in pursuing careers in the professional theater. This pre-professional program is designed to combine intensive training with a liberal arts education. All aspects of theater—art, craft, business and education—are examined, with a focus on theatrical production.”

The program offers many classes, from Theater History to Acting for the Camera.

“Some of the classes are more intensive in just acting, and learning and doing and performing. There’s classes like stage combat that you can take, it’s not required, but you can take them. It’s really cool, and I know how to properly fight with a broadsword now,” she said.

When asked what her favorite class was, Doerfler replied, “Movement II, because I got to study an animal, and see how animal movements can influence a character’s movement. You want your character’s movement to be different than how you move. Otherwise it’s not a full performance.”

“The BFA theatre program is almost all acting classes, and it’s less generic things. It’s specifically if you want to be an actor, and want to pursue it as a job,” continued Doerfler. “I’m glad I am able to be a part of it.”

Natalie Doerfler is currently in the Black Box production of “All in the Timing,” which performs on Feb. 9, 10, and 11 at 7:30 p.m., with a matinee on the 11th at 2:30 p.m.

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