Gain the confidence to go after the jobs you want

By: Paige Scofield
Campus Life Editor

On Western’s campus, there is a wide variety of jobs and volunteer work available to students. Not only is it convenient, but also easy to access, because the work is on campus. Building up job experience or volunteer work can be difficult to manage when also going to school full time, but Western offers many positions that work with and for its students.

Cheyanne Burt, a senior interdisciplinary studies-health education major has been volunteering for Abby’s House as an advocate volunteer since fall term of this year.

“The past director of Abby’s House came into my violence and public health class the spring term of 2016, and was talking about Abby’s House,” said Burt, “I just got really interested and I wanted to make an impact as well, so I applied to be an advocate. After summer training I started fall term.”

When asked why it’s important for students to work for their school, Burt replied, “I think it’s a great experience in a controlled environment. So we’re gaining that experience, and gaining that work experience, and volunteer experience, with people who are willing to help us, people who are wanting to see us succeed. They provide us with the tools to do that when we graduate.”

If thinking about whether to work for Western or not, Burt says, “The more experience you have the better. All the work and volunteer work I’ve done at campus will help me to pursue the careers I want to, and have that confidence in what I have done the last four years to get a good job.”

If interested in looking for work or volunteer work at Western, visit Service Learning and Career Development downstairs in the Werner University Center. They have job applications for part-time and full-time jobs, as well as volunteer work opportunities.

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