Fundraising for Nepal

By Katrina Penaflor
 Campus Life Editor

A 7.8 earthquake hit Nepal April 25, resulting in a devastating toll of over 8,000 deaths, according to

NPR later reported that the disaster continued when a recent 7.3 earthquake struck Kathmandu, Nepal, May 12, just weeks after the first. Continuous aftershocks
occurred with magnitudes of six and five.

With the need for help being urgent, students and faculty around campus, some of which have a direct connection to Nepal, have made the effort to fundraise in support.

“My family, friends, and people back home are directly impacted from this earthquake,” said Samrid Aryal, an information systems major. “So, I decided to do what I can from here and approach the WOU community for help.”

Another student, Samhita Dixit, an international studies major, felt a personal impact from the earthquake, which drew him to get involved.

“I remember looking at the news all weekend long and just crying,” Dixit said. “It was really hard not being able to contact family and friends.”

Fundraising for the campaign, referred to as #woustandswithnepal, began with tabling in the Werner Center for two weeks, and extended to students asking the community to help.

The International Club donated $1 from each of their tickets sold for their annual International Night, and additional money was raised during henna tattoo sales at the event.

Students from Western who were involved with the fundraiser spoke with and thanked local organizations who were making their own efforts to help Nepal, like the Salem Rotary Club, who made an approximate donation of $10,000 to the Nepal Red Cross.

Volunteers have received a lot of support around campus.

Vikas Sharma, an information system major said: “We got a really good response from all the WOU community including students, staff and faculty.” President Mark Weiss and dean of students, Tina Fuchs, are among the many who donated.

“We would like to thank everyone who made this fundraising possible,” Aryal said. “The funds that we collected will make a direct and immediate impact to the people of Nepal.”

To donate, go to and click “Support WOU,” followed by “Others (Nepal Relief).” Checks can be made out to the WOU Foundation, Nepal Relief Fund and dropped off at Western’s foundation office.