Funding Abby’s House

Written by: Lili Minato | Freelance

On May 1, Abby’s House organized a “Ponyo” themed dinner and movie night. The event offered a ramen bar and a wide range of snacks and drinks, as well as a showing of the critically acclaimed Miyazaki classic of the same name. Fans and newcomers flocked to the fundraiser to enjoy amazing food and a fantastic movie. 

Tickets were $15 for general admission, $12 for students and $8 for kids under 10, to help fundraise for the Abby’s House basic needs program. 

Adriana Garcia, a senior at Western and the planner of the “Ponyo” event, is the fundraising coordinator for Abby’s House. “My position focuses on fundraising specifically for the basic needs program and what that means is all the profits go towards gas cards, food vouchers, our care cupboards (and more),” Garcia said “We are fundraising in order to serve students in the best way possible.” 

The fundraiser was a success, as many students and community members came to show their support for Abby’s House and their basic needs program. 

There are more fundraising events for Abby’s House happening in May. Miriam Garland, a senior at Western and the Stitch Closet coordinator, shares information about the upcoming color run event: “The color run is our annual event. It’s supposed to be a fundraiser but it usually just ends up being a fun event.”

The color run will be May 19 and is a 5k run or walk where colored cornstarch powder is used to create a fun athletic experience. There are a plethora of activities for students to participate in as well.

“This year we are going to have vendors… we’re also going to be having tables and clubs or organizations, specifically we’re going to be having a table (focusing on) mental health,” said Garcia. 

Garland also explained how Campus Recreation is working hard to make the event inclusive by ensuring that lower-income students can attend for free. 

For those interested in donating to Abby’s House but are unable to donate financially, Garcia stated that the best way to help out is to, “Help us spread the word! We want to start fundraising more towards the (Monmouth) community, if (students) could just help us spread the word, that would be wonderful.”

If one is interested in learning about more Abby’s House events, check out their Instagram @abbyshouse_wou. For basic needs and survivor support, look for Abby’s House in the Werner University Center in room 106 or take a look at their website — 

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