Freebie Friday fun resumes

By: Brianna Bonham
Staff Writer

Freebie Friday happens every week on campus and it is a chance for students to play games, win prizes, and even get discounts and freebies.

The event is put on by the Werner University Center (WUC) in collaboration with the Student Leadership and Activities Board (SLA).
The first Freebie Friday was Bingo Night during New Student Week.

Students collected stamps from many different clubs and organizations at Western and turned them in for Bingo cards. They then competed in a few rounds of Bingo to win various prizes.

Each prize had a theme such as “Netflix and Chill pack” which contained popcorn, candy, movies, and blankets. The “Game Night” pack had board games and candy. Students relaxed and had fun while earning free prizes.

This weekend is a scavenger hunt themed Freebie Friday where students can compete to win prizes for being the game’s champions.
The Grill, located on the second floor of the WUC, offers penny fries until 3 p.m., and Cafe Allegro offers penny espresso shots until 4 p.m.

The bookstore will also be offering a 30 percent discount on WOU imprinted items to those who participate in the scavenger hunt.

Students who want to be reminded each week about upcoming events that will be happening around campus can text “WOUWKND” to 71441 to receive updates by text weekly.

More information about Freebie Fridays and other student events can also be found on SLA’s webpage as well as in their office in WUC.