For better or for verse

By: Jasmine Morrow
Staff Writer

During MLK Celebration Week, Western held many events to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. To finish, the MLK Celebration Week ended with Slam Poetry. The event was held at Café Allegro, so volunteers could perform a poem or short story of their choice.

Slam poetry, which is known for being powerful, meaningful and artistic, brought many students together to honor the late Dr. King. The audience filled café Allegro with support and applause. Some of the pieces performed were originals written by the performers, while others read some of their favorite poems from other authors. Although a handful of people performed, there were two performers who took the microphone more than once.

Nathan Mirles, who has been interested in slam poetry for 11 years, performed two original poems named “Flowerbud” and “TWO GAY DUDES AND THE BEACH.”

“Being able to share with other people is fantastic,” said Mirles, who had been to a few other MLK events earlier that week to become more culturally literate and to be educated and to learn about diversity. Mirles has been to many other slam poetry performances, such as: Voice in New Mexico, Hillsboro High School, here at Western Oregon and frequently at the Insomnia Café.

Another performer, Courtney Briscoe, read poems by her favorite poet, Maya Angelou. Briscoe has been doing slam poetry since high school. This event meant a lot to her because, “It’s a great way for BSU to interact, and it is a safe space to share thoughts and feelings.” When she isn’t performing slam poetry, Briscoe is involved with the drag show here on campus.

The slam poetry event was a slam-bang finish to the end of MLK Celebration Week. There will be more slam poetry events around campus throughout the year so be sure to keep an eye out for them.

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