Find out different ways to view films with theaters closing

Never Retallack |  Entertainment Editor

As COVID-19 works its way across the world, everyday life has dramatically shifted — from school, to work, eating out and even cinema.

AMC and Regal theaters, as well as smaller locations such as Independence Cinema, have closed across the states to help in the prevention of spreading; many moviegoers were upset and concerned about movies that now have later release dates.

Luckily, many of the movies that were being aired at the theaters are now available online through sources like Apple Movies, Amazon and Disney+. The average price for renting a newly-released movie is $19.99, which is how much it would cost for two people to go to the theater.

Other films that were meant to release earlier are either being postponed or immediately put online. So far, films like “Mulan” and “Fast and Furious 9” have been postponed. 

Disney+ has put “Onward” and “Frozen 2” online much sooner than they had planned, so those who pay for the service can check out those films and plenty more.

Hulu has also upped their game by uploading dozens of films throughout the past couple weeks and plans to upload more. People can now view “Parasite” for a newer taste of cinema, but they have also released an array of classics. All three “Austin Powers” films are available, as well as the thriller “Misery” (1990) and “Bend it Like Beckham” (2003).

There has been speculation about how the film industry will survive through the pandemic. There are a few local theaters that remain open, but those are few and far between.

Work, school, music and now films will only be accessible via an at-home screen. This change makes the culture around such media a bit different. 

One of the best things about going to a movie theater is going with someone. While still respecting the stay-at-home order, there is an extension called Netflix Party where people can watch a film or show on Netflix “with” their friends. It will pause if someone in the party pauses, or if their internet is slow — that way both parties are synced up. The extension also provides a chat section so that people can talk in real-time about what they are watching.

While going to the theater isn’t in the cards, movies live on — online that is. Look up different films that will be released soon to see where they’ll end up on the web.


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