Final Four

Western has entered the final stage of the process to replace retiring university president Mark Weiss.

After Weiss announced his retirement, a search committee was created to help select his replacement. As of March 30, Western had announced four finalist candidates to take
over the position: Dr. Rex Fuller, Dr. Fernando Delgado, Dr. Margaret Madden and Dr. Christopher Ames.

According to current Western president, Mark Weiss, the most important consideration in selecting a new leader is to look for a candidate who “has distinguished themselves
as leaders and understand the importance of institutions like Western, and the difference we make in the lives of our graduates.”

Weiss said, “I am delighted to say that each of our candidates has shown this potential from their previous work in a university structure.”

It is clear from the brief biographies in the most recent press release published by the search committee that all of the candidates have served at similar levels of higher education administration before being considered for Western’s presidency.

Fuller served as provost and vice president of academic affairs at Eastern Washington University (EWU) since 2010. Fuller oversaw the development of the EWU College of
Health Science and Public Health.

Delgado serves as provost and vice chancellor of academic affairs at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls since 2009. Delgado began his career in education administration
serving as a dean for both MSU-Mankato and Hamline University.

Since 2002, Madden has served as provost and vice president of academic affairs at State University of New York (SUNY) – Postdam. Her focus was in expanding and improving
the network of campuses that comprised the widespread SUNY.

Ames is currently the vice president for academic affairs at Shepherd University in West Virginia. He supervises seven academic deans in addition to the school’s division II
athletics program.

The committee tasked with selecting the possible candidates was organized by Judy Vanderburg, director of human resources, and contains a wide range of individuals representing Western, the alumni and the Oregon University System.

The committee is chaired by Jim Francesconi who is a member of the Oregon State Board of Higher Education. While the search committee has made their recommendation of the four finalist candidates, OUS has the final decision of who will actually be appointed.

According to Western’s website, “the OUS Board will be making the final decision regarding the next president since the first WOU Board of Trustees doesn’t become active by law until July 1, 2015.”

Before OUS can consider their final decision, the search committee and the Western board of trustees will make a recommendation of their first choice candidate from the four finalists.

Part of the discussion concerning the committee’s vetting process will take place behind closed doors, but the Western community and student body will have a chance to participate through campus interview sessions of the four finalists.

The candidates will be participating in various activities through the first two weeks of spring term, and each candidate will participate in an open hearing style interview in which students and faculty along with the community are welcome to ask questions.

As of today, Delgado and Ames have already participated in their open forums and community receptions.

Madden will have her open forum April 6 from 3:30-5 p.m. in Rice Auditorium to be followed by community reception in the foyer from 5-6:30 p.m. Fuller is scheduled to have his open forum April 7 from 3:30-5 p.m. in Rice Auditorium. The community reception for Fuller is also in the auditorium foyer from 5-6:30 p.m.

After each forum, attendees are asked to fill out a campus reaction survey online ( located in a link below their respective profiles on the presidential search website. This survey will ask respondents basic information about their role at Western and their reactions to the candidates during the events.

The results of the survey will be combined with the results of the private interviews conducted by the committee before they submit their candidate recommendation to OUS.

Weiss, who previously served at Western as the vice president of finance and administration, said he “under-went a similar procedure of vetting and recommendations for my initial position.” Weiss was appointed to the presidency by OUS four years ago.

After Weiss officially retires, he hopes to stay as involved in campus as is appropriate.

“I expect to attend campus-related events but I am mindful that with my retirement I must provide clear separation, respectfully, for the new board and president,” Weiss said.

“I can tell you this has been the most gratifying position I’ve had the pleasure to have because of the positive impact this institution makes in the lives of so many of our students,” Weiss concluded.

The new president will officially be taking office July 1, 2015.

For more information regarding the presidential search, resumes and biographies of possible candidates, or the timeline for the appointment of a new president, go to or contact Judy Vanderburg at