Feels bad man

By: Conner Williams

There’s a couple things that have caused me to become extra irritated lately (that’s my PC way of saying they piss me off).

There are few things that professors do to piss me off more than those that can’t be bothered to send the class an email that class is cancelled.

No, I assure you, I just love walking the mile from my apartment in the rain to see a stupid note on the door that class in cancelled. Thanks so much. Feel free to take three minutes to send an email notification to your students.

I can’t imagine how outraged I’d be if I commuted from out of town, like a large majority of the students at this school do. Have some common courtesy; you aren’t the only one whose time is valuable.

Next up: motorists. I’m not sure if people haven’t grasped the fact that Monmouth is a college town or not, but newsflash, there’s a university right smack in the middle of town. And that means there are pedestrians everywhere, all the time, at all hours of the day.

I was almost hit the other day because a driver was doing at least 35 in a 20 mph zone. Since many people commute to town for class, cars are often parked along the sides of the roads and make it difficult for pedestrians to see down the road for oncoming traffic barreling down the road.

I really don’t feel like dying, and I’m sure you don’t feel like having a manslaughter conviction on your record, so do everyone a favor and go the damn speed limit, and slow down at intersections.

Contact the author at journaleditor@wou.edu or on Twitter @journalEIC