Events for non-traditional students

By: Jasmine Morrow
Staff writer

Western has many non-traditional students on campus, but there are rarely events put on for them. The Student Activities Board wanted to change that, so they put on the event: Parent’s Night Out. This was an opportunity for non-traditional students of Western to be able to drop off their children at a free day care service that SAB provided in the Werner University Center. So, that parents could get a few hours for themselves to relax, do homework, hang out with friends, etc.

Matthew Ciraulo, a sophomore history major, and director of SAB, felt like,“There hasn’t been a lot of events towards non-traditional students and especially those people who have children and who are going to school,” Ciraulo said. “And their role is so much that they’re balancing having a kid and going to school and doing well, so we felt bad as a SAB for not having programs for them, so this was one of our ideas to help them get through everything.”

Although the event was only a few hours long, it’s was meant to be a time for parents to catch up on sleep, do homework, have fun in town with their friends, basically anything they want to do. Even though this was the first event like this, the Student Activities Board hopes to be able to put on more events like it, to give parents another break in the future.

Only one young girl showed up to the event, but lucky for her, because she got the opportunity to play all the activities that were planned. She was able to do some coloring, played charades, listened to Disney songs, sang and read books. The Student Activities Board hopes that parents tells their friends to get the word out for the next time there is an event like this on Western’s campus, so more children can show up and have fun, and more parents can take a break and have fun too.

The Student Activities Board is always interested if students have any ideas or thoughts on future events, or want certain events to happen more often on campus. The SAB office is located downstairs in the Werner University Center. Make sure to check out flyers and posters around campus to see when SAB is putting on more exciting events hosted on Western’s campus.

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