Etiquette equals networking.

By Amanda Clarke - Staff Writer

The Service Learning and Career Development Center hosted the spring etiquette dinner Monday, April 13, with special guest speaker Mindy Lockard.

Lockard is featured in various magazines and TV shows and has traveled internationally to speak about the power of etiquette. She has spoken at various colleges such as Western, University of Oregon, and Lewis and Clark, in addition to various industries over her 11-year career.

After her first daughter was born, Lockard said she realized “helping to empower girls in their own skin is important.”
The dinner consisted of a five-course meal where students learned how to set a table, how to toast, and how to eat in the American and Continental style.

“I believe in the power of etiquette, not because it makes other people feel uncomfortable about us, but because it makes us feel comfortable in our own skin,” Lockard said.

She added that by using proper etiquette during interviews and meals, students would be able to expand their professional network.
She involved students within the dinner and spoke about not only how to eat properly, but why it is important.

“Eighty-five percent of a person’s success has to do with people skills,” she said.

People skills can allow a person to make others feel comfortable in their presence, but if they do not know this type of etiquette, they might not get asked out to dinner again.

“Manners have to do with how you handle yourself in professional situations,” Lockard said, “Etiquette is not about being better than other people, it is about sitting down and engaging with other people.”

Adry Clark, SLCD director, said they have been hosting this event for almost five years, with the last event held last November.

“Good dining etiquette is such a big part of the interview process,” Clark said. “Because she’s such a good trainer […] it’s easy to apply it in life.”

The SLCD office is located on the first floor of the Werner University Center and is open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. They provide assistance with resumes as well as mock interviews to help students prepare for finding jobs.