Mount Hood

Oregon coast hot spots for beach babes

Escrito por: Sierra Porter | Redactora

One of the best things about living in Oregon is living in a coastal state and having access to beautiful beaches. Along with the sandy seasides come delicious restaurants, nifty thrift stores, crystal shops and loads of locally owned businesses. Next time one feels like being a beach babe, check out some of these beachside hot spots. 

Visions Rock Shop — Visions is located in Lincoln City in an extremely adorable barn-type building, amongst other stores and shops. They have a variety of crystals, rocks, towers, spheres, fossils, thundereggs and gems. Visions even provides classes on how to make your own pendant to wear as a necklace. 

Garibaldi Portside Bistro — Garibaldi is only 10 minutes away from Rockaway Beach and stands as an excellent family-owned portside bistro right next to the water. The bistro offers a cozy environment with live music, welcoming beach decor and a variety of food items perfect for anyone. It is an excellent place to stop and fill bellies with delicious food, along with fast and efficient service. 

Pick of the Litter — Pick of the Litter is a thrift and consignment store located in Newport. They provide a variety of vintage clothes, movies, furniture, cookware, accessories and more. The best part is that Pick of the Litter is run completely by volunteers from the community, and the money raised at the thrift store goes directly to the Lincoln County Animal Center. Visiting their store will ensure high-quality products and contribute to helping with the care and love for animals in the community. 

Eleanor’s Undertow Cafe — Eleanor’s Hot Pink Cafe is located in Lincoln City, just a few minutes walk from the beach. Vibrant colors and the classic ice cream parlor look is just another bonus to the yummy food and sweet treats. The “sweets and cool stuff” served include but are not limited to shakes, banana splits, malts, sundaes, ice cream sodas and the infamous Granny’s ½ pound chocolate chip cookie that can be topped with any of their sixteen ice cream flavors. 

Explore and have fun, beach babes. 

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Creating custom bath bombs

Destress with DIY bath bombs

Allison Vanderzanden | Editor de estilo de vida

What better way to wind down after a stressful day than with a hot bath? Elevate bath time with homemade miniature bath bombs made in an ice cube tray or other silicone mold. Customize the scents, colors and decorations — like dried lavender or sprinkles — as desired. 


Start to finish: 1 day

Yields: 6 medium-sized bath bombs

1 cup baking soda

½ cup citric acid

½ cup cornstarch

1 to 2 teaspoons water or witch hazel

10 drops essential oil of choice


Food coloring

½ cup Epsom salt

2 tablespoons coconut, almond or olive oil

In a large bowl, whisk together dry ingredients. In a separate small bowl, melt the coconut or almond oil if using, then combine wet ingredients.

While continuously whisking, very slowly drizzle the wet ingredient mixture into the dry ingredients. The wet mixture may also be poured into a spray bottle to make combining easier. The outcome should be similar to a dry, crumbly sand with no clumps. If the mixture gets too wet, the bath bomb will fizz too soon.

Tightly pack the mixture into the ice cube tray or silicone mold. Let set for 10 minutes, then carefully remove and let harden on parchment paper for 24 hours. Finished product will still be somewhat fragile.

Store in a mason jar or package in cellophane for gifting.

Recipe from

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Duerme a pierna suelta con trucos para dormir mejor

Consejos para descansar bien

Allison Vanderzanden | Editor de estilo de vida

Dormir es un factor muy importante para mejorar la concentración, la memoria, la energía y la salud física ⏤ aunque es bien sabido que los universitarios no solemos dormir lo suficiente. Si dormir más está en la lista de tareas pendientes de este año, aquí tienes algunos consejos de y que pueden ayudarte a descansar mejor.

Acostumbrar al cerebro a dormirse y despertarse aproximadamente a la misma hora todos los días, incluidos los fines de semana. Configura alarmas o recordatorios recurrentes en tu teléfono, o utiliza una aplicación para dormir que te ayude a mantener el ritmo.

Dormir mejor haciendo que el dormitorio sea más confortable. Las personas tienden a dormir mejor en ambientes oscuros y fríos, así que reduzca la cantidad de luz con persianas o cortinas, y baje la temperatura ajustando el termostato o utilizando un ventilador. Ajuste el nivel de ruido utilizando tapones para los oídos o una aplicación que reproduzca sonidos suaves.

Quienes tengan dificultades para conciliar el sueño pueden probar técnicas de relajación, como darse un baño o tomar una bebida caliente descafeinada antes de acostarse. Leer y escuchar música suave también puede calmar la mente. Tumbado en la cama, pruebe técnicas de meditación como contar hacia atrás desde 100 o realizar un ejercicio de respiración.

Puede ser necesario introducir algunos cambios en la rutina diaria para dormir más. Esto puede consistir en apagar los aparatos electrónicos al menos 30 minutos antes de acostarse o evitar la cafeína, el azúcar o las comidas copiosas a última hora de la tarde. Intente evitar pasar tiempo en la cama mientras está despierto para que la mente sólo asocie estar en la cama con dormir. También se puede intentar incorporar el ejercicio regular a las rutinas; los estudios han descubierto que hacer pequeñas cantidades o ejercicio regular favorece un sueño más profundo.

Si la falta de sueño interfiere en las funciones diarias, póngase en contacto con un médico para obtener ayuda profesional.

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Say yes to yoga with a sun salutation

A yoga sequence anyone can try

Allison Vanderzanden | Editor de estilo de vida

Yoga is a great exercise that can both energize and relax the body. According to, yoga has numerous benefits, including decreasing stress and improving strength and flexibility. Try out this yoga sequence — a sun salutation — whether a beginner or a pro.

Take as much time as needed to perform the first and second cycles of the sun salutation. It’s more important to do each pose correctly than to finish the sequence as quickly as possible.

Warm up for a few minutes by sitting comfortably and just focusing on breathing. Stretch out by rotating the neck, wrists, shoulders and ankles. Once ready, slowly move to a standing position and begin the sequence.


Mountain pose: Stand with a straight spine and feet shoulder-width apart. Relax the shoulders while engaging the core.

Upward salute: Take a deep breath in and reach arms straight overhead. Keep pulling shoulders away from the ears.

Forward fold: Exhale while reaching fingertips down to the floor. Keep the back flat, and bend the knees if there is too much strain in the hamstrings.

Half forward fold: Inhale and place hands on shins while looking up and straight ahead. Engage the core to maintain a straight spine.

Lunge: On the exhale, move the left leg straight back and keep the right leg bent at a 90º angle to come into a lunge. Distribute body weight equally between each leg.

Chaturanga: Move into a push-up position on the inhale. With the exhale, lower down towards the floor first the chest, then the pelvis. Come all the way to the floor if needed, and adjust the feet so that the top of each foot is touching the ground.

Upward-facing dog: Breathe in and press into hands to lift the whole body off the floor, including legs. Keep leg muscles active while pulling shoulders down and back from ears. Look straight ahead or upwards if it’s comfortable.

Downward-facing dog: Exhale and adjust the feet so that the soles are now touching the floor, then push up and back into an inverted V-shape. Straighten the spine and bend the knees if necessary.

Lunge: Take a breath in and move the left leg forward into a lunge.

Forward fold: Exhale and relax into forward fold.

Upward salute: Inhale and reach arms upwards.

Mountain pose: Return to an engaged standing position with an exhale.

Repeat this cycle three to four times, then take a few minutes, either sitting comfortably or lying on back, to cool down and once again focus on breathing.

A demonstration of the sun salutation sequence can be found on our website,, and our Instagram @thewesternhowl.

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