Mount Hood

Cómo escribir una historia ganadora

Five tips to help aspiring authors refine their writing

Allison Vanderzanden | Editor de estilo de vida

Writing is a learned and actively practiced skill, just like playing an instrument or sport. For writers who have dreams of being published in the future, completing a working manuscript is the imperative first step. Here are some tips for aspiring writers to kick their stories up a notch. 

  • Find an original voice. Gathering inspiration from other authors and stories is great; they are professionals, so there is much to be gained from reading lots of material. But in the end, nobody else can write the exact story that is in one’s own mind. Tell a brand new story in a unique way, and let the passion and enthusiasm shine through in every page. 
  • Put aside anything distracting when sitting down to write. Do a favor for the story: give it full attention until it reaches an ending. If writing a novel, try to finish a full chapter or scene all at once. Conversely, try timed writing: write anything that comes to mind without stopping for, say, twenty minutes. It will be much less intimidating to continue working on it in the future if the pages aren’t blank.
  • Learn the rules, but don’t follow the rules. What this means is that the rules of writing can’t be broken, twisted or meddled with if the rules aren’t known to begin with. Take the time to master formatting, grammar and a standard plot structure, then play around with them to make the story unique. 
  • The best advice I ever received was from my high school English teacher: “Kill your darlings.” It is all too easy to get attached to one’s own characters, scenes, settings or piece as a whole — I know from experience. However, readers and editors will have a different perspective than the author. Keep this in mind when editors suggest revisions: they are trying to help the story come across better to the audience, which sometimes means changing or completely deleting the author’s favorite parts. 
  • Keep writing and don’t give up hope. Building and completing a manuscript is just the first step to getting work published, and it can be a very difficult process trying to get a story accepted at a publishing house. Let passion and commitment to the story drive the journey, and always keep working to present the best possible piece. 

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Cómo hackear tu rutina de maquillaje

Hacks and tips to make applying makeup easier

Rylie Horrall | Redactor Jefe

Makeup can be a fun and creative way for a person to express themself, however some may find it difficult to do — I personally still struggle to make my winged eyeliner even on each side, and I’ve been practicing for months. For anyone that has grappled with their own makeup skills or wants to shorten their daily routine, try out some of these tips.

Love the winged eyeliner but can’t seem to make it work? One option is to take a bobby pin, and draw on one end with a liquid eyeliner pen. Line up the end of the bobby pin with the curve of the eyelid and gently press to transfer the line onto the eyelid. Take the eyeliner pen and trace over the line to darken, then drag down across the eyelid to complete the wing.

An alternative and potentially easier option for winged eyeliner is to first take some tape — I recommend body tape for easier removal — and place it on the side of the eye, where the bottom of the wing would be. Line the eye with the pen as normal. For the wing, swipe down at an angle towards the lid ⏤ drawing on the tape if necessary ⏤ to fill the entire wing, then remove the tape.

For quick and easy contouring around the face, first apply foundation as usual. Take a contour stick and draw a “3” from the top of the forehead down to the jaw. The middle section of the shape should fall on one’s cheekbone. Blend away the harsh lines with a makeup brush or beauty blender.

To make one’s lashes look longer without feeling as if there’s a ton of mascara coating, try taking the mascara wand and gently dabbing at it with a tissue before use. This can remove any excess that may cause clumping when applying. Alternatively, scrape the wand against the lip of the container, if worried about wasting the mascara. Apply as usual; the lashes will still have the elongated look mascara gives, but with a lighter amount covering the lashes.

Want bold and colorful eyeshadow? To make the pigment really pop, first apply white eyeshadow or other light color to the entire lid before applying desired color. Apply and blend eyeshadow as normal, and the color should stand out more.

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Creating custom bath bombs

Destress with DIY bath bombs

Allison Vanderzanden | Editor de estilo de vida

What better way to wind down after a stressful day than with a hot bath? Elevate bath time with homemade miniature bath bombs made in an ice cube tray or other silicone mold. Customize the scents, colors and decorations — like dried lavender or sprinkles — as desired. 


Start to finish: 1 day

Yields: 6 medium-sized bath bombs

1 cup baking soda

½ cup citric acid

½ cup cornstarch

1 to 2 teaspoons water or witch hazel

10 drops essential oil of choice


Food coloring

½ cup Epsom salt

2 tablespoons coconut, almond or olive oil

In a large bowl, whisk together dry ingredients. In a separate small bowl, melt the coconut or almond oil if using, then combine wet ingredients.

While continuously whisking, very slowly drizzle the wet ingredient mixture into the dry ingredients. The wet mixture may also be poured into a spray bottle to make combining easier. The outcome should be similar to a dry, crumbly sand with no clumps. If the mixture gets too wet, the bath bomb will fizz too soon.

Tightly pack the mixture into the ice cube tray or silicone mold. Let set for 10 minutes, then carefully remove and let harden on parchment paper for 24 hours. Finished product will still be somewhat fragile.

Store in a mason jar or package in cellophane for gifting.

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Cinco propósitos con los que deleitarse este nuevo año

Empiece 2021 con estos propósitos de Año Nuevo

Allison Vanderzanden | Editor de estilo de vida

El comienzo de 2021 trae consigo una nueva determinación en forma de propósitos de Año Nuevo. Aunque algunos pueden ser sólo por diversión, esta época del año es también una gran oportunidad para pensar en intentar algunos propósitos prácticos de superación personal. He aquí cinco propósitos de Año Nuevo para considerar añadir a la lista y algunos consejos para ayudar a conseguirlos. 

Duerme más: Según la Universidad Estatal de Georgia, dormir lo suficiente -aproximadamente nueve horas para los universitarios- es importante para mejorar la concentración y la memoria, rejuvenecer la energía y reforzar el sistema inmunitario. Para descansar mejor, aconseja crear un horario de sueño que implique acostarse y levantarse aproximadamente a la misma hora todos los días. Establece una alarma recurrente en el teléfono y asegúrate de planificar con antelación los proyectos escolares que, de otro modo, podrían restar horas de sueño. Si el sueño resulta difícil, prueba a apagar los aparatos electrónicos al menos 30 minutos antes de acostarte, evitar la cafeína por la noche o tomar melatonina. 

Empieza a ahorrar dinero: Ya sea para el pago inicial de una casa, para la jubilación o para un fondo de reserva, ahorrar dinero es un buen hábito que conviene empezar cuanto antes. Para empezar, abre una cuenta de ahorro en un banco o cooperativa de crédito de confianza. A continuación, como recomienda, transfiera una cantidad fija de cada nómina al ahorro; aunque sólo sea una pequeña cantidad, ahorrar cualquier dinero es mejor que no ahorrar nada para prepararse para el futuro. 

Organízate: Desorganizar y mantener todo ordenado puede reducir el estrés y aumentar la productividad, según afirma Empieza por el escritorio o el armario; tira lo que consideres innecesario y utiliza recipientes para organizar los objetos similares. Mantén las cosas organizadas haciendo un poco de limpieza cada día en lugar de dejar que se acumulen con el tiempo. 

Hazte vegetariano: Según, ser vegetariano tiene beneficios para la salud, como la reducción del colesterol y la mejora de la salud cardiovascular, así como repercusiones medioambientales al apoyar los derechos de los animales y reducir la necesidad de las granjas industriales. Si dejar de comer carne de golpe te resulta difícil, prueba a participar en los "Lunes sin carne". También puede abastecerse de alternativas vegetales a sus productos cárnicos favoritos para reducir los antojos. 

Reducir el tiempo dedicado a las redes sociales: Las redes sociales son casi una adicción para muchos de nosotros, pero reducir el tiempo que pasamos en ellas puede ser beneficioso para la salud mental, según Reserva una cantidad específica de tiempo al día para las redes sociales -30 minutos, por ejemplo- y utiliza aplicaciones de tiempo de pantalla para ayudarte. Prueba también a desactivar las notificaciones de ciertas aplicaciones y a silenciar o dejar de seguir cuentas que no te aporten felicidad. Otra opción es eliminar las redes sociales por completo, aunque dependiendo del apego de cada uno a su feed, puede ser un objetivo a alcanzar.

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