Mount Hood

Las empresas de larga tradición quiebran

Escrito por: Sierra Porter | Redactora

This year has been extremely hard on businesses; the large corporate businesses we are used to seeing on every street corner have not been exempt. The pandemic and quarantine inflicted lasting effects on these businesses, and the debt that racked up is too much to handle. High costs and growing debt are not the only setbacks these businesses are facing; competition with online retailers is taking them out completely. Some of these well-known businesses have been in the game for over 50 years, and by the end of 2024, they may be gone completely. 

Rite Aid — After almost 60 years, Rite Aid is losing its battle of fighting a long chain of problems including lawsuits and debt from COVID-19. Similar to other pharmacies like CVS and Walgreens, Rite Aid faced several lawsuits of filling unlawful opioid prescriptions for customers — adding to the tremendous debt they were already facing. Competition from other pharmacy chains like Amazon, Costco, Walmart and Target was also another huge setback. From March to May of 2023 alone, the company losses added up to $307 million — creating an ultimate 3.5 billion dollar debt. Rite Aid has now filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy — a form of bankruptcy that allows a company to stay in business in an attempt to restructure obligations — and many of its stores have been shut down. 

Bed Bath & Beyond — Bed Bath & Beyond is known for having designer furniture, home goods and good quality houseware — now they are known for accounting for one of the largest retail bankruptcies in years. The company attempted to avoid bankruptcy by shrinking its businesses and also not giving severance to the laid-off employees of such businesses. To no avail, they were forced to file for bankruptcy and shut down almost 500 stores, including their secondary stores like Buy Buy BABYs. Fortunately for Bed Bath & Beyond, their bankruptcy was bought out by and is now a fully online retail store. 

Party City -– The party is over at Party City as they’ve been forced to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy to eliminate their 1.7 billion dollar debt. Party City has struggled to stay afloat as they are being weighed down by their competitors. Stores like Walmart and Target have all the party supplies people need and more, so there was almost no purpose for Party City. A bankruptcy agreement will have 800 Party City stores closed but a billion dollars will be eliminated from their debt for the purpose of restructuring. There may be hope for Party City. 

SmileDirectClub -– SmileDirectClub was a teledentistry company that offered more affordable and physically appealing alternatives to expensive braces. They sold teeth aligners with the goal, “to continue to provide affordable and accessible oral care to its customers without disruption.” In its short run of less than 10 years, the company racked up an impressive $900 million in debt, along with a bad reputation from other medical groups, the business never financially recovered. After only three months of filing for Chapter 11, SmileDirect went fully bankrupt and shut down for good. 

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Aprenda todo sobre la vida adulta este trimestre de primavera

Student Success and Advising organiza la serie de seminarios "#Adulting

Allison Vanderzanden | Editor de estilo de vida

Este trimestre de primavera, Student Success and Advising organiza un seminario para estudiantes de Western llamado "#Adulting". Comenzando el 9 de abril y repitiéndose cada viernes hasta la novena semana, se explorarán diferentes habilidades para la vida a lo largo de sesiones de Zoom. 

Cada seminario incluirá un periodo de debate sobre el tema de la semana y una serie de materiales, incluidas hojas de trabajo y actividades que los estudiantes podrán conservar para futuras consultas.

"Va a ser interactivo para que podamos asegurarnos de que todo el mundo recibe exactamente lo que necesita", añadió Gabbi Boyle, asesora de Éxito Académico.

Esta serie se ofreció originalmente como una clase de seminario de primer año en 2020, pero se convirtió para estar disponible para todos los estudiantes debido a su éxito. Boyle dijo que están muy contentos de enseñar a cualquier y todos los estudiantes algunas nuevas habilidades para la vida.

"Cualquiera puede aprender cosas nuevas o nuevas formas de enfocar la vida adulta a partir de los temas que tratamos", afirma Boyle.

La serie "#Adulting" abarca una amplia variedad de temas importantes para los estudiantes universitarios, desde la gestión del tiempo y el autocuidado hasta la información financiera, pasando por la exploración de carreras y especializaciones. En el primer seminario se abordará la gestión del tiempo en el inicio del nuevo curso. Las tres últimas semanas del seminario, en las que se tratarán temas financieros como la elaboración de presupuestos, el endeudamiento y la inversión, contarán con la presencia de un asesor financiero invitado que ofrecerá asesoramiento profesional.

En el futuro, teniendo en cuenta el éxito de la serie de seminarios de este trimestre, Student Success and Advising está considerando la posibilidad de organizar seminarios y talleres similares en persona, siempre que las directrices sanitarias lo permitan.

La serie de seminarios "#Adulting" se celebrará todos los viernes de la segunda a la novena semana del trimestre de primavera, de 14.00 a 15.00 horas. en Zoom. Consulte el programa completo de actos en la página Éxito Estudiantil y Asesoramiento, Póngase en contacto con Gabbi Boyle

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