Northwest Passage seeking submissions

Por: Megan Clark
Redactora de Campus Life

That Last Hard Mile – Emily Pate

go out into the sun-carved morning
and let yourself hunger for horizons.

it’s alright to be afraid. hold your hope
deep in your stomach where your fear lives.
let them settle there, together. let them both bloom.
you never know what seeds you swallow
until they spread leaves into all the soft parts of your body.

there are miracles in you because you made them.
this morning is a promise. curl it into
the careful callouses of your hands.

This poem by Emily Pate, now a graduate of WOU, and photograph by Salelah Albalawi, a __ major, were published in the Northwest Passage’s fall 2015 issue.

Interested in having some of your own work published by WOU’s wonderful literary mag?

The deadline for the upcoming winter issue is February 12. The Northwest Passage accepts up to five pieces of poetry, as well as fiction, screenplays, and scripts under 2,250 words.

It also accepts art, in the form of photography, paintings, drawings, or otherwise in digital format.

If this tickles your artistic and literary fancy, then submit your work as an attachment to!