Love shouldn’t hurt

Sam Dunaway | News Editor

Purple ribbons and smiling faces grace the Werner University Center in October as Alpha Chi Omega, the newest sorority on Western’s campus, educates others about Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

Alpha Chi Omega’s website explains that the sorority has held domestic violence awareness as their philanthropy for 25 years. The goal of the organization is to fight against domestic violence by informing the community and providing support for survivors.

According to the Oregon Department of Human Services, domestic violence can include acts of physical injury/abuse, sexual assault, verbal abuse, emotional abuse and stalking.

Intimate partner violence is when the act is committed by a spouse or significant other. Domestic violence includes abuse from a family member, household member or intimate partner.

“This issue is so widespread and socially present, that it is almost impossible to ignore in present American society,” explained Bridget Reaume, Vice President of Philanthropy. “It is our mission as sisters to educate the public and inspire others to take a step back and identify signs of domestic violence in different areas of their lives.”

Alpha Chi Omega members will be tabling in the Werner University Center every Wednesday in October for Domestic Violence Awareness Month. They also serve at the Center for Hope and Safety, an agency located in Salem that offers support and refuge for domestic violence and sexual assault survivors.

Reaume wants students and community members to know that they are supported.

“If you have experienced domestic violence in any manner, Alpha Chi wants you to know that you are not alone,” said Reaume. “We are standing up in support for the women and men who have been victimized and offering incredible resources in support of those who may need them.”

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