Mount Hood

Hola 2024, no te había visto.

Escrito por:  Taylor Duff | Redactor

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2024 and to all the possibilities this year will bring. With the new year here, many are just starting to pursue their 2024 goals. These goals range from becoming a better cook, committing to more cuddle time and even trying hydrotherapy. This list describes the top five things to add to resolutions for 2024 to improve ourselves and our lives. 

Improve clutter — Everyone wants a space that is calm and collected as much as it is organized. After the holidays especially, decluttering your space feels extremely rewarding and gets the new year off to a fresh start. Take the much-needed time and go through old boxes, sorting items no longer used or organizing to be more efficient. 

Pick up more hobbies — Each year individuals want to incorporate something new to try such as painting, pottery or dance classes. Picking up new skills improves mental health by reducing anxiety and expressing gratification.  

Build a better budget — Americans have struggled with finances throughout history but possibly even more so in the past four years since the pandemic and inflation have taken a toll. Budgeting income helps ensure bills and finances are taken care of which allows security. It can be difficult to cut back on things sought after and sit down to make the proper list of funds but once done, the guessing is over. 

Get rid of toxicity — This can be getting rid of alcohol, nicotine or even toxic relationships. As people, we accumulate habits that might not seem to be as harmful to us as they appear. The small changes made by releasing toxic habits and people who don’t serve us anymore can help improve our lives immensely.   

Become a better person — This goal includes many ideas of self-improvement such as working out, reading more and eating healthy, but we can also include mental health awareness and seeking therapy. We, as people get caught up and get stressed out with our lives, and the first thing we let go of is ourselves, but for 2024, let’s focus on ourselves first. The better we take care of ourselves, the better the environment we create which in turn makes all of these resolutions we set more achievable.   

The most important takeaway as we continue 2024 is to take it one day at a time. We live busy lives, taking care of responsibilities, and some of us are taking care of others and might not have the time. Overall, set attainable goals that make the fulfillment worth it for 2024, and let’s prosper. 

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Los residuos aumentan drásticamente tras las vacaciones

Escrito por: Sierra Porter | Redactora

The holidays can induce many feelings of happiness through eating good food, giving gifts and seeing your family. Although, one thing the holidays are also notorious for, that is less joyous, is the fact that waste increases dramatically over the holiday seasons. 

Waste and trash increases by at least 25% after the holiday season when individuals throw away about 81.5 pounds of clothes at the end of the year. Instead of chucking everything in the trash bin, Oregon has many donation sites that offer a better, more sustainable option than throwing away unwanted holiday gifts.


Goodwill - and other local thrift stores are always great options to give unused clothes and furniture — being that they are in decent condition of course. Donating to these types of stores allows them to continue to provide job opportunities and contribute back to the community. 

Habitat For Humanity Restore — is another community knit organization that can pick up one’s donations, or one can drop them off anytime from 10 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. — no appointment needed. They accept donations consisting of furniture, cabinets, exercise equipment, home goods and tools for a variety of jobs. 


Oregon Food Bank — offers tremendously different options on how to donate food and money, volunteer and even set up one’s own food bank for communities near you. The goal of the Oregon Food Bank is to eliminate hunger one step at a time and to bring the community closer together to increase awareness of these organizations. Visit the Oregon Food Bank website to see the variety of ways you can help, or if you know someone who is in need of resources, the site provides locations of places one can pick up free groceries and resources. 


The Book Corner - located in Beaverton, accepts donations of items including books, CD’s, vinyls, comics and more. The Book Corner accepts donations Tuesday to Friday from 10 a.m.–4 p.m.. All donations must be free from smoke stains, water stains and foul odors and need to be decent in quality. 

Ethos Music Center - accepts musical instruments and equipment to donate to local children passionate about music. Ethos takes any instrument from drums, violins and woodwinds to equipment like reeds, guitar racks, strings and even computers or tablets. Simply fill out a donation form and a staff member will reach out. 

Don’t waste this year, donate. 

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Perseguir los propios sueños y convertirse en empresario

Escrito por: Sierra Porter | Redactora

One of the greatest attractions Oregon has to offer is its large variety of unique, locally owned, creative businesses. These include businesses like food trucks, soap companies, haunted tours, bake shops, handmade items like clothes, jewelry and so much more. With a little bit of incentive and a lot of determination, one can turn their biggest passions into a career. Who wouldn’t want to be their own boss? 

One of the benefits of starting one’s own business is having full creative freedom and connecting with the community through that creativity. In recent years, there have been increasing opportunities for those who have a passion for arts and handmade crafts. 

Though one may not have their own store or permanent location to sell their products, there are numerous options to put oneself out there. Oregon has many seasonal/holiday markets, sporting events, local events and festivals that are open to local artists that allow them to get a chance to sell their wares. 

Getting a business on its feet can be a daunting task and renting out a spot in these types of events may not be accessible to all; don’t worry, there are ways to get one’s business out there without worrying about the starting costs. For example, the Oregon State Fair offers various types of competitions that do not require an entry fee and can provide an opportunity to get one’s name out there. Competitions like these create an opportunity for the public to learn how businesses are made and how they work — it can even give one an opportunity to sell their products to locals. 

Arts and crafts are not the only self-made business that is popular right now. Food trucks have also been increasingly popular throughout the years. It’s not necessary to go to culinary school or train under a star chef to be an amazing cook with creative ideas. 

Again, with a little initiative and determination one can take their favorite cuisine to the next level in their own food cart. As someone who personally works for an artisan grilled cheese truck, believe me when I say it is possible to do anything one loves to do. 

Regardless of what business one would like to pursue, there are many opportunities and benefits that come with all of them. Being one’s own boss means having the ability to create a schedule that is flexible and caters to one’s needs. If additional funds are needed, one can book more events; if one needs a break, they can give themselves a grace period that won’t affect any fiscal earnings. Overall, running a local business has so many positives for the owner and those working for the business, as well as the people in the community. 

Don’t just take it from me— hear some insight from the real self-made business owner of SoCheesy food truck, Gary Cooper. 

Cooper created his food truck business, So Cheesy, in 2016 and it has done nothing but grow since then. The best part, Cooper says, is “…putting a smile on customers’ faces – with the abundance of negativity in today’s society being able to provide a moment of comfort, peace and joy is rewarding.” 

Cooper gave the Howl some valuable tips to share with those wanting to start their own business. He admits it can be scary and, “You never know what tomorrow will bring (so) move forward with courage.” 

Cooper also recommends that it’s helpful to maintain a traditional job to cover financial needs — a young business has financial pressures so having another source of income in the beginning will be beneficial in the long run. His final tip was a simple but important one:

“Constant reinvestment is a key to growing your business.” 

The longer one has a business the more changes will come related to trends, increasing demand, increased opportunities as well as learning what customers preferences are. Reinvestment to cater to changes like these will guarantee your business to grow. 

Cooper encourages students to pursue their own businesses after college and says it’s a “…wonderful opportunity to exercise your potential.” 

The ability to create a career of one’s own, based on individual creativity and passions, is something most desire in life, and it may not be as impossible as one may think. 

Figuring out what to do after college is extremely intimidating and many students have an innate fear that they’ll be stuck in a job they hate for the rest of their lives. Starting a self-owned business has many responsibilities but the benefits are all worth it. Doing something that’s easy to love every day, creating connections with others, and having the freedom to make all the decisions sounds pretty awesome to me. 

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Lección de vida de Libby y Lucie

Escrito por: Liberty Miller | Redactora de estilo de vida

Growing up, I always lent my mom out to my friends like a blockbuster movie. I remember saying something along the lines of “She can adopt you, she’s the best. She’ll cook you lots of good food and tell you what you need to hear.” 

In my eyes, that was the recipe for a loving household. To this day, I think the cure to any tough situation is a home-cooked meal and a stern talk from the legend herself. Even though I roll my eyes and huff and puff about how she’s too hard on me, she gives her advice for a reason.

Present day, my mom is subject to my constant barrage of calls and debriefs on disastrous situations — not once has she let me down. 

So, in honor of putting my mom in the print edition of the Howl, I’m going to share some of the best advice I’ve received from her and some of my best advice as well. The premise: how to be a young adult in a world that makes young adulting nearly impossible. 

Having a hard time adjusting to new circumstances, a hard job, a stressful workload or just people? Here’s what Lucie says to me: see it through, when one commits to something, it looks the best for that individual to see it through and do their best work. That way, coming out of a tough situation, they can still be confident in the fact that they did their best, did the right thing and overcame that challenge. 

So in the many times I came across a hurdle or situation that seemed unsolvable, I pulled myself up by the bootstraps and made it work somehow. This has helped me instill confidence in my ability to do hard things. Thanks, Mom. 

Unsatisfied with current employment or looking to pursue a different and more advanced career? Transferring schools or majors? Here’s what Lucie has to say about that: ONLY make lateral or upward movements. Pertaining specifically to jobs, either find a job that has equal pay and higher satisfaction or a job that pays more in a more advanced position.

This is what climbing the ladder is all about. Concerning the advice about seeing things through, it is smart, professionally, to stay at a job and do well for about 3 years, and then seek better opportunities in the future once established at the current position. 

In a committed relationship as a young adult? Learning to balance life and fun in college? Here is the best advice I’ve been given regarding that. Lucie says, first and foremost, to establish oneself as a woman/individual in the workforce before relying on someone else emotionally or financially. My mom worked and supported herself for years in Texas in the retail industry. It had its challenges, yes, but it also highlights the importance of independence and responsibility.

Asking for help from family and supporting/being supported by friends is crucial, of course, but asking for that type of support from a romantic partner ultimately doesn’t end well in a lot of cases. It’s best to have ownership of work, pride and savings to fall back on when disaster strikes. 

Speaking of family, ultimately, the best advice has been demonstrated by my mom, not just verbalized. In my culture, specifically because my mom’s side of the family is Hispanic, family is everything to us. Family will drive us insane; get on every last nerve humanly possible; argue and fight; family will also support us; help out financially; raise us; listen to us; spend Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter with us; and watch us grow up year after year. Family is there when there is nothing else left.

The best advice my mom gave to me was to value family over everything. There was a time in my life when romantic partners and friends took priority. They took my time and attention, but when all was said and done and those people eventually left, I had a family, a village to fall back on for unconditional love and support. 

There have been several situations where I’ve had to choose between family and others who wanted priority, and I’ve been steadfast in my decisions to choose my family and have been monumentally happier as a result. Whether you have close relatives or a found family, cherish them. 

Finally, the part where I share my advice. My mother raised a top-tier rebel, original thinker and troublemaker despite her best guidance, which means I have learned more life lessons the hard way than your average Joe. Therefore, all of my readers are now subject to my life-philosophy soliloquy, honed by years of making the worst decisions and somehow still ending up okay. 

How I survive life is by being honest with myself and staying true to my values. I try my best to live life authentically every day and set aside time to be quiet and practice gratitude. I forge ahead and do the things I’m terrified to do because the worst thing that can happen is rejection, which is a feeling that becomes less damaging the more I condition myself to it. I find my close friends and stick with them. I don’t change myself to fit other’s expectations or standards of what I should be and act like. I put a lot of effort into the things I care about.

When I make a mistake, I use it as an opportunity to grow and do something different. When I see an immovable wall, I find a way to crush it. I seize chances to make something that matters even when I don’t believe in myself. I have faith that everything will work out exactly the way it’s supposed to.

My words of advice are: life is too fleeting to let feelings like anxiety and fear stop someone from achieving great things. 

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Consejos de seguridad para las citas en línea

Escrito por: Taylor Duff | Freelancer

En el mundo moderno de hoy en día, encontrar el amor es más que difícil, ya que todo el mundo puede, en un milisegundo, rechazar un perfil que ve mientras se desplaza por las numerosas aplicaciones de citas. Por casualidad, navegando por estas aplicaciones, uno puede encontrar a alguien que le intrigue. Esa persona es perfecta. Es divertida y sus valores coinciden con los tuyos. El futuro parece prometedor. Llega un momento en que se consigue un pretendiente y ambos participantes sienten que las cosas van lo suficientemente bien como para quedar. Cuando se trata de citas en línea, hay que tener en cuenta algunas cosas cruciales. 

Crear un perfil - Al crear un perfil de citas, es mejor evitar utilizar fotos o vídeos de uno mismo en lugares que puedan ser rastreados o revelar información personal.

Mostrar interés - A la hora de mostrar sus intereses y datos personales, hágalo de forma clara y sutil. Sé claro sobre lo que esperas de la aplicación; esto ayuda a los demás a determinar la diferencia entre una cuenta real y una falsa. 

Discreción - Sea discreto: utilice sólo un nombre de pila o un apodo en su perfil, y absténgase de mostrar nada como un número de teléfono o cualquier otra identificación personal. 

Estafas - Cuidado con los estafadores. Internet puede ser un lugar peligroso, incluidas las aplicaciones de citas. La gente puede pedir dinero, favores personales o más información personal de la que uno debería estar dispuesto a dar. Si esto ocurre, lo mejor es desvincularse y bloquear al usuario. 

Conocer a alguien - Si le emparejan con alguien que le gusta, hable con él todo lo posible y conózcalo, ya que le corresponderá con interés. Esto también garantiza que la persona con la que se habla es real y, por supuesto, está interesada. 

Videochat - El videochat y hablar por teléfono no sólo es una forma estupenda de comunicarse con un pretendiente, sino también de sentirse seguro. 

Reunión - Si se decide conocer a una persona a través de una aplicación de citas, lo mejor es hacerlo en un lugar público durante el día, donde haya otras personas.

Tener un medio de escape - Conducir uno mismo garantiza una salida segura si las cosas se tuercen.

Compartir, compartir, compartir - Compartir el nombre de la persona, así como su perfil y el lugar en el que se pretende quedar.

Ahora, con todos estos consejos en mente, las citas en línea pueden ser seguras mientras velamos por nuestro bienestar y, potencialmente, encontramos a nuestra persona. El amor puede empezar y se acabó el swipeo. Recuerda que las citas en este mundo moderno pueden ser un cuento de hadas.   

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El café en grano te hace completo

Escrito por: Liberty Miller | Redactora de estilo de vida

Escucha mientras lees: Tom's Diner de AnnenMayKantereit, Giant Rooks

Ir a sentarse a una cafetería. Cualquier estudiante universitario -o lector de periódicos universitarios- con una agenda apretada se preguntaría qué valor tiene ir a una cafetería y sentarse sin hacer nada productiva. Sin embargo, la plaga de nuestra sociedad es nuestra incesante necesidad de estar en movimiento, realizando hazañas hercúleas en cada nanosegundo del día. 

En realidad, a veces lo más productivo es sentarse en silencio. Nuestro mundo está lleno de información sensorial, como olores, sabores y vistas. El entorno en el que nos situamos dicta el contenido de nuestra información. 

Un empleado no puede vivir realmente la experiencia de un resort isleño si se limita a tomarse una margarita a las nueve de la mañana desde los confines de su cubículo de oficina. Tienen que sentir el aire del océano, oír los pájaros y LUEGO bébete una margarita. Debemos encontrar lugares donde sentirnos en paz en medio del bullicio y la acción de nuestra vida cotidiana. Ergo, la cafetería.

¿Qué tienen los cafés que da tanta alegría a la gente? Fueron creados para la alegría. Comunidad, conversación, comodidad: los cafés. Todas las cafeterías locales tienen algún tipo de tema, probablemente obras de arte en las paredes, plantas en los rincones, asientos cómodos y muchas ventanas. Se diseñaron para que la gente se sentara y disfrutara de lo que más le gusta. 

Ahora bien, puede que esté en la naturaleza innata de marketing de estos cafés querer ser el entorno ideal para habitar, pero muchas veces es mucho más que eso: la gente crea la cultura. Por eso, cuando se está estresado, agobiado, enfadado o triste, encontrar el entorno sensorial ideal es importante. 

Y ahora pasemos a cuestiones más arraigadas que los matices de diseño de un café: el sentido del yo-necesito-hacer. Estoy seguro de que 99% de los lectores ya están infectados por esta plaga. Yo no diría que soy el modelo a seguir en la creación de momentos de atención plena o relajación, ya que me he quedado despierto hasta las tres de la mañana estudiando para los exámenes parciales, pero sí sé cómo tener una experiencia de café no productiva increíblemente productiva. 

Esto es lo que hay que hacer: ponerse ropa cómoda, llevar un libro de verdad, es decir, papel, y poner el teléfono en "no molestar" durante al menos 1-3 horas. Busca la cafetería más cercana que se ajuste a la descripción anterior y busca un sitio en la esquina para sentarte. Durante esas 1-3 horas, mira. Observa. Percibe. Observa los coches que pasan por la ventana que da a la calle. Observa cómo el camarero vierte el café expreso con nata en la taza marrón. Observa a la pareja de ancianos probar sus bollos y al niño pequeño al que le ha tocado la gran responsabilidad de pedir su propio chocolate caliente. 

Lo siguiente es probar. Saborea la dulzura del moca o la sabrosa combinación de queso crema y panecillo. En este punto, enraízate en el presente, y las fechas de vencimiento y las preocupaciones por las facturas a pagar empezarán a desaparecer. 

Pero, si no está del todo convencido, intente sentir. Sienta el calor que emana del moca, la cómoda silla que ocupa y la textura arenosa de las páginas de un libro al pasarlas. 

El último paso es simplemente ser. Este es un lugar y un momento designados para estar quietos y existir sin fuerzas externas que nos disuadan. Todo forma parte del gran esquema de simplemente existir: observar la red socioambiental que transcribe la vida cotidiana en una sinfonía. Si la taza está vacía, hay que aprender a llenarla de nuevo. La taza de café, más concretamente.

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Cheap and easy food recipes

Escrito por: Sierra Porter | Redactora

Living in a dorm room on campus has tremendous benefits like meeting new people, having access to resources for school and finding opportunities for new experiences. One thing that does not come easy is finding cheap and dorm-accessible foods that don’t require a kitchen. 

Here are three delicious dorm room food recipes that are $15 or less and are sure to satisfy one’s hunger without leaving the comfort of one’s room:


De principio a fin: 15 minutos

½ cup banana, sliced

2 tablespoons of nutella 

2 slices of cinnamon bread 

2 tablespoons sugar

1 cup cream cheese, softened 

Let the cream cheese sit in a small bowl for 8-10 minutes to allow it to soften then add sugar – and mix until smooth. Add nutella to one side of the cinnamon bread and the sweet cream cheese on the second slice. Cut the banana into smaller slices then lay them on top on the nutella side, close and enjoy. 

Recipe from


Start to finish: Overnight or 8-12 hours

½ chopped apple, or whatever fruit one prefers

½ cup old-fashioned oats

1 tablespoon raisins 

¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon 

1 cup 2% milk, or whatever milk one prefers 

Chopped nuts — optional 

Chop up an apple, or fruit of choice, into small pieces then combine all ingredients in a container or mason jar. Another option is to layer; put half of  the oats, fruit, ground cinnamon, raisins and then ½ cup of milk in one layer– repeat again for the last layer. Keep cold overnight and enjoy at one’s leisure. 

Recipe from Taste of Home


Start to finish: 5 minutes 

2 tablespoons hummus 

1 wheat or flour tortilla

2 tablespoons shaved or finely cut carrots 

2 tablespoons finely sliced cucumber 

¼ cup mixed salad greens 

1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar 

2 tablespoons of chopped sweet onion, optional 

Spread tortilla with hummus. Layer with salad greens, carrots, cucumber and onion. Drizzle with balsamic vinegar and roll up tightly. 

Recipe from Taste of Home