Mount Hood

How to prosper at your next interview

Caity Healy | Redactora de estilo de vida

Tuition, rent, utilities, groceries, internet — this just names a few of the necessary bills that many students pay consistently while trying to make being a student their priority. It’s no wonder that for some, getting a job is an unavoidable demand.

Being in a small town, it can be difficult to find work that will match all of your needs. However, it’s not impossible.

To get the opportunity to work, most times you’ll have to provide a resume, and often a cover letter, that can properly reflect who you are. When writing your resume, make sure that it is formatted in a way that will reduce the work for the person hiring you. Pick a font size that is easy to read and, likewise, pick a font that isn’t too decorative.

If you don’t have lengthy job experience, don’t let this deter you from providing a resume; name your accomplishments and volunteer experience, as well — but make sure what you mention will impress the right people. Whatever you emphasize should match the job you are applying for. Once everything is written out, try keeping it to one page.

Once you have the first draft of your resume written out, head to the Service Learning and Career Development office in the Werner University Center for further advice. There, they’ll provide help with editing, connect you to jobs, provide career advice and can even hold mock interviews. Allow them to look over your resume, and grab a handout that can point out every aspect that should be included. Make sure that your resume matches all the necessary requirements, and then include it while applying for jobs.

If all goes well, and the hiring managers are impressed with your application and/or resume, you may be called back for an interview. This is where you’ll make a real impression on the people you’ll potentially be working with; take advantage of it. Dress a step up from the job you are applying for. Always look put-together, wrinkle-free and bear a welcoming a smile that will make your interviewer feel comfortable, as well — remember, in many cases, they’re just as nervous as you are.

Basic tips for interviews include, “look them in the eye, and don’t deadfish them”, as noted by junior psychology major Kaylee DeBolt. Maintaining eye contact creates mutual respect, and a firm handshake is an impressive and necessary factor to most interviews.

Finding work, especially in a college town, is not always an easy task. Making use of the services at Western such as SLCD, can help ease that burden. Take advantage of it.


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The importance of a full night’s rest

Caity Healy | Redactora de estilo de vida

“I maybe get five hours a night,” commented first-year pre-nursing major Stephanie Oseguera. “I feel really good in the mornings and then I just crash.”

This problem amongst students at Western is all too prevalent. With seemingly never-ending to-do lists and countless responsibilities, sleep can often fall to the back burner. Priorities are made and, for many, getting to bed on time isn’t one of them. Making this a part of your routine is far more than a nasty habit; it’s detrimental to your health.

Short-term sleep deprivation has many negative consequences: drowsiness, forgetfulness, high anxiety, high irritability and decreased awareness are among the few. Regularly having nights of poor sleep, though, will do far more than the simple next day irritability.

Without proper sleep, you’re putting yourself at risk for problems such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes. It’s not just a want — getting a full night’s sleep is essential to living a full and healthy life.

According to a study done at Stanford University, the average sleep requirement for college students is well over eight hours. So, if you have an 8 a.m. class, and want to get up at least an hour before - which will also help you feel more awake and energized during class - you’ll want to be asleep by 11 p.m.

While getting to bed on time is definitely a good start, you’ll want to make sure that you’re actually getting a full night’s rest, rather than being fitful and never actually getting deep sleep. In order to do this, there are some simple steps to follow.

Do not drink caffeinated beverages four to six hours before you head to bed: no late night lattes, energy drinks, soda or even drinks such as green tea. Simply enjoy those well before bedtime.

Next — and this one is often the hardest for many — create a sleep schedule and stick to it. Unfortunately, this also includes your weekends. While it may be tempting to stay up until 3 a.m. when you know you have no responsibilities the next morning, you’re setting yourself up for failure when Monday morning rolls around. Do yourself a favor, and attempt to stick to a similar schedule everyday.

Put away all your electronic devices 30 minutes before bed; Instagram will still be there in the morning, you can check it after sending your Snapchat streaks when you get up the next day. It can wait. Dedicate those 30 minutes in bed before sleeping to unwind, relax and let your mind shut-off.

In the end, we are still human beings. Sometimes, those late night homework sessions are unavoidable. The best thing you can do to deal with sleep deprivation the next day is to make sure to stay fueled up and hydrated. Give yourself some breaks during the day. If possible, take a very brief nap. Make sure you aren’t napping too long though, or you’ll be stuck in the same cycle tomorrow.


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Eating gourmet from a mug

Caity Healy | Redactora de estilo de vida

Whether you’re an on-campus student with the desire to stay in dorm or an off-campus student on a time crunch, or you’re simply out of clean dishes, now’s your chance to practice creating these microwave masterpieces.

What’s better than a meal in a mug? It’s effortless to eat while binging Netflix in bed, or perfect if you’re on the go. Made with ingredients that are cheap and easy to keep in a mini-fridge, these recipes are foolproof for any student.

Foto de Caity Healy

Simple Scramble

Crack 2 eggs into a mug. Add about 1 tablespoon of milk and stir. Microwave for 1 minute. Add any toppings you would like — cheese is a must — and cook for another 30 to 60 seconds. Season with salt and pepper.

Inspired by a recipe found on

Foto de Caity Healy

Straightforward French Toast

Mix ¼ cup milk, 2 tablespoons of maple syrup, cinnamon and 1 egg in a mug. Take 1 slice of bread, butter 1 side if possible and rip it into bite size pieces. Submerge this in the egg mix. Microwave for 2 minutes, pausing every 30 seconds. Allow to sit 1 minute before eating. Optional: add chocolate chips for a really sweet treat.

Inspired by a recipe found on

Foto de Caity Healy

Manageable Mac n’ Cheese

Put ½ cup of macaroni noodles in a mug and pour in about 1 cup of water. Microwave for  8 minutes, checking every couple of minutes, until the noodles are soft. Add ½ cup of a cheese of your choice to the mug while there’s still a small amount of water. Heat for another minute, and stir until the cheese is melted.

Inspired by a recipe found on

Foto de Caity Healy

Cheap Chocolate Cake

Purchase 1 box of chocolate cake mix. Take out about 2 tablespoons and mix with 2 tablespoons of soda — cola or cream soda are recommended — and microwave for 60 to 90 seconds. Weird, I know, but I promise it works. Plus, you can save the rest of the cake mix for a future mug cake.

Inspired by a recipe found on


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Dear Ezi

Dear Ezi,

I’m a freshman here at Western and I was really blasé with how I dressed in high school. I am kinda working on doing a bit of a makeover! Any tips?

-New Year, New Me

Dear New Year, New Me,


First, it’s so great to be back and writing these! Now your Q: you should not change yourself a ton, be who you are and be proud of that! There is only one you and they are wonderful!

When revamping one’s style, one should always make sure one is comfortable and happy with it! With fall coming, scarves and sweaters are always a win; also cute layers work wonderfully! When slayage time is here, serve it queen! Serving it is all about confidence; half of the time I only look good because what I’m wearing is a ton of confidence! Make sure you keep a good balance in your style. Try something new from time to time, but keep it practical! Don’t go too crazy — leave that for us drag queens!


Slay it gurl!

XO Esmeralda


Got a question that you’re dying to ask Ezi? Send them to

Un nuevo camión de comida añade variedad a Monmouth

Caity Healy | Redactora de estilo de vida

Once the summer heat began to subside and students made their way back to Western, they were given a warm welcome with a sweet treat. Just down the road from campus, off the side of Main St., sits a soon-to-be student favorite: Bobablastic. Serving everything from boba tea to spaghetti and meatballs, the small truck could satisfy any craving.

With locations in Portland and Aloha, Oregon, as well as Vancouver, Washington, the restaurant wisely decided to open up shop just a block away from Western; students undeniably appreciated the proximity.

“I think it’s a good location,” commented junior exercise science major Joely Yaptangco. “There’s not a lot of good options in Monmouth (for) people who don’t have cars and it’s walking distance.”

With this newly added eatery, students now have another option to add to their list of ways to satisfy hunger. Offering numerous flavors, a wide menu, competitive prices and fairly quick service, there’s no reason not to give it a try. So, once you find time for a study break, make a quick trip to Bobablastic and indulge yourself in Monmouth’s newest tasteful addition.

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Buscando el amor en Western

Caity Healy | Redactora de estilo de vida

Ya estamos otra vez en esa época del año: el sonido de las hojas crujiendo por todas partes, el olor a especias de calabaza preparándose con fuerza y la brisa del aire fresco de Monmouth haciendo que refresque lo suficiente como para ponernos los gorros y las bufandas. Así es: la temporada de puños está oficialmente en pleno apogeo.

Para los que no lo sepan, la temporada de esposas es cuando, como lo define Urban Dictionary, "gente que normalmente preferirían ser solteros o promiscuos se encuentran, junto con el resto del mundo, deseando ser "cuffedo atados por una relación seria. El frío y la prolongada actividad en interiores hacen que los solteros se sientan solos y desesperados por estar con puños."

Es la época del año en la que todo el mundo empieza a buscar a su próximo y verdadero amor.

Los estudiantes de Western no somos una excepción en esta época; como todos, tenemos ese deseo de encontrar a alguien con quien pasar las fiestas.

Para tu beneficio, estoy utilizando mi plataforma para ofrecer consejos de un estudiante a otro sobre cómo encontrar el adecuado justo a tiempo para el tiempo de jerséis y la temporada de acurrucarse.

¿Qué mejor manera de causar una buena primera impresión romántica que dar el salto y pedirle que salga contigo? La valentía hace mucho; a menudo, la otra persona quedará impresionada por el atrevimiento que supone hacer algo así. Ten cuidado y asegúrate de hacerlo de forma educada.

Bailey Thompson, estudiante de primer año de la especialidad de educación lingüística, señaló que "no hay que gritar a la persona mientras pasas por delante de ella en tu coche", ya que a nadie le gusta que le llamen. Además, Thompson mencionó que, "si alguien te ha evitado en múltiples ocasiones, capta la indirecta". Sé respetuoso con su respuesta y busca a otra persona.

Sin embargo, no puedes planear esa cita perfecta hasta que encuentres a la persona perfecta a la que invitar a salir. Para ello, tienes que saber dónde buscar.  

En respuesta a dónde recomienda buscar citas, la estudiante de segundo año de la carrera de justicia penal Emily McKnight comentó: "Siento que hoy en día, todo son las redes sociales". Mientras tanto, McKnight señala que si se acercara a alguien en persona, "ni siquiera sabría qué decir". Así que, si quieres evitar esa incomodidad, simplemente dirígete a Tinder, Instagram, Twitter o cualquier otra forma de red social para encontrar tu cita ideal de la temporada de cuffs.

Si todo lo demás falla, no hay por qué desanimarse. Porque, en caso de duda, a todo el mundo le gusta una buena frase para ligar, ¿verdad? Aquí tienes algunas sugerencias:

"Quiero vivir en tus calcetines para poder estar contigo en cada paso del camino".

"¿Eres una fruta? Porque Honeydew ¿sabes lo bien que estás ahora mismo?"

Y por último, un favorito personal: "¿Eres un castor? Porque presa".

Con esto me despido y te deseo mucha suerte en tu búsqueda de la temporada de manguitos.

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El otoño se viste de fiesta

Caity Healy | Redactora de estilo de vida

With the start of the new term, the leaves are taking on various shades of reds, oranges and browns as they slowly flutter from the limbs by which they once hung and make their way to the ground. Fall has finally begun and it is time to celebrate.

What better way to do so than to make the place you reside reflect the environment surrounding you? Decorating for autumn is a must this season. Whether you’re living off campus or in a dorm, there’s no reason why you can’t partake in all that the season has to offer. All you have to do is put in a little work to rejoice in the beauty that fall provides.

To get started, you’ll have to purchase or make some decorations. For the best deals, head down to Dallas and take a stroll through Dollar Tree — believe it or not, their options are abundant. Everything from banners, to signs, knick-knacks and garlands are available. While you’re there, you might as well check out Goodwill and Walmart as well, as both provide a large selection of decor to choose from.

If you’re on a tight budget, that’s no reason why you can’t be involved in the fall fun; grab some construction paper, some markers and get crafty. If you happen to have extra jars or cans, cut out some Autumn-colored leaves, and paste them around the outside to create a fall-themed container.

If you aren’t a creative person, that’s okay, too. Just head to Pinterest to develop some lively ideas for creations.

Once you’ve finished making the indoors look as perfect as outdoors, you can finally throw on a sweater and some fuzzy socks, kick back with a cup of coffee or hot cocoa and make the most of the season from wherever you are.

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