Editor’s Note

By: Stephanie Blair

In light of the recent loss in our community, I felt that it was only appropriate to have our first issue of 2017 serve as a memorial for all those that were lost, both locally and globally, in 2016.

I, myself, lost my oldest brother in October and can’t begin to explain the impact that has screen-shot-2016-09-28-at-6-56-59-pmalready had on my life, let alone what will continue to happen for the rest of my life. The loss of any person is a cause for grief, but there’s a special suffering that comes when it’s someone young: someone like Alma, someone like my brother.

Grief encompasses more than death, however, because it’s a feeling of loss. Many of our students have experienced loss in the last year; loss of a loved one, loss of an idol, loss of feeling safe in our country. It’s in these seasons of intense loss that community is more important than ever.

Isolation is toxic. It feels sometimes like no one understands what’s happening in our lives but, even if that’s true, it doesn’t mean that no one can support you, can listen to you, can keep you company.

If there’s one thing I’ve found in my own struggle these past few months, it’s that community is everything. When my hometown got the news about my family’s loss, food was delivered daily to my parents, heartfelt apologies were extended; people rallied around us. I see such strong communities at Western and know that they have the same capability.

I would encourage anyone struggling this winter to join a club, pick up a part time job, start counseling, get involved at a church/temple/mosque. Do something that surrounds you with support, with friends.

Heck, if you want to come work for me, I’ll pay you and feed you pizza.

Please ask for help, even if you don’t think you need it. 2017 can be a beautiful year, but only if you’re around to see it.

Free counseling is available for all Western students at the Student Health and Counseling Center on campus; all services are confidential, and all counselors are state licensed professionals, counseling trainees, and/or graduate-level counseling interns.

A list of clubs on Western’s campus can be found on OrgSync, which can be accessed through Portal. WolfLink has all of the current job listings posted through Western’s Service Learning and Career Development Center.

Contact the author at journaleditor@mail.wou.edu