Dungeon Delving for Dummies: “Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes”

“Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes” is Wizards of the Coast most essential source book

Stephanie Moschella |‌ ‌Digital Media Manager

“Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes” stars our friendly level 30 mad mage — he takes readers through the multiverse that includes realms like Greyhawk, Eberron and more. If dungeon masters have players that are looking to be thrown into some good ol’ political intrigue, there is some rich history here that can help with that. With six chapters that contain a plethora of new lore and dozens of options regarding general gameplay, it tops it off with a large bestiary of new foes to use against players. 

The first section of the book focuses on The Blood War, which was fought between demons and devils, each attempting to grab for power. They fought a lot in the lower planes, so if DMs were going to use this in a campaign, there shouldn’t be too much concern regarding players venturing there. Unless players have a pretty sadistic DM….

A large extension to the Tiefling race was added — many subraces, additional abilities and more personality traits can be used by players. Along with multiple race variations to elves, dwarves, halflings, and gnomes, there is also an entirely new race addition — the Gith. Players would be able to play a githyanki or a githzerai depending if they wish to hone their strength or intelligence skills. 

Although the race additions and bestiary are helpful, a large portion of the sourcebook is optional information to add into campaigns. It would be useful for newer DM’s and those that want a quick fix to creating lore, but for already ongoing campaigns, it can truthfully be disregarded.

For more modern DM’s, I would not suggest using any of the lore in this book. It dives deeper into why certain races are classified as “evil” compared to others, specifically the drow and duergar. This sourcebook provides a pretty lame excuse for being blatantly racist by deeming it as “world expansion.” From Mordenkainen himself, “dwarves are neurotic.” 

Overall Review: Between the name calling and race structured personality traits, this sourcebook typically sits on my bookshelf collecting dust. 5/10 would recommend to players and DM’s alike.

Contact the author at smoschella20@mail.wou.edu

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