Don’t man up

By: Keith Mathew
Photo Editor

Man up. Grow a pair. Be a man. You’re not manly enough. We all hear those phrases said to men. What people do not understand is that these seemingly harmless phrases are destructive in nature and cause many problems in our society.keith-color

As a man, I absolutely detest the use of those phrases as it puts men in a nice little box where people want them. These comments are sexist against men, I even hear women say them. That’s right folks, sexism against men, there’s a new one.

We all hear about sexism against women but many of us overlook the sexism occurring against the other sex. I have seen my fair share of documentaries and articles about how these sexist phrases can cause men to commit crimes that many people associate with that gender.

Men are more violent than other genders because when we say, “man up” to a boy who is crying, they learn they cannot express sadness in that way. Then later in life through the social conditioning of society and media, they learn the only emotion that is expressed by their sex is anger. All these emotions, which become bottled up inside, stew until they morph into toxicity. This leads to the only outburst of emotion men are allowed to show: anger.

The box that society puts men into creates the monsters that commit horrible acts against other people. I have heard of many “fights” that have happened in high school just to show they are not afraid to punch another person “just because they can”. There is no reason for anyone to do that, it is just a feeble attempt to show you’re a “man.”

Just because it’s called the patriarchy, doesn’t mean all men have a better life. The patriarchy oppresses all people, sure it benefits men a lot more but only if you fit this mold they have made for you.

Every human being is different, so we should all treat them as an individual-not a stereotype or a generalization of their gender. In my book if you identify as a man you are a man, no matter what.