Disc golf pick-up

Bailey Thompson | News Editor

Working contentedly in the afternoon heat on Sept. 28, the members of Kappa Sigma fraternity had set one goal for themselves: to clean up the disc golf course. The seven members in attendance picked up trash and spread bark dust around the course, hoping to create a more inviting atmosphere for Western students to enjoy.

When asked what inspired them to do service projects on campus, Kappa Sigma Grand Master of Ceremonies and junior business major Andrew Wagman said that “one of our big values is service within our fraternity. Our national organization really promotes that and we really like being a part of campus.”

When it came to choose this particular project, Wagman shared that a number of the fraternity members had enjoyed having the course on campus, so they decided to “give back to the school by just making it look a little nicer. It’s always good to go out and have fun, but at the end of the day, service is important too.”

Fraternity president Brandon Linton, a senior computer science major, added that another motivating factor for Kappa Sigma was to help change the perception of Greek Life that has been perpetuated on many college campuses.

“Honestly, we’re really hoping that this can bring a better image for Greek Life on campus, because Greek Life (at Western) is… only five years old. So, we’re really hoping that this can open the community’s eyes that we’re not just the stereotypical fraternity.”

The Kappa Sigma brothers also shared how completing projects like this helps to connect them as an organization.

“It’s all about teamwork. I mean, I don’t think that just one of us could come out here and get the job done in the way that it needs to be done,” shared Linton.

“Obviously we all like to hang out,” Wagman added. “We’re all best friends with each other. But it’s always good to be outside working, just talking… it’s something to bond over.”

If students are interested in rushing Kappa Sigma, Wagman said that the best thing to do would be to contact Linton at blinton16@wou.edu or himself at awagman15@wou.edu. Even though first-year students aren’t able to rush during Fall Term, students of any age are welcome to come and talk with them to see if Kappa Sigma might be a good fit.

Contact the author at howlnews@wou.edu

Photo courtesy of Bailey Thompson