Dear Esmeralda

Dear Esmeralda,
My parents showed up unannounced at my apartment the other day. They ended up seeing my giant bong. Now they are threatening to cancel my trip to France this summer. What do I tell them to understand and let me go?

Signed,Screen Shot 2016-04-17 at 9.05.53 PM

Desperate for that Parisian Kush


Dear Desperate for that Parisian Kush,

First of all that is the weirdest name I have ever been made to read with my own two eyes, so props to you for that kitty girl! Now, I, myself, do not take part of the devil’s lettuce so I can’t say this has ever happened to me and as you may know I pretend to be French when it suits me.

However, according to my research (aka typing some jargon into Google and scanning the first result), whacky tobacky is illegal in France so, keep that in mind. One thing that should be taken into account is your age, if it’s legal for you, in our wonderful state, to partake of laganja estranja I don’t see a reason they should be mad at you. Also, at the age of 21 you are legally an adult (even if, like myself, you don’t feel like it) so, maybe politely bring that up. But, if you are still heavily reliant on them I wouldn’t do it.

As long as you can balance your own financial stuff and don’t have to start working at the Spearmint Rhino to pay for school, you should be fine. Be mature and that’ll get you through! Good luck, dear!


Contact Esmeralda Dharma LaChance on Twitter @miss_ezi or find her on Facebook with your questions on love and life!