Dear Esmeralda

Dear Esmeralda,

My roommate recently came back from a trip with a sma
ll dog. There was Screen Shot 2016-04-17 at 9.05.53 PMno discussion and she never asked my permission. I’m okay with the dog (she is a lot of fun), but I’m still mad that I never got a say. Should I say something or just learn to let it go?

Struggling with Anger


Dear Struggling with Anger,

First things first: what does your lease agreement say? That can cause all sorts of problems if pets aren’t allowed. Let’s be real … that kinda shizz gets people kicked out of their houses! So kitty girl (or should I say puppy girl?) that would be the first place I would start. As I seem to say a lot in these letters communication is key, hunty! I would talk to your roommate. Start by saying that in the future you should communicate major things like this in advance, because there’s only room for one b**** in here and you’re the head b****! Well, maybe not that last part … That part is just for some spice! Olé! The best course of action, in this humble drag queen’s opinion, would be a combination of your two suggestions. Say something and then let it go. If you don’t say anything your roommate may use this to their advantage in the future and no tea, no shade — that can ruin a relationship.

Hope this helped!
XOXO Esmeralda