Dear Esmeralda


Dear Ezi,
I had a threesome recently with the guy I’m seeing and my best friend. He clearly is attracted to her and would like to see her in a sexual context more often. My friend is not interested and there is nothing going on between them, but I still feel a bit betrayed (and extremely jealous) by his desires. I really like him but can’t seem to move past this.
Give me some advice, please!!

Jealous on Knox St.


Dear Jealous on Knox St.,
I’m liking the nickname you gave me! It fits nicely, however not as nice as the problem you gave me! Lord almighty! Well, if you read my last few advice columns you know that I am not opposed to three ways (also, congrats on the three way, queen!) Feelings are as fickle a mistress as my ex-girlfriend! Communication is key to maki
ng this work. If she doesn’t reciprocate his feelings I would not stress too much about anything physical happening, so at least you got that going for you.
As for the betrayal you are feeling … Men use both their heads to think, as I’m sure you know. Sometimes when someone is looking as fine as cherry wine they stop thinking with their top head. Now, I am NOT saying that all men do this, as there are a wide variety of sexual arousal levels for all genders. What I’m trying to say is in the heat of the moment he may not be thinking right however, if he continues to express desires for your bestie, tell him that you don’t feel comfortable with him talking like this and if he pursues the topic more call him on his s–t. If it gets bad after you’ve talked to him he may not be the one for you. Find you a man who will listen and not want to kiki (for you laymen, that means to have sexual intercourse) with your best friend. There is someone out there for everyone … enjoy your time in college and be safe! Keep slaying them, queen!
Get at me if you need to talk more!

Miss Ezi