Cocktail Corner

By: Rachael Jackson
Campus Life Editor

Bloody Marys are a brunch tradition. Though perhaps not as flashy as their sweeter counterpart, the mimosa, they remain symbolic of this late morning meal. Also going for them is their ability to squash the most debilitating of hangovers. Fight fire with fire, I always say.

Olivia, my eldest sister, loves a good Bloody Mary and as such has a quick and easy recipe. Not exactly my go-to drink because of the savory quality, there remains something enthusiastically social about the Bloody Mary that begs to be shared with close friends in large quantities.

Here is the basic recipe she goes by: Clamato (or V8), Demitri’s mix, Worcestershire sauce, and vodka.

Olivia prefers Clamato over V8 because it’s not as thick and provides a better flavor. Add Demitri’s mix (find it at the liquor store) to the Clamato, add in a few extra splashes of Worcestershire. Demitri’s has Worcestershire in it already, but add a couple extra splashes because it’s good for you (probably).

Just pour it all into a pitcher, eyeballing the ingredients and tasting the mix as you do. Add ice to the pitcher, your glass, or both.

If you’re having a brunch with friends then I suggest you all split the cost on a bottle of Kettle One vodka for your bloodies. It isn’t the economical choice, but choosey day drinkers choose Kettle One. Trust me on this.

Most importantly, unless you are some kind of animal, you will need to garnish your drink.

Some suggestions for garnishes include: bacon/salt rim, celery, bacon, jerky, shrimp, olives, pepperoncinis, pickled asparagus, pickled beets … the possibilities are boundless. We popped in fake bacon for my vegetarian roommate, even. Set up a garnish bar and have your friends ride their very own trains into flavor station.

Send your Bloody Mary recipes and pictures to the author at or via Twitter @rachaelyjackson.