Cocktail Corner

By: Rachael Jackson
Campus Life Editor

The conception of the Bromosa took place on the eve of a real intense leg day. Two bros, Calvin and Jeff, invented the drink in hopes of catching a quick 10 hours of rest before their early day at the gym. To their astonishment, the drink revived a spirit of lifting in them that they would never have been able to achieve without a dose of creatine. Note: this drink must always be shared with a bro.

Drink is best served in a chilled champagne glass.

To create the drink you will need:

  • Two bros
  • Two cans of a pale domestic beer (Coors, Rolling Rock, Budweiser)
  • A rag full of sweat from your last workout


Into your favorite protein shake bottle, add ice. Wring out the sweat rag and shake vigorously. Be sure to watch your biceps with pride as you do this. Pour the icy sweat into both glasses and add in your beer. To complete, you and your bro of choice must look deeply into each other’s eyes and fist bump over the drink. If done correctly, the fist bump will create a purple tint to the drink. It is now ready to ingested. Sleep immediately.