Club spotlight: Black Student Union

By: Paige Scofield
Campus Life Editor

Student organizations are a very important part of a college education. They allow students to branch out and find their passions, as well as meet new people and make new friends. They teach students how to organize events and meetings as well as how to work as a team.

The Black Student Union is an organization on campus that is part of Western’s University Diversity Committee. Recently, they helped end Western’s MLK Celebration Week with a slam poetry event held in Café Allegro.

Courtney Briscoe, a senior psychology major, has been a part of the Black Student Union for three years and is now president of the organization.

“The Black Student Union is a student organization that works to promote diversity around campus as well as social issues. It is meant to be a fun and welcoming environment where all members of [Western] can go to to talk,” said Briscoe.

She wanted to be very clear that this club is not exclusive, “One thing I want people to know about BSU is that you do not have to be black to be a part of it. Being part of a small ethnic group here we like to see other members of the [Western] community attend. It’s nice to feel supported by our fellow peers.”

Black Student Union has meetings every Tuesday, located in the Klamath room of the Werner University Center at 4:00 p.m. Feel free to attend to learn more about Black Student Union and your fellow peers.

“BSU is important to me, because it gives me an environment to talk to people I identify with either ethnically or socially,” said Briscoe. “It’s a place where I feel welcomed and excited to go to every week! It’s a place where I feel I can talk about issues that are dear to me and the community I am a part of, without feeling like my opinion is invalid.”
To learn more information, visit Western’s website and search University Diversity Committee.

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