Mount Hood

Let’s support our athletes

Written by: Jaylin Hardin | Sports Editor

A recent study done by Harvard found that collegiate student-athletes spend up to 25 hours or more a week on their sport — this includes practices, workouts, travel, film sessions and games or competitions. Add in the hours they put in for classes, homework and jobs, and it’s easy to see how much harder a student-athlete would have to work to maintain this.

Sophie Franklin, a senior in Western’s softball program, starts her day at six in the morning and has a combination of weight training, work, class and practice, all of which vary in time and intensity day by day.

Franklin described her mixed experiences with non-athletes on campus. One moment that stuck out to her was the time a group project was done and submitted without her and her group had emailed the professor saying she wasn’t available when she had sent them her schedule and times she was free. “It was very disheartening that the individuals in my group excluded me and I never really got a clear answer on why,” Franklin said. 

Out of 16 answers provided by Franklin’s teammates, 14 of them said they had more positive interactions with staff and students on campus.

Daniel Meade, a freshman thrower for track and field, reported similar positive experiences, but added a feeling of lack of support from the student body.

“I feel like track and field has very little support behind it. It was like that in high school, it’s not a very popular sport,” Meade said. “But it’s really sad when other teams that are not as successful get more popularity when we are extremely good at our sport.” 

Franklin lamented a similar lack of support from the student body.

A common complaint among the student body is that the “vibes” are not the same as the environment of Division One schools; however, it is the students that create that environment. Commonly, students dress to a theme, cheer and sing along with the cheerleaders and interact with the other fans in the stands. A large portion of the fun in the environment comes from the student and fan engagement. Western, however, does not create this environment at games; something that should be pushed for. 

 Western’s athletes work incredibly hard, often with only a month or two off before they return to practices and competition. They play through all kinds of weather and travel hundreds of miles in short periods while maintaining the academic standards that are required of them. As a student body, we should be supporting them much more than they currently receive.

“With softball, we try to do t-shirt giveaways at home games for home runs, strikeouts and general giveaways,” Franklin said. “Plus, we have fun music, great cheers and grand enthusiasm and love for our sport. I would love to see more students come and support us. Trust me, it’ll be worth attending!”

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Football championship accused of fraud

Written by: Liberty Miller | Lifestyle Editor

The recent Super Bowl match sparked more controversy than usual under the watchful and neurotic eyes of crazed pop star fans and disillusioned supporters of the sport. While most large, televised matches and championships typically garner a small minority of antagonistic outliers claiming that the competition was “rigged,” or that the referees were bribed to throw the game, the Super Bowl has gained an extreme amount of erratic misinformative hearsay on the topic. 

From the perspective of a non-athlete, it may seem feasible that this could be true, their inside knowledge being collected from viral internet videos like WWE and bad calls from referees. However, as an athlete, this is a gross misconceptualization of the processes behind large professional sports organizations, and it’s disrespectful to everyone involved in the administrative, coaching and athletic process. 

A player from Western’s football team, sophomore linebacker Kenny Brown, chipped in on the situation — “I did think it was super sketchy for a receiver to be left so wide open against one of the best defensive teams in the league, but it’s easy to get lost in the moment. Especially against a quarterback as special as Pat Mahomes. There were a lot of holding calls that went unseen for the Chief’s o-line, but they’ve never been called for holding in a championship game or higher. Which is kind of sketchy, but I thought San Francisco just choked in the end,” Brown said.

Any athlete would recognize that as hard as it is to correctly perform a game plan in a match, it would be even more difficult to maneuver an intricately scripted match. In a way, it would be similar to a dance performance. It’s hard to imagine pulling off a purposefully choreographed performance with five or six people, but illogical to think that is possible on a field with 22 players and six referees, much less on the national stage with a championship ring on the line. At the very least, this line of thinking is rather short-sighted and lacks perspective, and at its worst, it discredits the work of all the athletes and coaches in all teams across the league that compete for the championships, as well as disregards the administrative staff, trainers and other support careers that go into making the championships happen. Coach Cori Metzgar is the director of sports performance at Western, and had a few things to say about how these theories affect the people involved. “It completely discredits all the hard work they do, they put in so much effort, time and energy to be the best, I believe it makes a joke of all they do, which is the opposite of what they are. As a strength coach myself, if someone accused me of cheating or scripting the outcome of our season, I’d feel hurt and disrespected because I spend the majority of my life with the sole purpose of getting my athletes ready to compete at the highest level they can.” 

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Pets of the paper

Written by: Taylor Duff | Staff Writer

At the Western Howl, we love many things from spicy chips, Dutch Bros, to Harry Styles and especially our Pets. 

Gretchen Sims, our Editor-in-Chief, has Leon, a cat, who is the king of Grinch toes and has never worked a hard day in his life. One of Gretchen’s family dogs is a female Lab/Pit mix named Wehya. She’s not hungry, despite what those eyes may suggest.

Ruth Simonsen, our digital media manager, has a Mixed Bombay Cat named Okra who isn’t very bright but is more than capable of choosing violence at three in the morning. 

Libby Thoma, one of our Staff Writers, had Sam, an Anatolian Shepherd who enjoyed protecting, herding and being a big boy — he will be missed forever. Libby also has Ginny, her orange meowing cat whom she considers her therapy pal. 

Jaylin Hardin, our Sports Editor, has two cats: Winnie, a tabby cat, and Samwise, an orange cat. Winnie likes to bite toes, meow for food to be filled even when it’s halfway full and gobble and shred cardboard boxes. Samwise is so chubby that the floorboards under him creak. 

Sierra Porter, another one of our Staff Writers at the Howl, has a tabby named Jake, who would kill anyone to have fried chicken, and Blaze, a border collie with pretty brown eyes–the biggest snuggle bug ever, but forcibly places her toys between your legs so that you have play with her. 

Addie Floyd, our Head Designer, has Kalypso, a lab mix wolf. She’s a ten-year-old princess. She thinks it’s funny to snap at her other dog siblings. Addie also has Mars, an orange tabby cat who is in love with Kalypso. He gives Kalypso back massages. When he’s not giving Kyp back massages, he is sneaking out and taking bus rides to the town over with homeless people. He no longer sneaks out; instead, he has a secure catio mounted to Addie’s window. 

Quinlan Wedge is our Photo Editor and has Squid, Scout and Harper. Squid is a black cat about one and a half, a cunning demon and a perfect angel. Likes to frighten people and sits outside the shower. Adores everyone, adores food, enjoys chaos and adores cuddling in warm and cozy blankets. Scout is a 13ish-year-old Akita dog and is an elderly woman who is full of kisses. Lastly is Harper, a Saint Bernard, the legendary golden child, age six, who was abandoned by a breeder because she was too “fugly” to produce offspring.

Claire Philips is our Entertainment Editor at the Howl and has Finn and Clementine. Finn has a smart aura and an underbite that fascinates everyone. You, the couch, the walls and anything close to him will all be licked by him. He’s got all the answers, even how to make things slobbery. She also has Farley, who is afraid of his own shadow, loves to collect sweaters and can clear a dish of food like it’s no big deal. Then, there is Fiona, a country girl at heart who is only frightened of the car. She will make friends with all animals, regardless of whether it means carrying toads in her mouth. If you don’t glance at Clementine for ten seconds, she’ll yell at you. She’ll get furious with you if you don’t feed her within five minutes and meet the stereotype of the orange cat. 

Lili Minato, our fantastic Freelancer at the Howl, has Polly, her black cat. She’s about twelve and is extremely petty but also a knowledgeable old woman.

Hannah Field, our News Editor, has Lucy and Lily. Lucy is a grouchy, irritable, blind and deaf elderly woman who will also urinate on the carpet and cry out for help. Lily is a Chihuahua-Pinscher mix, who loves attention and has a fear of everything. She avoids the water. Kittens terrify her. She’s just scared. 

Liberty Miller, our Lifestyle Editor, has Cooper, a Purebred Aussie whom she claims is a felon — taken into custody for attempted murder and violence. Liberty claims Copper ran over my mother several times with just his body — a weight of 100 pounds — in all. He sports a blue eye known to us as, “The Crazy Eye.” He attacked me and several others, as evidenced by numerous videos. He’s big, fluffy and lethal. Liberty also has Lexi, who is the complete opposite of Cooper. She is a princess, head of the household and head of the global administration. She’s sassy and spotted, exquisite and flawless. 

Sophie is one of the Designers at the Western Howl and has a five-year-old Chico, also known as Cheeks, Chubbo, Chico Pants or Chico Pantalones, who is a West Highland terrier. Because he often curls up in the nook of our armchairs, we refer to him as our “armchair dog.” He is upset with the groomers, which is why he has a cut on his tongue. He notably dislikes Snoop Dogg and watches television. A true fatty, she also has an eleven-year-old Australian poodle Alex, also known as AlexBoBalex, who adores cheese. She loves strangers and my mom but hates the rest of the family. 

Lastly, there is me, Taylor Duff, a Staff Writer here at the Western Howl, and I have Bella and Cuba. Bella is my lazy half-English half-American bulldog who gives me a lot of attitude and is a real bed hog. Cuba is a half-Siberian Husky and half-Alaskan Malamute, is huge and thinks he’s a lap dog. He also loves to sing his people’s songs.   

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What do you choose for yourself

Written by: Jaylin Hardin | Sports Editor

The world is rife with standards and expectations set upon people to act and look a certain way. With social media, these end up following us everywhere: our homes, work and into academic spheres — even the classroom is not safe from the barrage of content that tells us we have to be a certain way.

Men and women are expected to align themselves with society’s views on what defines their gender. Women have to be conventionally attractive and must always perform — for men and women alike. Men have to be masculine and never show their emotions, even if their world is falling apart.

The divide goes as far as men and women having different vocabularies to describe them. A man is strategic, a woman is calculated. A man can react, but a woman can only overreact. If a man has a high body count, he’s a player. If a woman has a high body count, she’s a s–t. If a man drinks a lot, he’s an alcoholic. If a woman drinks a lot, she’s a party girl. 

But these double standards and expectations are just as drastic when it comes to hair color or even age. If you’re a blonde, you’re dumb. If you’re ginger, you must be feisty. Young people must respect our elders, but they don’t have to respect us because they’re so much older and “wiser.”

Existing is impossible. In your twenties, it’s exhausting to try and be what everyone else wants you to be, while also trying to figure yourself out. You can’t be too loud or take up too much space, because “young people these days just don’t know how to act anymore.”

Who else is tired? Because I am. Even our generation has too many expectations for ourselves, and we are often seen as the generation that is breaking the mold.

Are you low visual or high visual weight? Are you fox or bunny pretty? Are you a clean girl or a dirty girl? Try this protein powder, it’s to die for. If you like this product you must be weird, because only weird people like it.

Even clothing trends and accessories cause a stir nowadays. If anyone wears a band shirt, they have to name three songs or all the members of said band. 

For example, I once wore a Led Zeppelin shirt to class, and someone asked me to name five songs, even though they didn’t even know who Led Zeppelin was. The dude thought they were a 2000s band. But why did he expect me to know? Because if I didn’t, that made me a fake fan, someone who was just wearing the shirt for the trend.

Even industries have different standards for the people within. Female nurses are so awesome because they’re taking care of people, but male nurses? They must not be smart enough to be a doctor. A woman in STEM? You must be joking, women aren’t smart enough.

The internet is just full of other people’s opinions and standards for how people should be, and we follow these trends. Why?

Psychologist, Robert Cialidini, says that people use heuristics, or mental shortcuts, to navigate their lives. According to him, people often use one heuristic when making decisions: “popular is good.” Humans are social — in our past we used groups to survive. 

“For an individual joining a group, copying the behavior of the majority would then be a sensible, adaptive behavior. A conformist tendency would facilitate acceptance into the group and would probably lead to survival if it involved the decision, for instance, to choose between a nutritious or poisonous food, based on copying the behavior of the majority,” Julia Coultas said, a researcher at the University of Essex. 

We, as humans, have the basic survival drive to follow and belong to a group. We want to feel like we belong to that group, even at the harm of someone who is an “outsider.”

One example of this — and not to be that person who always talks about Taylor Swift — is seen in the clash between fans of Swift — Swifties — and fans of the NFL or Kanye West. The majority of Swifties keep to themselves and often do not say anything bad about other fanbases or celebrities, with the exception of the occasional mention of “what the f**k is Kanye doing?” Fans of West and the NFL? They consistently drag Swifties, even if they simply like Swift’s music.

This is consistent throughout fanbases and other groups of society. One person from one group does not like someone or something, or they behave a certain way and the majority of the group they are in follows. This is seen in athletics, book clubs and even friend groups. If someone doesn’t meet the standards or expectations of a certain group, then there is something wrong with them.

So what then? What do we do? Do we try to change society? Well, yes and no.

Society and humans are not intrinsically bad. We adapt to cooperate in society and the groups we choose. As we change, so does society. It becomes more accepting, more cooperative with one another and with diversity. But still, how do we center ourselves in the world of beauty standards and consumerism?

The best advice I can offer to break from what society expects of us is music. Music feeds our souls, it feeds our minds. Sounds are steadily connected to our memories and can trigger emotions within us when we have those neural connections. The sound of a drill at the dentist might give you anxiety. A river rushing by might bring you peace. This is what you are taking control of from society: what sounds and music trigger what emotions and feelings within you. Society and its dumb expectations cannot take that away from you.

The world around you might be loud, but take a moment. Listen. What’s there for you under the screams of expectations and standards? A birdsong, perhaps. On campus, I often hear the squirrels barking at each other, a “muk-muk” sound if you will. 

You pay attention to what you hear, not what you are told to hear.

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The death of creative writing

Written by: Gretchen Sims | Editor in Chief

Writing for fun is something that many of us have dabbled in sometime in our lives; though, for most, this hobby may have died off early on. However, as someone who entered college with a love of the written form of the English language, I have had the unique experience of watching the suffocation of creativity — while even my love and passion were slowly drained. 

While school itself can be draining, a unique phenomenon to higher education is the smothering of the creative spark. Many students leave college burnt out and reject the creative practices they once engaged fervently in.

I have not seen more stifling of creativity than in creative writing classes. One would think that this is where a student’s passion for writing would be encouraged or nurtured, but this could not be further from the truth.

I hate to say this, but it is an honest observation: professors, while they are the experts, think too highly of themselves and their work. They neglect the fact that each student will have their own style and writing process. Creative writing should be just that, but many professors force students to conform to their specific style of writing — glazing over the fact that, perhaps, their style is not the only one. 

Each student brings their own context and unique experiences into a writing class. This affects the way they tackle the project and, more importantly, shapes their writing. Professors also have their context and experiences, however, going to grad school does not automatically make their context more important. 

I have not been in a creative writing class where the professor encourages students, through their actions, to be creative with their writing — all assignments, if you want to do well, have to be written in the style and method that the professor, while often unstated, desires.

This is enough to kill even the most passionate student’s love of writing. When professors cram students into boxes, they become mindless robots, typing away on lifeless pages: this is a phenomenon I have seen far too often. 

This is not something unique to the Western writing department. Anywhere art is taught, creativity tends to be stippled out of students. By placing a grade — level of worth — onto a creative piece, the student gets a measure of “how good” they are. This can lead students, who do not conform to the professor’s idealistic standard of said art form, to become disheartened and lose passion for that which they once loved. 

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Tiktoks don’t belong in film

Written by: Lili Minato | Freelancer

Content warning: this article contains spoilers 

The original song “Sexy” starts to play as Karen Shetty — played by Avantika — appears on the screen to record a TikTok about Halloween. As she ends her video, multiple other tiktokers appear on screen singing the same song. A collage of vertical videos fills the large movie theater screen, complete with off-brand heart, share and comment emoticons inspired by the social media app. 

The film’s desired effect of relatability does not occur as the audience is vocally taken aback. The implementation of social media apps in films created by an older generation for a younger audience often does not have the desired effect on audiences. 

This trend has been prominently used in coming-of-age Netflix movies for an indulgent audience, with the hopes that it will convince children and teens alike to relate to their poorly written main characters. Now, this idea has infected the big screen. 

Ironically, the recent “Mean Girls” musical — which has been even more popularized through TikTok — has tried and failed to cater to the youth of today. While having a good chance of being a decent film, the consistent usage of social media caused the downfall of the musical. 

Hailee Carmody — a sophomore at Western — shares her opinion on the matter, “I think it (TikToks) takes you out of the movie quite a bit, especially when the phone frames the scene,” Carmody said.

Later in the film, TikToks are used once again to show the spread of Regina George’s downfall. In the clips of students sharing their grievances against George, tiktokers and celebrities — like Megan Thee Stallion — appear on screen as well. 

This causes shock within the audience — whether it be negative or positive. Carmody related to the former option, “Including tiktokers is more promotion (for the film) and I think they added nothing to the story, they were just a face,” stated Carmody.

The TikTokers that were included are popular on TikTok but outside of social media, they don’t have much of an impact on viewers. It’s simply another half-hearted attempt to relate to the target audience of teenagers.

Social media and film are the oil and vinegar of media, they never mix well. The off-brand icons and the internet slang age movies and take audiences out of the watching experience. 

Instead of its intended use of relatability, TikTok turns good films into tacky, laughable cash grabs with little substance.

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Valentine’s day is for your friends

Written by: Hannah Field | News Editor

You’re in elementary school again — nearing the final stretch of winter — it’s cold and gray outside, typical of February weather. Inside the school, however, it’s warm and cozy, with heart streamers dangling from the walls and artwork on the whiteboards. The students’ cubbies are packed with cardstock and goodie bags, a reflection of the Valentine’s Day cheer.

The holiday isn’t as easily understood by children, who have no experience with romance and its faults. They have yet to learn the cost of an expensive dinner or the difficulties of planning a perfect excursion — they haven’t had to worry about finding that flawless gift for your soulmate or even how to find a soulmate in the first place. To the children, the holiday is about candy, the color pink and friendship.

For these kids, Valentine’s Day will likely flip, the way it has for many adults, and turn into a pro-corporation, anti-single-person, couple-schmoozing money pit. Couples are expected to blow hundreds on extravagant presents, maybe even some diamond rings, and spending Valentine’s Day alone usually culminates in classic movie reruns and ice cream on the couch — Titanic, anyone?

Nobody can really be blamed for sighing at the sight of dozens of flower vendors standing on street corners during February, trying to finesse desperate men into overpriced bouquets. More than half of American adults think that Valentine’s Day isn’t a “real special occasion” and it ranks low — if not lowest — on the list of top ten favorite holidays nationwide.

Truly, how many people outright say that Valentine’s Day is their favorite holiday?

I do. Valentine’s Day, for as long as I can remember, began years ago as an event built off of love, kindness and acceptance. I was excited to appreciate my friends and classmates — and it only grew with me. I love gathering my friends and baking with them or for them, offering little gifts to showcase my respect for them. If they’re single, I make a note to do it in a more significant fashion. I try to tip waiters who work on Valentine’s Day more; I try to say “I love you” to people who don’t hear it as often as they should. 

We’ve long since lost sight of what we practiced in elementary school, blinded by money and out-doing other couples. At its core, Valentine’s Day should just be about love and peace — not competition.

Reminder: men like flowers too — they’re just waiting to be asked.

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