Mount Hood

Western has a new mobile app letting students carry campus with them wherever they go; plans for a future more advanced app are underway

Sage Kiernan-Sherrow | News Editor

Through the new MyWOU mobile app, Western’s students now have a way to carry campus with them wherever they go. As of now, approximately 1,200 students have downloaded the app, with 990 of them using the app through iOS and the rest through Android.

Director of University Computing Solutions Bill Kernan, and Web, Mobile and Systems Programmer Tony Manso are two of the people responsible for cultivating and modifying the app to give it that “Western look.”

“The idea actually started maybe 2 and a half years ago … Elucian, the provider of Banner, approached Western, Southern, Eastern and OIT and asked if we were interested in a mobile app and I said ‘we are,’” Kernan said.

MyWOU functions much like portal — students can find all of the information on portal built into the app but Kernan said, “the current portal isn’t responsive, so we are in the initial planning stages for portal 3.0 … MyWOU isn’t ever going to be a replacement for portal, but will hopefully work in a similar fashion.” 

However, unlike portal, MyWOU is customizable, more accessible for daily use and has a few unique features currently in development. 

One “cool feature is College Scheduler … (a) mobile app to do planning with. You can put your schedule in and then say ‘I want to take these types of classes’ and then it will fill it all out so you can use that when you apply for classes,” Kernan commented. That will be linked into the MyWOU app within the coming months. 

“We also have the campus map,” Manso added, “since it’s running on a mobile device, the device has GPS capability, so we could actually do things according to your location on campus, so as soon as somebody comes up with a reason to do that, we will probably have that functionality on the app.” This function could serve to give students information about events being held in different buildings on campus, or interesting fun facts about the art and architecture of Western. It’s like Pokemon Go, but for learning about the campus.

The biggest feature that has already been implemented, however, is notifications. 

“It’s really hard to get ahold of students because it seems like the current generation of traditional students that are in college don’t use email much anymore, they use social media more,” Kernan said, “we’re thinking this is one more communication tool to get information out to students in a timely manner, such as reminders that it’s time to see your advisors.”

However,  MyWOU is still in its early stages of development. 

“We’re hoping it can be a tool for success,” Kernan said, but “if students have feedback about the usability or additional functionality they’d like to see … we’ll take it to that subcommittee in UTAC and we can go from there.”

Manso concurred, “there’s a lot of possibilities … once the students get ahold of it, we need to learn from them, what they want to see it do and let them define it from there.”

For students interested in providing feedback, contact Tony Manso at


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Photo by Sage Kiernan-Sherrow

The Government proposes amending current SNAP eligibility; Oregonians and students may feel the effects.

Sage Kiernan-Sherrow | News Editor

Under the Trump administration, the Food and Nutrition Service department — a subset of the U.S Department of Agriculture — proposed a revision of the categorical eligibility in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program on July 24. The proposal called for stricter criteria when determining eligibility as well as a nationwide program consistency. It would eradicate “a loophole that allows states to make participants receiving minimal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families benefits automatically eligible to participate in USDA’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP),” according to the USDA website, and is portrayed as a system that will heretofore ensure universal fairness. 

This proposal would have a particularly strong effect on Oregonians as Oregon is the fifth state with the highest number of SNAP recipients. In 2017, 16% of Oregon’s population was reported to be on food stamps; that accounts for 681,000 individuals, of which 55% of participants are in families with children, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities’s website. Under the proposal, an estimated 35,000 families would be losing their benefits in the state of Oregon. 

This affects students at Western, too. Bilingual Advocate Outreach Coordinator and Supervisor of the Food Pantry, Lisette Servantes, as well as two of the Coordinators from the Food Pantry, Josh Salisbury and Rachel Bayly discussed food insecurity on campus and how this new proposal might affect Western’s students. 

The Food Pantry is a free resource dedicated to alleviating food insecurity on campus. 

Servantes stated, “food insecurity happens at every college and we see that need … some students are missing meals to pay for books or classes. We definitely don’t want that to happen.” Of Western’s student population, Bayly had mentioned that “monthly we average around 900 visits and 350 people … if you break it down to students specifically, about 60% of people coming in are students, so about 200 people per month.”  

However, Servantes also wanted to highlight some of the positive changes made within the Western community to address and provide assistance to those suffering from food insecurity including “a new student voucher program” where if “Western students come have a quick conversation with (her) just to assess their needs and determine if it’s more of a long-term or short-term solution that we need to find … (students) are able to get a $25 certificate to Waremart or WOU Dining.” In addition to that, there is a “new student criteria where if students go meet with the DHS representative … and state their specific intentions and career goals … that waives their student criteria, (making) it easier for students to get approved for SNAP benefits.”

As a parting thought, Salisbury commented, “In our country for college students, we expect them to sacrifice a lot to go to college in terms of time, money, and energy — you shouldn’t have to add your nutritional health to that list. I think that even if our country as a whole doesn’t support our college students as a whole that doesn’t mean that we can’t try to make a difference on our campus.” 


Food Pantry hours and information:

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Photo by Sage Kiernan-Sherrow

“Zones” are a new parking strategy created by public safety in response to affordability concerns.

Sage Kiernan-Sherrow | News Editor

Many changes have been made to Western’s campus, including a new parking system that has left Western’s students with mixed opinions.

The director of Campus Public Safety, Rebecca Chiles, released an email on Sept. 17 which introduced Western students to a newly-established parking system. Under this new system, students will be required to buy parking permits as they have been in the past, except this time there is more than one permit option. The system is based around parking zones, with  “Zone 1” — zones with higher demand — or “Zone 2 — which are zones with lower demand — representing the type of permits that students can choose from. 

Students wanting to park in higher demand Zone 1 areas will pay $150 dollars for a resident permit, a considerably higher rate than those who prefer lower demand Zone 2 areas, with their permits costing half the price at $60. Non-resident permits for “Zone 1” will cost $125, with “Zone 2” permits remaining $60. New parking rules also include free parking between the hours of 6 pm-6am, making campus events more accessible for all students. 

The email cites affordability and community solidarity as reasons behind the change. Campus Public Safety was put in charge of parking just last year, according to Rebecca Chiles, who asserted that she was charged by President Fuller with coming up with a new strategy that would prioritize “affordability for our students.” 

After attending multiple conferences including a “parking and transportation summit at OSU in March” and “talking to other universities,” Chiles stated that they were forced to accept that Western was “in the dark ages” in terms of how they were executing parking. 

Regarding the process of approval for the now newly-implemented system, Chiles said that there is “a parking review committee… (with) students on that committee,” and that they “presented the whole entire concept to them with maps and zones and layouts … and it was unanimously accepted.” 

Despite approval from the committee, Chiles cited that there have been some “growing pains” and acknowledged that there has been some lashback from students, particularly regarding accessibility. To set matters to rest, Chiles admitted that, “maybe (she had) not done a good enough job talking about disabled parking,” and wanted to clarify that, “anyone who has a state-issued government placard … can buy the cheapest permit and be able to park in any of the zones on campus.”

Chiles also expressed some frustration that there is an overall lack of understanding of the system, despite the university’s and Campus Public Safety’s best efforts to keep students informed. 

“We added a new thing on Portal this year where, to get your permit, you have to click that you have read the rules and regulations,” said Chiles, who also mentioned a brochure attached to the permit with the same information that she says often gets ignored. “We wish people would educate themselves with the materials that we have provided for them.” 

The consequences of ignoring such information can be huge, Chiles stressed. “You can get a citation… if you get enough citations, your car can get booted.” However, Chiles also encouraged students to know their rights and “take part in the appeal process” should they “believe something (has) happened unfairly.”

In the future, Chiles divulges that she would like to see the use of pay-stations on campus. She believes they would be helpful in cutting down the time spent on getting “permits for every single visitor” in a large group, something that they have to do every day. 

For the full Q&A, visit


To read the full parking rules and regulations, refer to

To contact Parking Services, call 503-838-8267.


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Photo by Caity Healy

Students may have noticed that former student involvement and outreach program Orgsync was replaced by WOU:Engage. Here’s what happened:


Sage Kiernan-Sherrow | News Editor

Fall term has ushered in many changes for the students of Western. One such change began over the summer when the student engagement portal formerly referred to as “Orgsync” was disbanded after the company was bought out by CampusLabs. Following the disbandment, a new portal deemed “WOU:Engage” has replaced Orgsync as the main mode of relaying information regarding clubs and organizations on campus. 

Students are encouraged to use WOU:Engage to “find out where club meetings are, events, updated info on clubs and organizations,” explained Megan Habermann, who is the associate director for Student Engagement. However, she noted that “it’s different (from Orgsync) in the fact that it’s a lot simpler and because it’s simpler,” adding that “it does things … more efficiently.” 

One of the previously popular features of Orgsync was the blog designed to help students connect with one another regarding subjects like finding a roommate. Habermann assures that this feature still exists and is now being called a “news post.” Students wishing to make one of these posts can find more information on WOU:Engage by following the “latest news” category and then clicking on “classified ad.” 

The function of the WOU:Engage is almost identical to the original but, as Habermann points out, there are a few unique differences. One of the primary differences is an app called CORQ which is situated within WOU:Engage which allows students to make events open to the general public should they choose to. Another difference is the ability to use filters and keywords to get more precise search results; entering in the keyword “free food” will show students every event with a free food component. Lastly, WOU:Engage boasts a “really robust form system” that Habermann remarked will become an asset to clubs and organizations as “future execs will have access to (any form created) because it will attach to your organization,” adding that there’s “no more starting from scratch.” Despite these positive changes, Habermann says that Student Engagement “appreciates feedback” regarding the site, as it is still in its early stages. To contact Student Engagement, email


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Tucky’s food truck review

Rylie Horrall | Lifestyle Editor

Tucky’s Southern Kitchen and Pantry is a food truck located across the street from City Hall in Monmouth. It’s owned by chef Brian Etienne, who opened the food truck here in early 2019.

Etienne initially wanted to create a brick and mortar style eatery that would be located in a refurbished gas station, but decided to put the idea on the back burner in order to branch out. He began doing catering along with focusing on wineries and craft breweries, however felt he was still lacking a connection to his own food.

Etienne decided to set up Tucky’s in Monmouth after moving here in December 2018. Monmouth itself houses many different small businesses that are supported wholly by the town’s locals, which is one of the things he loved about the town. 

“I’m a city boy by nature but have always held a place in my heart for country living, simpler things and that storybook small town. I felt Monmouth was that town,” Etienne said.

Tucky’s is a food truck that sells southern style comfort food that is made to “warm the heart and feed the soul,” according to their website’s philosophy statement. According to Etienne, their signature dish is all around their fried chicken ⏤  which you can get on its own, in a sandwich or combined with the mac & cheese bowls.

For first time customers, Etienne recommends both the Crazy Rooster Sandwich and the Mac & Cheese. The Crazy Rooster is a unique take on classic southern fried chicken, thrown together into a sandwich with a “light and bright” slaw and house made pickles. The Mac & Cheese is made with a gluten-free cheese sauce that’s rich and creamy. In the future, completely gluten-free mac & cheese will be available.

Tucky’s offers a secret menu that gets posted only to their Instagram, however Etienne prefers for the secret menu items to be passed around through people, saying that it’s more fun that way. A previous item they had on this menu was the Wolf Pack Attack, which is a 10” tall burger made with grilled mac & cheese buns, meatloaf, barbeque, pulled pork, sweet onion jam, sriracha pimento cheese, fried chicken skins and house pickles served with a five cheese dipping sauce. Currently, there’s no new secret menu items, but he hopes to have some more in the near future.

Along with serving food, Tucky’s also gives back to the community through drives and small things for customers. Right now, they offer a Redemption Card program that allows customers to get discounts on their food. In addition, Tucky’s will also be doing a Food for Food program where customers will get a discount on their meal in exchange for donating non-perishable foods that will be donated to Western’s Food Pantry. 

“I am all about giving back to my community,” Etienne said. “We always post on social media our current goals or drives we create to give back.”

Tucky’s can be found on Instagram with the handle @tuckyskitchen, on Facebook and on their website The business is open Monday–Friday from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. while supplies last.


Contact the author at

Photos by Cora McClain

This week in completely made up horoscopes

[fruitful_tabs type=”accordion” width=”100%” fit=”false”]

[fruitful_tab title=”Aries 3/21-4/19″] Second week, you’re already wishing school was done… but wait, there’s more.


[fruitful_tab title=”Taurus 4/20-5/20″] Only one week in, and you’ve already lost all your new pens and pencils huh, Taurus? [/fruitful_tab]

[fruitful_tab title=”Gemini 5/21-6/20″] The stars know you’re not really into school spirit, but would it hurt you to say “’Sco Wolves” every now and then? [/fruitful_tab]

[fruitful_tab title=”Cancer 6/21-7/22″] I know you’re full of salt, Cancer. Just remember that some people are slugs. [/fruitful_tab]

[fruitful_tab title=”Leo 7/23-8/22″] It’s time for some “you time” — eat a burrito if you need to. [/fruitful_tab]

[fruitful_tab title=”Virgo 8/23-9/22″] Do you have all of your notebooks color coordinated for classes? Of course you do, you’ve had this planned for weeks. [/fruitful_tab]

[fruitful_tab title=”Libra 9/23-10/22″] You’re still mad that someone stole your seat, even though it’s only the second week of class. [/fruitful_tab]

[fruitful_tab title=”Scorpio 10/23-11/21″] Should you have listened? Maybe. Did you? No. [/fruitful_tab]

[fruitful_tab title=”Sagittarius 11/22-12/21″] Don’t forget to drink water responsibly. [/fruitful_tab]

[fruitful_tab title=”Capricorn 12/22-1/19″] Do you remember? The 21st night of September? Of course you don’t. [/fruitful_tab]

[fruitful_tab title=”Aquarius 1/20-2/18″] You wish you had that Beyonce vibe right about now… But you don’t. #farfetcheddreaming [/fruitful_tab]

[fruitful_tab title=”Pisces 2/19-3/20″] Me: Just trying to get through Week 2.



Navigating Handshake and career help

Rylie Horrall | Lifestyle Editor

During my first year of college here at Western, one of my biggest concerns was trying to find a job on campus. I had only worked two jobs in my lifetime, and the idea of applying for one in a new and unfamiliar area was extremely nerve-wracking. Luckily, I was able to find one ⏤ but it didn’t pay much, which lead me to try finding other opportunities here on campus.

Handshake is one of the options all students have available on their Portal accounts. It’s an easy opportunity to see the events happening not only at Western, but at many other public universities in Oregon. Setting up an account instantly provides suggestions for jobs and internships in Monmouth and surrounding areas.

To access Handshake, students need to log into their Portal accounts. Once in the system, click the icon that looks like a wolf’s head labeled “WolfLink” in the row of icons in the left corner. This will redirect students to the website where it starts creating the account. Fill out each question and section completely, and Handshake will bring up suggestions based on the completed profile. 

If you have any trouble with Handshake, you can head over to the Service Learning and Career Development Center (SLCD) located in the Werner University Center in room 119 on the first floor. The SLCD is a not only a great resource for Handshake, but also for anything pertaining to job searches and post-graduation career preparation. 

One option the SLCD has available to students are mock interviews, which have proven helpful. Jennifer Hansen, the career development coordinator, stated the mock interviews were helpful to students who may fidget during interviews but were unaware of it. 

“(It’s) something that we can point out so that the employer can focus on your answers and your personality, as opposed to whatever that tick may be,” stated Hansen.

The SLCD is open from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday – Friday, and provides times from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. for anyone to drop in and have resumes or cover letters reviewed.


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