Campus is blushing


By: Brianna Bonham 
Staff Writer

Pink is the official color to promote breast cancer awareness. Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, Western decided to name Wednesday, Oct. 14 Pink Out day, on which students are told to wear pink.

According to, 231,840 women are expected to develop new cases of breast cancer in 2015, and 40,290 of those cases are expected to result in death.

Many students are affected by breast cancer in some way, and Pink Out day is a day to raise awareness and ask questions about something so insidious and impactful.

“Breast cancer awareness is very important to me because I had a mentor that became ill with breast cancer. It was scary to watch someone I look up to go through that,” said Daniela Diaz Rodriguez, a first year elementary education major at Western.

When asking Brayde Rothe, a first year majoring in public policy, what hope meant for him as his mother went through treatment, he replied “It means survival. I’m glad we have a day for it because I was told by the doctor to give up hope. Never give up hope.”

When asked what advice he would give to someone dealing with breast cancer, either personally or by affiliation, Rothe replied, “Always think the glass is half­full, there’s always the next day and the day after that … As long as you stay hopeful, everything is going to be okay.”