A blast from the homecoming past

By: Paige Scofield
Campus Life

Throughout the years, Western has held homecoming as a pivotal experience to have and enjoy while in college. It’s a week full of entertainment, unity and memories. Homecoming allows you to take a break from your studies and have some fun. You meet new people, experience new things and get to know your school better.

Over the years, Western has been steadfast in keeping up with the traditions of homecoming. Bonfires, powder-puffs, powder-tuffs, homecoming courts, homecoming football games and all the festivities in between, have been keeping the students at Western entertained for decades. According to Jerrie Lee Parpart, archives and exhibits coordinator at Western, this week of celebration used to be called Alumni Day, but later the term “homecoming” became popular.

Homecoming has been occurring at Western for over 100 years. Let’s go on a homecoming blast from the past with these photos of former homecoming events between 1980-2015. If you’d like to view more past activities of Western homecomings, visit the homecoming exhibit on the second floor of Hamersly Library.

Contact the author at journalcampuslife@wou.edu