Mount Hood

Editor’s Note

Stephanie Blair | Editor-in-Chief

To the first-years, still fresh on our campus — welcome. To the already soul-sucked returning students — welcome back.

As the horror show that is 2017 begins its final quarter, we return to classrooms with two Wolves already having passed away. A heartbreaking trend our school has developed recently: one that I wish we could shake.

However, there is, as always, hope. I truly believe that the students of Western Oregon are, if nothing else, intrepid. We come together in times of hardship and tragedy, in times of celebration and joy — or both, during homecoming weekend.

I have high hopes for the year as a whole, even if I don’t have it in our football team, who will be facing Azusa Pacific on Nov. 4.

In the coming nine months, my final three terms at Western, I will be working with our incredible staff to produce a publication that scrutinizes The Man — whether that be the president of our nation or our school. The Western Journal will pursue the true and pertinent information that you, the reader, have a right to know.

I have a tendency to chase truth like a dog after a rabbit, a habit I’ll do my best to instill in each and every staff member of The Western Journal before I leave our campus for good.

And we’ll have fun.

This year we’re introducing the Lifestyle section, something of which I’m sure a number of my predecessors would disapprove. I, on the other hand, think that this is the content that our paper is missing. I’m a self-proclaimed news junkie and will badmouth sites like Buzzfeed any day of the week, but I still click on their articles when a friend posts one on Facebook — I need to know what Starbucks drink I am based on my zodiac sign.

With luck and patience, we will strike a balance of hard news and lighthearted content. In this political climate, I think that’s exactly what our students need. If it’s not, feel free to let me know. As a student-funded publication, independent from the university’s administration, our loyalty and duty is to Western’s student population.

So, welcome to a new year at Western. Come join us for another round.

Murderers, Vampires, Demons, Oh My

Alexandra Martin | Entertainment Editor

October is nearly upon us and what better way to get in the spirit of Halloween than brushing up on those spooky tales that have helped shape this holiday into what it is. Most of us grew up with some experience hearing campfire legends, folk tales and ghost stories, or things of the like.

Whether these venues for inspiring fear are the design of an active imagination or a tool to encourage youngsters to avoid the darkest part of the woods on the edge of the park, they have deeper origins than most begin to consider.

Hollywood has banked millions on the fear of things unknown, many of these being cinema blockbusters, late-night television shows or book series’ such as, “Goosebumps,” “The Changeling” starring Angelina Jolie or the classic Nickelodeon series “Are You Afraid of The Dark?” While these examples may incite some nostalgia for a simpler time, when Hollywood Video was still the place to go for newly released movies and the public library was a frequent haunt, a new form of media is on the rise providing a grander scare than ever before.

“Lore,” a podcast dictated by Aaron Mahnke explores the deepest, darkest depths of history, exposing the origins of cinema’s and television’s beautifully haunting entertainment.

Beginning in 2015, Aaron Mahnke, the producer, host and creative mind behind the award-winning podcast, delved into the campfire stories that, for some, have haunted us into our adulthood; the stories that raise the hairs on the nape of your neck when venturing for a late-night glass of water and instigating a personal conversation like, “Hey there demons, it’s me, your boy. Please don’t chase me up the stairs like last time.”

Mahnke covers those age-old tales that had you convinced in childhood that the boogie man lived in your closet, vampires were a certainty and the old lady next door was most definitely possessed by something other than the Christmas spirit.

There is a unique element of Mahnke’s storytelling that sets it apart from those blockbuster hits and spooky campfire legends. Mahnke works with a team of people to research each and every subject of the podcasts, unearthing folklore from around the world; providing not only a bone-chilling, blood-curdling tale, but a petite history lesson as well. Mahnke covers such infamous celebrities such as: H.H. Holmes, Lycaon the son of Zeus and The Elephant Man. Who says learning can’t be fun? Did I mention that it’s free?

Through the success of “Lore,” having won Best of iTunes 2015 & 2016, Mahnke has also written a book which is due to come out this October entitled “The World of Lore: Monstrous Creatures.” To further augment his ever-growing brand, Mahnke is also collaborating with Amazon Prime to produce an exclusive mini-series that will premiere on—yep, you guessed it— Friday, Oct. 13.

“Lore” is broadcasted every two weeks on Mondays through Apple podcasts. Personally, I am waiting with bated breath for the mini series to come out. October and Halloween are positively my favorite times of the year and there is nothing I enjoy more than a good scare, but you can be the judge. “Lore” is worth giving a listen, watch or read; if not for the stories, then for the soothing, evocative voice of Aaron Mahnke to lull you into a slumberous, nightmarish sleep.

Contact the author at

Summer campus improvements

Sam Dunaway | News Editor

As the seasons change from summer to fall, and students gear up for another new year, some may notice a few improvements to Western’s campus. One notable change is the merging of Caffe Allegro and Wolf Express; the retail items that were previously located in Wolf Express will now be found in Caffe Allegro in addition to the café drinks. The only revision to the coffee menu is the smoothies which will now only be found at The Press in Hamersly Library. The location that was previously Wolf Express will be reconstructed into a meeting room named the McKenzie Room. Similar to other spaces in the Werner University Center, the McKenzie Room will be available for club or group reservations and events.

Another noteworthy addition to Western’s campus: the new Student Health and Counseling Center. Located on Monmouth Avenue across from the library, the new center has more medical exam rooms, larger lab areas and an increased number of counseling spaces compared to its previous location. With increased space comes the expansion of services provided by the SHCC, including the renewal of the CCare program, which will provide free contraception and preventive care for students. The official grand opening of the Student Health and Counseling Center will take place on Oct. 2.

Big changes are also coming to the Oregon Military Academy. Money was received to carry out essential renovations to the building and big decisions are still in the works. According to a State of the University Address given by President Rex Fuller in September 2017, it is likely that part of the building will house the Admissions and Financial Aid offices. The vision also includes a “living and learning” area to host visiting groups. According to President Fuller, “the building affords the campus a unique opportunity to develop space that will assist our efforts to provide conferences focused on such things as first-generation enrollments and graduate certificate programs.” These changes are scheduled for the 2017-19 biennium.

Visit for more information on campus renovations and university planning.

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Upcoming performances in a town near you

Alexandra Martin | Entertainment Editor

Take off those Ugg boots and put down that pumpkin spiced whatchamacallit that you’ve waited for this whole year; grab your dancing shoes and prepare yourself for a musically filled fall to remember. Sure, the autumnal weather may have taken a bit of pep out of your summer swagger, but that doesn’t mean we can’t keep the music turned all the way up to 11 until the winds change. Here are some concerts, events and performances coming to a city near you that are sure to satiate even the most particular aesthetic appetite:


Monmouth, OR:

Sept. 29, 2017: The Ladybugs at Rice Auditorium

Oct. 6, 2017: BodyVox: BloodyVox at Rice Auditorium

Oct. 6, 2017: Laser Tag in Ackerman Grove

Oct. 13, 2017: Tom Bergeron Brasil Band featuring Choro Das 3 at Smith Music Hall

For more information on these events please visit:

Portland, OR:

Oct. 3, 2017: Bleachers-Gone Now Era-Part 1 at the Roseland Theatre (

Oct. 3, 2017: Nekromantix at the Hawthorne Theatre (

Oct. 3, 2017: Lil Peep-Come Over When You’re Sober Tour at the Wonder Ballroom (

Oct. 4, 2017: DOPE at the Hawthorne Theatre (

Oct. 4, 2017: Damian “Jr. Gong” Marley at the Roseland Theatre (

Oct. 5, 2017: HelloGoodbye at the Hawthorne Theatre (

Oct. 7, 2017: MAX at the Hawthorne Theatre (

Oct. 8, 2017: The Menzingers at the Hawthorne Theatre (

Oct. 8, 2017: The Shins at the Roseland Theatre (

Eugene, OR:

Oct. 29, 2017: Jimmy Eat World at the McDonald Theatre (

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A summary of summer

Alexandra Martin | Entertainment Editor

Being on the “Path of Totality” undoubtedly put Oregon on the map this summer, casting a bit of a shadow on the events—no pun intended—that came before and after the once in a lifetime occurrence around the state and the nation. Across the United States, this past season was not only filled with long hot days, but, at the risk of sounding cliché, hotter and longer nights.

Burning Man, the Superbowl of self-proclaimed “radical” festivals held in Black Rock City, Nevada is one of the grandest festivals of modern day. This festival is one that will surely cost a pretty penny; around 425-1200 of them to be exact according to Aside from the cost, Burning Man is one of the few festivals that promote community, self-reflection and the free exchange of goods and services. This freedom is something that draws people from all walks of life to attend each year.

Another lighthearted event that took place this past summer was based out of Veneta, Oregon. The Oregon Country Fair shares a similar outlook as Burning Man, being one of the state’s most artisanal and free-spirited events. Riddled with music, puppeteers, dancing and an assortment of other liberated happenings throughout the three-day festival; it is something every Oregonian ought to experience in their lifetime.

From quirky alternative to funky blues comes the Waterfront Blues Festival in Portland, Oregon. An annual 3 to 5 day engagement, this festival is unlike others in that it is held in the heart of the city. But once inside the gates, a person tends to forget the hustle and bustle of the city life surrounding them and is immersed in those rhythmic, soulful, funky beats that almost no one can withstand enjoying.

Of course, these are just a couple examples of where this past summer has taken us. Naturally, one thing is always certain: next summer will undoubtedly be just as, if not more, spectacular.

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New Student Week provides a warm welcome for incoming students

Photo by Amber Glinski
Sam Dunaway | News Editor

New Student Week kicked off with the Sunday night Play Fair. Hundreds of new students gathered in the gym for ice breakers, ultimate rock-paper-scissors, dancing and group selfies. The evening ended with the traditional “W” group photo in the New PE Gym.

Monday’s activities included a convocation featuring Monti Washington. Washington shared his story about growing up in and out of foster homes, spending nights on the streets and being the victim of emotional and physical abuse at a young age. His story was impactful, inspiring and it encouraged students to be themselves and embrace their story.

One of the biggest hits of the week was the Dating Doctor. David Coleman offered real advice about dating, relationships, pickup lines and love.

Maura Cullen has been speaking to Western students for 25 years. Her program, “Toto We’re Not in Kansas Anymore,” explored issues focused around gender, race, sexual orientation, socio-economic class, age and religion. It’s aim was to lead students to recognize why they discriminate against others and what each person can do to create a more inclusive and diverse community.

The Student Orgs and Activities Fair on Wednesday provided an opportunity for new students to find ways to get involved on campus. Organizations ranging from student government, club sports, religious organizations, fraternities and sororities were in attendance. Students had the chance to sign up to volunteer, find out about club meetings and events and learn more about starting an organization on campus.

As new students begin to explore an unfamiliar environment, it’s important to talk about the use of alcohol in an appropriate and safe manner. The “Shot of Reality” program focused on safe drinking habits, education on the dangers of alcohol and how to take care of a person who has had too much to drink.

A unique New Student Week tradition premiered on Friday — the New Student Sunrise. Students made their way to the McArthur Stadium bright and early to gather and experience the rise of the sun as their first year of college began. This chapter of life comes to an end near graduation when the students gather again to watch the sunset, perfectly bookending their college experience. This event, hosted by the Student Activities Board, is expected to become a lasting Western tradition.

A study done by Jeff S. Howard from East Tennessee State University found that students that participate in orientation like New Student Week are more likely to stay at the university all four years, earn higher GPAs, and feel more connected to the university than those who didn’t. The purpose of New Student Week isn’t just to welcome Western students to campus, but also to make a meaningful impact on their college years and give them the tools they need to be successful throughout their career as a Western student.

From everyone at the Western Journal: good luck all new and returning students, and have a great fall term.

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