Mount Hood

Don’t freak out: ShakeOut


By: Zoe Strickland
Managing Editor

shakeout-colororegon-govOn Thursday, Oct. 20 at 10:20 a.m. Western will be one of the many locations around the world participating in the Great ShakeOut. The Great ShakeOut is an international earthquake preparedness drill. The drill emphasizes the three basic steps in earthquake safety: drop, cover and hold on.

Interested in participating? An email sent out by Campus Public Safety informed students about how they can do their part in the drill, “You will receive a WOUAlert if you are signed up for the service … When you receive the alert, we would like for you to immediately ‘Drop, Cover and Hold On’ for the next few minutes. Then, we would like you to exit the building a go to a pre-determined meeting place. Building Managers will be able to fill you in on the evacuations plans for a building,” said Rebecca Chiles.

According to the Oregon Department of Geology and and Mineral Industries, earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest can create a significant amount of damage, even without being high-magnitude. With the Cascadia subduction zone 216 years overdue for an earthquake, it’s important to be prepared.

You can find out more about the Great ShakeOut by visiting

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New contract provokes Portland protests

By: Zoe Strickland
Managing Editor

On Wednesday, Oct. 12, the Portland City Council announced that they had approved a new contract with the Portland Police Department. The contract was approved in a 3-1 vote. This decision led to a protest breaking out in front of City Hall, which resulted in Police officers pepper-spraying and arresting protesters. Don’t Shoot Portland held another protest on Friday, Oct. 14.

Police body cameras have been increasing in usage due to the growing amounts of police brutality being reported. The recent contract approval is viewed by some as problematic because it, “follows a controversial tentative contract agreement that referenced giving officers the right to review body camera footage before writing incident reports in all cases except fatal shootings … The contract that passed did not include the body camera provisions, which are being separately negotiated with police and would be open to public input next year,” reported an article in the Los Angeles Times.

The protest held outside of City Hall on Oct. 12 resulted in the arrest of 10 protesters and the promise that there would be another protest later in the week. The subsequent demonstration on Oct. 14 was held as a way of protesting the police brutality that occurred at the Oct. 12 protest.

“This could set incredibly dangerous precedent as the Mayor attempts to lock out the community in order to fast track through a corrupt contract. We as a community can not let this continue,” reads the Don’t Shoot Portland Facebook page.

The event involved protesters marching towards Oregon 99E and blocking the road, eventually moving on to protest and camp out in front of Portland Mayor Charlie Hales’s house. Protesters are seeking the resignation of Hale.

“Since he didn’t want us at City Hall, we took it to his house,” said protest organizer Gregory McKelvey in an interview with The Oregonian. “If we can’t be comfortable you can’t be comfortable.”

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Get in the spirit

By: Alyssa James

We’re in the midst of October and Halloween is right around the corner! Nothing is more exciting than participating in Halloween rocky-horror-colorimdb-comevents to celebrate the season. Whether it’s just stopping at a pumpkin patch to get doughnuts and cider, or going through a haunted house, there is an event for every type of person! This year there are a few events that are definitely worthy of checking out.

“The Rocky Horror Picture Show” is being shown at the Majestic Theater in Corvallis on Oct. 21 and 22. If you’re into a fun interactive experience, this is the event for you. There are two showings per day: one at 6 p.m. and another at 11 p.m. Tickets cost $15 and can be purchased online at

Another event on Oct. 22 is the annual Zombie Walk that is taking place in Salem. It begins at 6 p.m. on the State Capitol Building steps and ends at 9 p.m. at Taproot. This is a free event. People dress up like zombies and go creeping around the town with their fellow zombies.

The Grand Theater in Salem is putting on a movie night Oct. 30. They will be showing “Hocus Pocus,” a movie in which two kids explore an abandoned house and accidently release three witches, the Sanderson sisters. This is a classic Halloween movie starring Sarah Jessica Parker, Kathy Najimy and Bette Midler. It is being shown at 2 p.m. and costs $5 for admission. This event is all ages and sales are at the door only.

If you’re up for it, Halloweentown in St. Helens has many events going on. On Oct. 22 they are having a Bonfire and Bones Goth Extravaganza with DJs Owen and Aurora. This dance has other activities you can participate in such as a costume contest, haunted house and door prizes. It is $10 and all ages. Tickets are available online. Going to St. Helens to see the town all decorated for Halloween with the giant pumpkin is a sight to see. Check online to see what other events are happening there this year.

With midterms right around the corner, these are all great ways to go out, give your mind a break and relax a little. Happy Halloween!

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No one lets the dogs out


By: Ashton Newton
Entertainment Editor

Homecoming week is here, and while I’m looking forward to all the fun activities planned, I can’t help but be a little upset over the lack of equal species representation in homecoming sports.

There’s powder-puff football and powder-tuff volleyball, but where is the inclusion of our dogs with powder-ruff soccer? Sure, they might just run around and not play, but that’s still adorable.

Even more so, there isn’t even a powder-fluff laser tag for our cats. It’s common knowledge that cats love lasers, so nothing would make them happier than an event full of them. Think about the cats.

Animals of Western brighten our days and make us feel happy, so why do we exclude them from sports that would be both fun for them and adorable for us? It’s unfair for everybody involved. I’ll be the first to tell you that my sweater-wearing cats are very upset about not being involved in this year’s events.

This is just one example of a much larger problem in today’s society; our animals want to be involved. Clothes and costumes for animals are a step in the right direction, but bringing them into our most exciting events should be the standard. Just take the annual Puppy Bowl each year on Superbowl Sunday. That is so far the biggest step forward to animal representation, and Western should try to follow its example.

I know that my cats and dogs and I aren’t the only ones upset about this. Western students with animals must feel the same way. We have the power to change things, along with our animals we need to stand up for equal species representation in homecoming sports, because not only are animals a part of Western, they’re a part of us.

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The other side of Shkreli


By: Darien Campo

The Daraprim price hike scandal was one of the most talked-about stories of 2015, cementing former Turing CEO Martin Shkreli as the “bad boy of big pharma.” Daraprim, a drug used to treat infections in HIV-positive individuals, was purchased by Turing pharmaceuticals in early 2015. In September of the same year, CEO Shkreli increased the market-price of Daraprim from $13.50 a pill to $750 a pill, causing a 5000 percent increase.

The price change was immediately criticized by pharmaceutical companies, running presidential candidates, and all of mainstream media. Through this long campaign of skewering headlines and viral media, Martin Shkreli has come to be known to the public as the new face of greed and the evils of capitalism.

It’s almost embarrassing how quickly everybody (including myself) accepted Shkreli as the bad guy and worked together to lambast him online. Mainstream media and clickbait headlines don’t tell the whole story, and so over the last year Shkreli has taken multiple opportunities to explain and defend his actions as the head of Turing. After taking the time to hear the story from Shkreli’s point of view, I found that my opinion on him did a 180. I’m not here to say that what Shkreli did was right, but if you hate the man, it should be based on fact and not sensationalism.

“I think the idea that I represent pharma is insane,” Shkreli stated in a January, 2016 Vice interview. “I don’t like most drug companies, I think most of them do a bad job-I think that I’m different.” He justifies his company’s decision, saying that the price hike only affects large corporations and not innocent users.

“We sell our drugs for a dollar to the government; but we sell our drugs for $750 a pill to Walmart, to Exxon Mobil, to all these big companies, and they pay full price because f— them, why shouldn’t they?” The higher price only applies to larger corporations whom Shkreli deems to be the true super-villains of the pharmaceutical world. Those profits are then used to fund Turing’s research and development division: developing newer, cheaper and safer drugs.

In fact, Shkreli brags that Turing spends more revenue on research and development than any other pharmaceutical company in the country: 60 percent of their revenue, in fact, versus the standard 15 percent. In an interview on CNBC Shkreli revealed that Daraprim is far from perfect and that Turing hopes to replace it with a more efficient drug.

Even after its price hike, Daraprim is one of the cheapest drugs on the market, even though it treats one of the rarest infections around. The illness that Daraprim treats is so rare that Shkreli claims most hospitals will never even need the drug but, just to be safe, Turing offers a smaller, cheaper bottle of the drug that hospitals can use to stock up with.

Shkreli and Turing Pharmaceuticals have done everything they can to make Daraprim one of the most highly available drugs in the country. He claims that most of their stock of the drug is sold off for only one dollar; if somebody can’t find or afford Daraprim, all they have to do is contact Shkreli and he will personally give them a free supply of the drug.

Martin Shkreli does not regret his decision to raise the cost of Daraprim. “If that’s the price I have to pay to find a new medicine for dying kids, I’ll raise it even more.”

“With respect to Daraprim,” lawyer Benjamin Brafman told the press after Shkreli’s infamous congressional hearing, “I think you will see he has saved many many lives with his brilliance.”

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Dear Esmeralda

Dear Esmeralda,
Screen Shot 2016-04-17 at 9.05.53 PMI’m a freshman bisexual girl and I have a big problem with relationships. They make me feel awkward. I don’t like holding hands and the mushy-gushy stuff hurts my soul. I’m asking for help to come out to my parents and also what I should do about not liking relationships. Am I the only one like this? I told my friend once, and she was really confused.
Confused in the Closet

Dear Confused in the Closet,
You have written to the right drag queen on this kitty girl! First of all, there is no rush in coming out to your parents. This can be one of the hardest things to do! Take a deep breath and, if possible, talk to them in person. I know it can be harder than a go go dancer’s abs but it will make you a happier person in the long run, for better or worse!

As for not liking relationships, this is easy as pie! There are many layers to an LGBTQ+ identity (not unlike onions)! There is romantic orientation, sexual orientation and, finally, gender identity! For example, I have this friend, (they are kinda a goofball and annoying but I love them anyway) whose full-blown identity is panromantic-grey-asexual-genderqueer. This means they are romantically attracted to all genders of people but rarely experience sexual attraction. No tea, no shade, no pink lemonade hunty, but it sounds like you could be the flip of them. You could be an aromantic bisexual. Be very careful to note the difference between aromantic and aromatic. One means you don’t experience romantic attraction and one means you have a smell about you.

To wrap it up, you are never alone in your struggles. Visit the Stonewall Center on campus or attend Triangle Alliance.
Please, if anyone out there has questions about their orientation ask the folks there or even bug me about it! Best of luck my dear!


Campus Voices

By: Ashton Newton,
Entertainment Editor

Question: Would you go to Mars?


billyann-colorYes, because I might meet a Martian and we could have an epic love story and it would be great.”
Billyann Stempel, sophomore, education



“Yes I would like to go to Mars. I’ve always gael-color
een interested in other planets and Mars is one of the possible planets we could go to, so I think it would be kind of cool to check it out and see what I could do.”
Gael Marin-Valdez, senior, exercise science/pre-education




nathalie-bw“No, I’m very terrified of the unknown, I think. It would be a very cool life changing experience but I’d be too afraid to not come back that I wouldn’t.”
Nathalie Olds, senior, communication





“No because I don’t really know what’s out there. We can be told what’s in space but it’s not trusted.”
Karissa Torres, sophomore, criminal justice


“I actually signed up for the Mars colony program in 2005, unfortunately diabet
es disqualified me. Why, because frankly I’d like to get the hell off this planet and away from everybody.”
Devin Shill, senior, education



“Probaly not because one-the time to get there, two-I have plans for my life and three-I’m not an astronaut.”
Katelynn Van Gelder, sophomore, English