Mount Hood

Jason Slowey on NFL and Western

Written by: Liberty Miller | Lifestyle Editor

In a recent interview with Jason Slowey, the Howl Sports Network delves into his experience of being one of three Western players in history to be drafted into the National Football League. The exclusive interview was held on April 24, 2024 — the 12-year anniversary of Slowey’s original NFL prospect interview with KOBI-TV on NBC5. The original news story featured a 23-year-old Slowey in his senior year at Western. Slowey is now 35 years old and, among his other accomplishments, secured a position at Sacramento State University in 2023 as their newly minted rush ends coach. 

Slowey’s interview with KOBI-TV walked viewers through a regular day in the Western football program. After a short tour of his house and pre-workout routine, the video pans to the weight room beneath the football stadium and a quick clip of the track. 

During the filming of Slowey’s power cleans and single-arm dumbbell bench press, he shared that “It’s hard for a lot of people to start something when they’re not good at it, and that’s why people quit things. They start it and they’re bad, then they’re done — but you can get past that.” 

He explained that, at the time, Western didn’t have a sports performance coaching staff, so the program coaches were responsible for lift programs. “Coach Ferguson was our weights coach. We didn’t have Cori Metzgar until my senior year — she’s actually a good friend of mine now — so Coach Ferguson was in charge of the weights programs and what we did in the weight room.” 

Slowey was recruited straight out of high school in 2007 and spent his first year in the program as a redshirt, meaning that he had little to no game competition and was measured on his performance in the weight room. 

“So, the first day we came into weights, and Coach Ferguson did this challenge with the team where we had to bench press 225, as many reps as we could. I only did three reps. I was the weakest player in the program, but I just took that as an opportunity to get better. Me and a few of my friends would go in when no one else was in there, and we would teach ourselves how to lift in our off-time. I wasn’t the strongest or best player coming in from high school, so I just dedicated myself to becoming better in the weight room and on the field.”

Eventually, Slowey would become one of the strongest prospective blockers in the NFL. In an article written by Sports Illustrated reporter Tony Pauline, he described Slowey as “…one of the nastiest blockers in the draft.” Slowey attributes that to his lengthy time in the weight room and dedication to gaining weight and muscle, thinking back to the time when he could bench press 225 only three times before failure.

Slowey was in his senior year at Western when Coach Ferguson pulled him aside and told him he was being considered as an NFL prospect. “We had a bunch of recruiters and teams coming to practice, coming to lift, seeing how I was with the guys and how much weight I moved during my workouts.” Following a successful 2011 season, the following year’s NFL draft was held on April 26-28, 2012. 

“I was in my home here at Western, and I had about twenty people at my house for the three days it was being aired. My friends and family were excited, but I was trying to play it cool. By the time we got to the last day, I started getting nervous with the possibility of not getting chosen. On the third day, I got a call from my agent, and they told me I was going to be a sixth-round pick. That’s when I got selected by the 49ers,” said Slowey.

Slowey played with both the San Francisco 49ers and the Oakland Raiders during his time in the NFL, then he went on to play for the BC Lions, in the Canadian Football League and spent some time playing arena football for the Portland Thunder. Due to Slowey’s lengthy struggle with a back injury, he retired from the sport in 2014. 

Slowey stated, “I was dealing with my back injury for a long time, and I ended up retiring. But I’m just like every other athlete that’s had to deal with an injury that caused them to stop playing because I still wanted to be involved in the game somehow, I wanted football to still be in my life. I came back to Western and I asked about a coaching position with the football team, but there wasn’t one at the time, so I took up a job with track and field. I was able to work with both sports at the same time and just worked my way into eventually coaching football.” 

Slowey worked at Western until 2022 and was offered a position at Sacramento State University as the rush-ends coach.

“It was a bit weird, the transition from playing offense my whole life to coaching defense. I was an offensive lineman and a center all my career, so to come in and coach defense was interesting for sure, but I’m having a good time. It’s been a journey and I’m grateful for everyone that’s been along for the ride.”

Slowey had some words of advice to players in the Western football program, having come out of the Great Northwest Athletic Conference — GNAC — himself and securing his place as one of three players to represent the Western football program on a national level. 

“Trust the coaches, trust your teammates and trust the program. It sounds like a bunch of coaches’ lingo, but it’s true. Trust the process that’s been set in front of you, and put in the work to get to where you want to be.”

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Travel through the stars

Written by: Taylor Duff | Staff Writer

Astrology isn’t just a TikTok joke; it is a complex understanding of how we fit into the universe. Astrology involves evaluating the impact of stars and planets on terrestrial events and human destiny. 

Astronomy, the study of all extraterrestrial bodies and their properties, can be seen throughout history. However, it should not be misconstrued with astrology, which can be understood instead as Divination — using the stars to determine the underlying significance of events and forecast the future. 

Divination exists in many ancient and contemporary communities, though methods differ. Popular divination methods include horoscopes, palm reading and tarot cards. Astrology originated in Mesopotamia and shifted to India in the third millennium BC, but it took on its Western form in Greek civilization during the Hellenistic period. 

Astrology is often considered a private spiritual practice, separate from any particular religion.

Astrology was central in the cultures of Mesopotamian civilizations and ancient Egyptians. Because the heavens were regarded as sacred, priests were able to predict natural and political events — requiring rulers to act according to their predictions and contributing to the creation of a rich library of astral symbols, signs and images representing and safeguarding such traditions. The Greeks later used astrology to understand personal destiny, avoid negative events and predict fortunate times. 

Zodiac signs are divided into four elements: fire, earth, air and water. The star positions at birth determine each person’s signs depending on where, when and what time that person came into the world. All 12 zodiac signs correlate with the 12 months of the year — beginning with Aries and ending with Pisces. 

The three fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius; the three earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn; the three air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius; and the last element, water, houses the signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. 

To be more complex, everyone has various additional zodiac signs that make up their personality traits. People usually refer to their “big three:” your sun is your date of birth, your moon is the position in which the moon was when you were born and lastly, your rising sign, is determined by the time of day you were born. 

Astrology is a practice, so many look to horoscopes, tarot cards or astrologers for advice or understanding. Horoscopes are a map of signs in a chart — also referred to as an astrological chart. This chart moves just as we do every day around the earth, and our zodiac signs are correlated with different planets. Because of this, depending on where our signs are positioned, a horoscope can help determine predictions in our personal lives. Horoscopes are never concrete but can give bits of insight that can be helpful tools in our day to day.

Tarot cards are a tool that helps us understand our past, present and future feelings. In many ways, using tarot cards is a form of spiritual practice; there are many different tarot decks on the market and many amazing books that help individuals learn how to use them. 

TikTok, among other places, has become a popular space for tarot card readings, where content creators pull cards and express their interpretation of the cards drawn. Astrologers, not to be confused with astronomers, are people who have studied astrology and use it to help predict people’s characteristics, life experiences and futures.      

Zodiac signs and relationship compatibility can be a controversial subject as many claim those who use astrology are simply bashing signs that have not worked in relationships for them. Signs such as Aries and Cancer “aren’t a good match,” but many Aries and Cancer relationships have come to fruition and have lasted many years. Just because a sign isn’t compatible with another doesn’t mean that relationship won’t work out. Signs are unique, and Astrology guides us in how different traits and compatibility work, but it isn’t the end all be all.

There is also the case when people disagree with astrology and say it is “fake,” but I think Astrology is not trying to be anything. Many individuals don’t like astrology as it isn’t a proven scientific fact that the stars determine our lives. This is valid, but I think it is something that we can look to for guidance, and there’s no harm in simply believing it. 

People have a choice to either make astrology their own or dismiss it, but it should be completely their choice. People are made up of many different traits and experiences that affect our worldview; I feel that astrology helps us understand personality, core values, romantic compatibility with others and even what you may look like. 

People like astrology because it gives some understanding of our place in the universe. Many practices and followings have people who choose to be a part of them for a variety of reasons, and Astrology is no different. Overall, astrology is interesting and brings people together in such a special way.   

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Easy workouts for the gym or at home

Written by: Jaylin Hardin | Sports Editor

Unsure of where to start at the gym? Looking for a new workout routine? Then look no further. The exercises below can be done by anyone of any fitness level at home or the gym. Organized by which part of the body it works, one is sure to find a new exercise to include in a gym routine.

Legs: exercises that isolate quads, glutes and hamstrings

Bulgarian Split Squats — This isolates the quadricep muscle group. Begin by standing a few feet in front of a bench or raised platform, or if one is at home consider using a couch or chair. Rest one foot behind on the raised surface, with the top of the foot facing down. Lower the body into a lunge, keeping the torso upright, until the front thigh is almost parallel to the ground, ensuring the knee doesn’t go past the toes. Push through the front heel to return to the starting position, and repeat for the desired number of repetitions, then switch legs. If at the gym, try holding dumbbells in both hands.

Hamstring Hip Bridges — Lie on the back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift hips off the ground until the body forms a straight line from shoulders to knees. Hold this position briefly, then lower the hips back to the ground. Continue for the desired number of repetitions. At the gym, try doing this exercise with a medicine ball or weight plate resting on the lower abdomen. For added resistance at home, try adding a band just above the knees to provide tension. 

Pistol Squat — This works the glutes and quadriceps. Stand on one leg with the other leg extended in front. Lower the body down by bending the standing leg, keeping the extended leg straight in front as you lower. Lower until the thigh is parallel to the ground and push back up to the starting position. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions, then switch legs. If at the gym, hold a dumbbell in the hand opposite from the extended leg. 

Arms: exercises that isolate triceps, biceps and shoulders

Bicep Curls — This exercise requires equipment. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand or an EZ curl — wavy — barbell, arms straight down by the sides of the body. Keeping upper arms still, bend the elbows to lift the dumbbells or barbell towards the shoulders. Squeeze the biceps at the top of the movement, and slowly lower the dumbbells or bar back to the starting position. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions. If one doesn’t have equipment, try using soup cans or milk cartons. 

Pike Push-Ups — Start in a push-up position with hips raised high, this position is the same as the downward dog yoga pose. Lower the body towards the ground by bending the arms at the elbows. Push back up to the starting position. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions. This exercise targets the shoulders, chest and triceps.

Tricep Dips — Sit on the edge of a bench or chair with hands gripping the edge, before sliding off the bench, supporting the weight with arms. Lower the body by bending the elbows until the upper arms are parallel to the ground. Push back up to the starting position, straightening the arms. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Core: exercises that isolate the abdominal muscles

Flare-ups — Lie on the back with legs straight and arms extended overhead. Lift legs and upper body off the ground simultaneously, forming a “V” shape with the body, reaching hands towards the toes. Lower legs and upper body back to the starting position, repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Crunchy Frogs — Sit on the floor with legs bent and feet off the ground, arms extended straight in front. At the same time, extend the legs out wide and bring arms back.

Bring legs and arms back to the starting position, hugging knees to chest.

Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Russian Twists — Sit on the floor with knees bent, heels touching the ground and torso leaning back slightly. Lift feet off the ground, balancing on the tailbone, and hold hands together in front of the chest. Twist the torso to one side, bringing hands towards the floor beside the hip before returning to the center and twisting to the other side. Continue alternating sides for the desired number of repetitions. When performing this exercise at the gym, hold a medicine ball or dumbbell when twisting.

These exercises can be performed by anyone of any level of physical fitness and modified if they are too simple or too difficult. Whether one is a beginner or well-versed in the gym world, these exercises are sure to be a hit when it comes to building muscle strength. 

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How to love one’s body

Written by: Libby Thoma | Staff Writer

Content warning: this article contains mentions of eating disorders and body image. 

Loving one’s body for what it is and realizing one’s worth extends past weight and bodily features is important. Hating or disliking one’s body can be upsetting, unhealthy and can even be dangerous by leading to other disorders. Here are some ideas on how to feel better about oneself:

The body is a vessel — A person’s body is a vessel that carries around a soul, in a religious or spiritual sense. In a scientific sense, one’s body is a vessel that carries one’s brain. Both convey relatively the same idea — the body is not what is important, but the soul, the person behind the body, the personality and kindness are what is important. The body is a vessel to carry around the true inner self. Deeply focusing on the body or disliking it is not worth it in this sense. 

The body is an instrument, not an ornament — One’s body does so much for a person, with millions of little living things and mechanisms working together to ensure health and well-being. This is important to realize, one’s body is much greater than just something to look at or a tool to appeal to other people. One’s body is something to fuel and take care of so one can achieve the best health. Everybody is different and everybody needs to be taken care of differently. This difference also means that beauty is subjective and everybody is beautiful, despite society  making us think otherwise.

Recognize Photoshop — Since the birth of social media, body negativity has skyrocketed, and many are riddled with comparisons and the feeling of a lesser body. It is important to realize that many of these bodies seen on social media are not real. Recognizing Photoshop, and even plastic surgery, is important for recognizing that most people don’t look like that.

Ignoring critics — Brushing off body critics is important. However, this is not easy as skinny privilege is rampant and many of those who aren’t skinny feel the effects. Some are told constantly, and sometimes for years, that their weight is some kind of a problem. This is important to let go of and recognize that the people spouting this hate are insecure themselves and don’t realize the importance of a kind soul. Everyone is beautiful differently, and beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so recognizing that critics don’t understand one’s beauty is vital and sometimes life-changing. 

Of course, it is best to be healthy. However, this doesn’t mean skinny, muscular or being in a specific “BMI” range. This means ensuring one feels their best and can do everyday activities, nothing more, but health does not equal worth. 

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Careers for art majors

Written by: Lili Minato | Freelancer

Art & Design is a challenging major to attempt: the workload is difficult and time-consuming, and many believe that an art-related job after college is unachievable. In reality, there are a plethora of possible careers for those interested in pursuing art. All mediums are welcome in this short list of rewarding and feasible jobs for artists. 

Art teacher — Starting with the obvious, an art teacher is a great profession for those interested in spreading the love of art through teaching. This job is extremely versatile considering one could teach children, teens or adults. It presents a great opportunity to instruct up-and-coming artists, while still having time to create one’s own art. For those also interested in psychology, an art therapist could be a great choice for a future career. 

Brand design — Also known as corporate identity, this occupation involves designing logos and visuals for brands. This would be a great career for those interested in graphic design or illustration. Brand design consists of developing designs and visuals that coincide with a brand’s identity and function. Applications may include the following: logo design, package design, advertising, merchandise and much more. Those who are also interested in business and psychology may find this career extra intriguing. 

Web design — Web design covers a wide range of jobs and careers relating to both art and science. For those interested in graphic design, one could consider being a web graphic designer. Web graphic designers create the visual look of websites, such as color schemes, fonts, logos and more. For those interested in computer science, a job in information architecture could be more interesting. Information architecture creates the structure of websites and pages to keep information clear and readable. For those who love video games and character design, a game designer could also be a good career choice. Video game design could include the creation of concept art, original characters or scenery. Most of the visuals seen in video games needed an artist to create them. 

Commissioned artist — While also an obvious option, there is a wide range of artwork an artist can be commissioned for. One could do pet portraits or environmental artwork. All art that one makes is valid, and there will always be an audience out there to buy art pieces. Whether it be a million-dollar oil painting or a fifteen-dollar art print, commissioned artwork may not be how some single-handedly make a living, but it can never harm an artist to put one’s pieces on sale. 

Misc. illustrator — There are a multitude of options for those interested in illustration. One could be a courtroom, medical or botanical illustrator. One could sketch out storyboards for movies, TV shows or ads. One could make greeting cards or book covers. If one is good at picturing facial features, a job as a police sketch artist could be a possible career. There is a wide range for those who enjoy illustrating, there is always something for everyone. 

There are various other job options that weren’t listed above. If one is interested in an artistic field but is unsure of what the future may hold, many careers support artistic pursuits. The Center for Professional Pathways, located in the Werner University Center, is a great option for those looking to discover such a career. 

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This week in completely made up horoscopes

The signs if they were bugs:

Aries: a large wet Western worm

Taurus: dragonfly

Gemini: firefly in a jar

Cancer: Semi-aggressive mantis staring into your soul, test me… 

Leo: C–ty little moth

Virgo: Honey bee

Libra: Pink sticky note with eight googly eyes on it

Scorpio: Atlas Moth due to their 13” wingspan, duh

Sagittarius: Homosexual Cicada

Capricorn: That one worm in Brazil that crawls up urethras

Aquarius: WOU’s trash squirells 

Pisces: Morpho butterfly like the dude from The Matrix  

Vampire craze: from “Dracula” to “Twilight”

Written by: Claire Phillips | Entertainment Editor

If any of the names Count Dracula, Lestat de Lioncourt or Edward Cullen ring a bell, the popular vampire media culture has been doing its job. Whether “Dracula” was required reading in high school, or you ran to the first screening of “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1,” vampires have a knack for finding their way into the lives and hearts of many.

Vampires, of course, found their humble beginnings in mythology. In European folklore, dark and shrouded vampires visited loved ones and caused mischief in their villages, a stark difference from the pale, cold-blooded creatures society knows today.

The word “vampire” originated in folklore in Southeastern and Eastern Europe. Demons and spirits were precursors to vampires in Mesopotamian, Hebrew and Greek cultures. Many other cultures have their own variations of vampires.

Drawing from Transylvanian folklore, Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” has been a popular gothic classic since its release in the late 1800s. The novel has no single narrator, and the majority of it is told in letters and journal entries. Many may know this book from high school English, and while the memories may not be so fond, it is not a forgettable story.

If a book or even a movie adaptation of the classic doesn’t sound appealing, there are even more ways to enjoy the vampire tale. “Dracula Daily,” a free subscription newsletter, sends Jonathan Harker’s journal entries one day at a time so readers can experience the story with him.

In 1976, a novel titled “Interview With the Vampire” was published. Twelve books later, Anne Rice made a name for herself in the vampire world. The first book received a movie adaptation in 1994 by the same name, starring Tom Cruise as Lestat de Lioncourt, Brad Pitt as Louis de Pointe du Lac and a young Kirsten Dunst as Claudia. In 2022, a television series aired on AMC based on the original “Interview With the Vampire” book. 

Set between San Francisco, New Orleans and Paris, “Interview With the Vampire” has a romantic yet gory take on vampire folklore. The interweaving of characters and settings set a precedent for future vampire stories. Anne Rice, herself, was an executive producer of the television show but sadly passed before it aired. However, she assured everything went according to her vision. 

Pacific Northwesterners are well aware of the “Twilight” franchise. Whether people were “Twilight” crazy, or “Twilight” haters, everyone knew about this popular franchise in the late 2000s and early 2010s. Written by Stephanie Meyer and directed by Catherine Hardwicke, this vampire love story has not fallen out of the limelight.

Rosario Peralta Cortez, the English writing specialist for Spanish speakers at Western’s Writing Center, brought “Twilight” culture to Western’s campus when she was a student. “In my dorm in Landers, I had two massive Twilight posters that my friend who worked at the movie theater had gifted me,” Peralta Cortez said.

Peralta Cortez is still spreading her love for vampire culture at the Writing Center — all you have to do is ask.

The original “Twilight” movie, an adaptation of the first novel, was supposed to be an independent film, but garnered $408.4 million at the box office and set a foundation for a successful five-movie saga. Bella Swan and Edward Cullen charmed the entire world both then, and now, and vampire enthusiasts enjoy sharing the story with others.

“It’s nice to still be able to return to the same story so many years later and find new joy from it,” said Peralta Cortez. “I also got my mom hooked on the books in Spanish, which was fun to experience. I learned the word for Twilight from the books, crepúsculo, which sounds so much cooler than Twilight.” Vampire stories suck you in, no matter the language. Don’t forget to make a trip up to Forks, Washington.

“What We Do in the Shadows” references all the vampire stories above, left and right. Taika Waititi and Jemaine Clement know how to appeal to an audience, especially those who are already familiar with these stories. Both the original 2014 movie and ongoing television series are filmed in a mockumentary style — almost like a horror “Modern Family,” if you will. Even the “cameramen” get involved in some vampire fun.

The movie and series follow two sets of vampire roommates, respectively, and their chaotic adventures. There are wholesome moments, sad moments and some straight-up weird and gory moments. It may not be for everyone, but it sure is hilarious. 

Some may say choosing to consume any form of vampire media is silly or immature. Many think it might be beneath them. However, there is a lot to learn from all of these stories. Rosario Peralta Cortez said it best: “Old stories can be given new light, and vampires can be enjoyed with whatever level of seriousness you choose to give them.”

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