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Mount Hood

A league of change

Lake Larsen | Sports Editor

IMLeagues has taken over the Western Oregon Intramural and Club Sports scene. After becoming a large part of the school in the previous school year, the scheduling and managing website now controls all aspects of Intramural and Club Sports. If students wish to join or play any sports this year, it’s important for them to familiarize themselves with the site.

Intramural and club sports are very popular activities among the student body at Western. With the integration of IMLeagues, participation in these have never been easier.

“You don’t have to go to 12 different places to be able to see if you can join this club, or that club, ‘can I play intramurals?’ It just lays it out for you.” said Andy Main, Assistant Director of Campus Recreation Intramural and Club Sports.

“Once you’re in, (for) any club that you’re interested in joining you can see: ‘does it fit with my schedule?’” added junior early education major Brianna Jones, who is also the Club Sports Supervisor. “It’s easy to access and see their practice schedule and their game schedule.”

IMLeagues allows students the ability to plan out their game schedules to make the experience as easy and enjoyable as possible.

Visiting IMLeagues gives the user access to many more features used by both Intramural and Club Sports.

“Once you’re in, it’s a very intuitive program. It lays it all out for you, makes it easy to invite friends. It’s easy to join a team, it’s easy to find your schedule… Once you get the quote unquote difficult part out of the way, which is creating the initial account, it makes participation and organizing your life around intramural activities a lot easier,” added Main. Everything a student athlete might need, no matter what level of competition they are playing at, is laid out on the site. Overall, the experience within the app makes playing Intramural just about the sport and gets rid of the headache around running a team.

Joining IMLeagues is the first and biggest step a student can take to get involved with Campus Recreation. Students can join by visiting


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Upcoming games: October

Lake Larsen | Sports Editor



Cross Country Lewis University. DII Conference Crossover 10 a.m.

Softball @ College of Siskiyous (eugene) 12 p.m.

Softball @ University of Oregon 2:30 p.m.

Soccer vs. Simon Fraser 1 p.m.

Football @ Texas A&M University Kingsville 7 p.m.

Volleyball vs. Western Washington University 7 p.m.


Lacrosse Fall Shootout

Men’s Soccer vs. Willamette  1p.m.




Lacrosse Fall Shootout

Men’s Rugby vs. Central Oregon Community College 1 p.m.

Men’s Soccer @ Central Oregon Community College 1p.m.




Soccer vs. Saint Martin’s University 3 p.m.




Volleyball vs. Saint Martin’s University 7 p.m.




Cross Country @ Warner Pacific Cross Country Classic 9 a.m. M 9:30 a.m. W

Softball @ Oregon State University 12 p.m.

Softball @ Oregon State University 2 p.m.

Volleyball vs. Seattle Pacific University 4 p.m.

Soccer @ seattle Pacific University 4 p.m.

Football @ Central Washington University 6 p.m.


Men’s Soccer Vs. Portland Community College 1 p.m.

Men’s Rugby Vs. Seattle University 4 p.m.




Lacrosse vs. Rippers 2 p.m.

Men’s Soccer @ Willamette 2 p.m.




Volleyball @ Northwest Nazarene University 7 p.m.




Football v. Humboldt State University 1:05 p.m.

Volleyball @ Central Washington University 3 p.m.

Soccer @ Western Washington University 5 p.m.


Women’s Soccer vs. University of Oregon 4 p.m.




Women’s Soccer vs. Central Oregon Community College 11 a.m.




Soccer vs. Central Washington University 3 p.m.

Volleyball vs. University of Alaska Anchorage 7 p.m.




Volleyball vs. University of Alaska Fairbanks 2 p.m.

Soccer @ Saint Martin’s University 2:30 p.m.

Football @ Azusa Pacific University 6 p.m.


Lacrosse vs. Alumni 1 p.m.

Men’s Rugby @ Oregon Institute of Technology 1 p.m.

Men’s Soccer @Portland Community College 8 p.m.

Women’s Soccer vs. Willamette 4 p.m.

“WOU in Salem”

Bailey Thompson | News Editor

Addressing the crowd in his annual State of the University Address on Sept. 17, President Rex Fuller spoke about the “WOU in Salem” project, which will begin offering classes in January 2019.

The program was designed largely with adult learners in mind, as “Oregon has over 500,000 adults with some college credit and no degree.” In Salem specifically, the 2015 census indicated that only 21 percent of the workforce had earned a bachelor’s degree or higher.

“WOU in Salem” will be a partnership between Western and Chemeketa Community College, according to the initiative released by the Office of Academic Affairs, and the classes will be held at the Chemeketa Center for Business and Industry.

To start, classes will be offered both in the evening and on the weekend, providing working adults with the chance to access a high-quality educational experience that is flexible with their busy schedules.

Then, beginning in Fall 2019, students will be able to complete a number of degree programs, including M.A. in organizational leadership, B.A. and B.S. in psychology, B.A. and B.S. in criminal justice, B.A. and B.S. in interdisciplinary studies, A.B. in information systems and Certificate in professional writing.

These programs will be hugely beneficial to students who have received an associate degree or have some college credit.

“It’s really great that (Western) is going above and beyond to provide a higher education for working adults and families because it’s really important right now, particularly, to have a bachelor’s or associate degree,” said senior education major Erica Stuckart upon learning about the new campus.

A number of other Western students echoed her sentiments.

“It’s catering to the people that really need it. These people are busy — they have busy lives, they have families of their own and they can’t spend all day in class…The fact that they’re putting that program in place is really nice and hopefully there are more that come about,” said Natalie Dean, sophomore English major.

Dean then proposed one service that she believed could be really helpful to this demographic of students.

“I think it’d be really cool to see something with childcare services… because a lot of them will be adult students and they don’t have a ton of time to spare. So, maybe it’s additional help with their children or financial aid,” Dean explained.

Finally, sophomore public policy and administration major NJ Johnson added that “my favorite aspect of it is the part that it’s night classes… One of my friends is a non-traditional student: he’s 44 years old, he has a wife and a child and a job. And going to Western Oregon in Monmouth during the day is not super easy for him… (having this campus) would make it a lot easier.”

All in all, the project described by President Fuller will deliver a more feasible college experience to a significant, but underrepresented group of students — making a future at Western accessible to a larger population.

Contact the author at

Photo courtesy by Paul F. Davis

Disc golf pick-up

Bailey Thompson | News Editor

Working contentedly in the afternoon heat on Sept. 28, the members of Kappa Sigma fraternity had set one goal for themselves: to clean up the disc golf course. The seven members in attendance picked up trash and spread bark dust around the course, hoping to create a more inviting atmosphere for Western students to enjoy.

When asked what inspired them to do service projects on campus, Kappa Sigma Grand Master of Ceremonies and junior business major Andrew Wagman said that “one of our big values is service within our fraternity. Our national organization really promotes that and we really like being a part of campus.”

When it came to choose this particular project, Wagman shared that a number of the fraternity members had enjoyed having the course on campus, so they decided to “give back to the school by just making it look a little nicer. It’s always good to go out and have fun, but at the end of the day, service is important too.”

Fraternity president Brandon Linton, a senior computer science major, added that another motivating factor for Kappa Sigma was to help change the perception of Greek Life that has been perpetuated on many college campuses.

“Honestly, we’re really hoping that this can bring a better image for Greek Life on campus, because Greek Life (at Western) is… only five years old. So, we’re really hoping that this can open the community’s eyes that we’re not just the stereotypical fraternity.”

The Kappa Sigma brothers also shared how completing projects like this helps to connect them as an organization.

“It’s all about teamwork. I mean, I don’t think that just one of us could come out here and get the job done in the way that it needs to be done,” shared Linton.

“Obviously we all like to hang out,” Wagman added. “We’re all best friends with each other. But it’s always good to be outside working, just talking… it’s something to bond over.”

If students are interested in rushing Kappa Sigma, Wagman said that the best thing to do would be to contact Linton at or himself at Even though first-year students aren’t able to rush during Fall Term, students of any age are welcome to come and talk with them to see if Kappa Sigma might be a good fit.

Contact the author at

Photo courtesy of Bailey Thompson

A legacy of support

Bailey Thompson | News Editor

Throughout his time at Western, Director of the Veterans Resource Center Andrew Holbert has diligently helped student veterans acclimate to the college environment and provided them with a home at the Veterans Resource Center. Under his guidance, the WOU Student Veterans of America won a national award and Western was able to legislatively assist in the betterment of veterans’ programs all across Oregon. He will be sorely missed by veterans and non-veterans alike after his departure on Oct. 5.


Q: How long have you been working at Western?


A: “I’ve been here since September of 2015. So, that’s almost three years.”


Q:What is your current position?


A: “I’m the Director of the Veterans Resource Center, so I oversee all of the programming… I’ve also been the advisor for the Veterans Club since I got here. When I first started I brought that back and I’ve been advising them. And last year… they were the National Club of the Year. Our vet center and vet program are the best in the state right now.”


Q: What’ve been your favorite things about working with the Veterans Resource Center?


A: “I get to work with my own population, my own culture… There are so many negative narratives out there for veterans: the homelessness and the drug abuse…those aren’t the realities… if non-veterans are hearing those narratives, then you better believe veterans are going to hear them as well…I’m challenging them to know that there’s a better narrative — that they don’t need to be a part of these other narratives. This isn’t what defines you. You can pave your own way.”


Q: What do you feel is the biggest thing you’ve learned while working in this position?


A: “I did a lot of legislative work… I ended up going and testifying on senate bills that involved veterans’ education. And, most recently, Senate Bill 143… That grant ended up saying ‘here’s money to make a vet center and hire (a full-time director)’, so for that to be the reality for the entire state now, that was really cool.”


Q: What are your future plans for after you leave Western?


A: “I’m going to be working for a senator’s office out in Las Vegas and I’ll be his veteran aide. I’ll go from working with 200 veterans to working with 32,000 veterans… It’s not necessarily where I want to go…but I wanted to stay in veterans’ advocacy. Getting hired (at Western) to do that full time…was the best job I’ve ever had. I used to say that about the Marine Corps, but no, this

is the best job.”


Q: What’s one thing you’re going to miss about the Western community?


A: “Everything. It is very, very difficult for me to leave… There were days that I’d just walk around the vet center and try to just be really slow and methodical and look at everything –take it all in—because the vet center has changed. It was just a stark room with a few pieces of furniture, and now it’s just incredible. It’s a community center. It’s changing how veterans are participating in college… we do LGBTQ veterans events, we’ve done women veterans events… I’m going to miss how our community is so tight here on campus that you can make a real-world impact.”


Contact the author at

Photo courtesy of Paul F. Davis

New year, new Moodle

Bailey Thompson | News Editor

With the first week of classes under their belts, many students have likely have noticed that Moodle, the website where they access their classes online, has profited from a substantial update. Although many things remain unchanged, there are a number of differences that are useful to note.

“I think the most obvious thing for students to see will be the dashboard. So, when you are logging into Moodle right now, instead of seeing the old categories, you are seeing the time of when things are due and then the course tab,” said Academic Technologist Weiwei Zhang, who heads Moodle Support.

In the newest version of Moodle, students are able to see their current classes by default, but they will also be able to see past and future classes beginning in winter term. Additionally, the files for any classes predating Fall 2018 will now be kept in an archived version of the site, which is accessible via a link on the right-hand column of the update.

“The reason for this archive site is really not to make people’s lives more difficult. It’s because we self-host Moodle, and every two years the database is about to get full. We wanted to make sure Moodle doesn’t crash on anyone and the speed is still good, so our University Computing Services came up with a solution,” Zhang commented.

Even though it is challenging for Moodle Support to explain everything about the new update in advance, Zhang emphasized that students are welcome to reach out if they have any questions with the technical aspects of Moodle.

“We are building our website, so eventually we will have more tutorials for students,” Zhang shared. “We have great (graduate assistants), so they help answer a lot of emails…if students have any questions they can just call.”

The phone number for Moodle Support is 503-838-9300 and the email address is Students can also make appointments to meet with Moodle Support in ITC 204 if they have any further questions.


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Patching things up

Rebecca Meyers | Lifestyle Editor

Fall has officially arrived, and it’s not hard to see why it’s many people’s favorite season. The trees on campus turn beautiful colors, the weather turns back into what most Oregonians are used to, and, of course, pumpkin themed everything appears.

This month, it also means Halloween movies on TV and people on social media showing off elaborately carved pumpkins.Whether you love the fall aesthetic or the anticipation of spooky Halloween activities, visiting a pumpkin patch is a fun way to embrace the season of scares and spice. For all the festive students out there, here are some nearby pumpkin patches to visit for all your jack-o-lantern needs.

Airlie Hills Farm

The closest pumpkin patch is Airlie Hills Farm, which is not far off of Highway 99 just south of entering Monmouth. Open on weekends, this location offers you the opportunity to pick your own pumpkin or select the perfect pre-picked one. While there, visitors can also enjoy some of the refreshments available or other activities such as hayrides and mazes.

Vince Woods Farm

Another option can be found in Salem. Vince Woods Farm, in addition to offering the classic pumpkin patch and corn maze, also contains the pumpkin forest featuring an old Southern Pacific “gently haunted” caboose. Hours of operation are 10 a.m to 6 p.m.

Davis Family Farm

Located on Highway 20 in Corvallis, Davis Family Farms not only offers the essential October produce but also has a nursery and sells other farm-fresh produce. Regulars also know them for their fresh, homemade donuts available for purchase. Of course, no pumpkin patch is complete without the hayride or corn maze, which you can find here as well. The farm is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Sauvie Island

This farm, located in Portland, is a longer drive but makes for a fun day trip. Many of its activities, like the haunted corn maze and hayrides, are free. This location is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.


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Photo courtesy of Paul F. Davis