Mount Hood

Honoring trans individuals whose lives were lost through hate

Bailey Thompson | News Editor

Trans women of color have a one in eight chance of being murdered, according to Trans Student Educational Resources.

Aiming to shed light on sobering statistics such as this, Western’s Stonewall Center set up a table in the Werner University Center on Nov. 15 to observe Trans Day of Remembrance — a day which occurs annually on Nov. 20.

In order to honor those who have been murdered because of their trans identity, Stonewall Center sought to spread awareness and love within the Western community by distributing flyers and having students write notes of encouragement and support on paper hearts that would later be joined to create a transgender flag.

In the midst of the tabling, Stonewall Center Coordinator and junior communications major Susannah Doepkin shared the reason that this day is commemorated each year.

“It’s to remember those whose lives have been lost due to acts of violence against people in the trans community,” said Doepkin.

When asked about how she hoped that this event might impact Western’s students, staff and faculty, Doepkin shared that her wish was for it to first make them uncomfortable — and ultimately allow them to grow.

“I hope it’s a sobering thing because a lot of the time people don’t even think about it,” said Doepkin. “And I think that acknowledging it and making you slightly uncomfortable is a good thing.”

With the current political climate of the United States, Doepkin shared that a number of transgender individuals’ rights are in jeopardy, so it’s more important now than ever to offer love and support to that community.

“Even things like having gender-neutral bathrooms is a huge thing for people just to feel comfortable in,” said Doepkin, discussing actions that can be taken to support transgender people. Building off this idea, Doepkin also stated that “one of the big things I’ve noticed is pronouns — addressing pronouns and respecting pronouns — and even if that’s being an ally to the community and putting your pronouns in your email signature or in a Twitter bio, I think that immediately shows support to the trans community that you’re a safe space for them.”

Although it can be disheartening to hear about the number of transgender people who are still killed in hate crimes every year, Doepkin shared that she has hope for the way things could move in the future.

“There were two less names (on the list of trans people killed) than last year, and although that may not seem like a lot, that is at least a small step forward,” Doepkin said.

If students are interested in learning more about Trans Day of Remembrance and what they can do to support the trans community, they can visit the Stonewall Center in Werner University Center Room 110 or they can utilize web sites such as to learn more about transgender issues.

The names of 23 transgender people who have lost their lives in the US so far in 2018 due to acts of violence


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Photo courtesy of Ashlynn Norton. List by Brittany Figueroa.


WOUCSSA connects community and Chinese culture through dance

Bailey Thompson | News Editor

While the majority of students passed unwittingly through Hamersley Library on the evening of Nov. 12, a group from the Western Oregon University Chinese Students and Scholars Association prepared to perform a flash mob for the passersby.

“This week is International Education Week in the U.S, so our WOUCSSA students (wanted) to do a flash mob to spread Chinese culture,” said Justin Wang, an early childhood education major and leader in WOUCSSA.

When students from China come to Western, Wang shared that WOUCSSA’s job is to help them adjust to life in the U.S. and the new culture in areas like shopping, eating, and even safety.

“We organize Chinese students and Chinese scholars to make lots of activities and some student clubs,” said Wang.

With this flash mob in particular, there was a student in WOUCSSA who had experience choreographing dances, so she taught and performed a routine with a group. Then, after they performed, another group of students sung a medley of three Chinese songs: the first is a sweet and popular song by an artist from Hong Kong, the second is a traditional song many Chinese students know and the third is a song that talks about missing someone close to you. For the group, this final song was particularly powerful because they miss their families in China, and it reminded them of that.

If Western students missed this flash mob and would like another opportunity to see WOUCSSA perform, Wang and Odelia Zhao — another early childhood education major and leader at WOUCSSA — shared that the next opportunity to see and support them will be at the longer show, filled with song and dance, that they are putting together on Feb. 1 in hopes that the Western community will attend.

Further down the road, the group is also planning on having a fashion show towards the end of the year where they will get the chance to wear their traditional Chinese garments and share the beauty of the culture with the greater campus community.

Watch WOUCSSA’s performance at


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Photo courtesy of Lam Lin. Video courtesy of Deborah Rezell.


Knowledge is power — so are connections

Jamari Gilbert | Freelancer

The Business and Economics club at Western was given a valuable opportunity in being able to have Shelli Honeywell, an Alumna, come back and speak to the club about her experiences after college. She emphasized how she continued to persevere until she eventually found the place where she felt she could make the greatest difference: The Department of Corrections in the state of Oregon.

“I get to change the world every single day” Honeywell said.

This is not the way that many people get to feel in their job, so how did she get that point in her life? How did she get to a position where she can interact with inmates and change their lives for the better? The answer might not be as complicated as it seems.  Although, as Honeywell described her journey, she shared that there were many lessons she learned before reaching the point where she is now.

“Each job and each thing that you do is a life lesson,” Honeywell said, capturing the heart of what it takes to succeed as a professional.

Honeywell’s address also highlighted how, in life, it is sometimes unclear where exactly we will end up going.

“I would never have told you that I would work for Corrections,” Honeywell said when sharing with the audience about how she tried different careers, looking for one that she knew that she would love.

Honeywell’s advice did not end there, though, as she offered many other food-for-thought experiences to the club members as well.

Describing what led her to a career which allows her to change lives as, “one of those small detours,” Honeywell made a powerful statement that shows how just one “small detour” can set your life down a completely different path than what you could have imagined. But one of the most crucial ideas that Honeywell told the audience is that “the connections you make… will get you where I am.”  

This event was a great learning experience that the Business and Economics Club was able to capitalize on; an opportunity to meet and interact with someone who is out in the field — someone who has both influence and connections — was truly one of the best results from the address.

“If I can get anything from it, it would be a (story of) success” said Jesse Honeyman, a junior and business major who attended the event.

For any students who are intrigued by this event or like the sound of a business and economics club, Western’s Business & Economics Club meets on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. at the Werner University Center, in the Ochoco Room.


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Opinion: The price tag on Black Friday

Rebecca Meyers | Lifestyle Editor

According to the American Marketing Association, Americans spent $7.9 billion just in the 24 hour Black Friday period in 2017. That’s not counting Cyber Monday, weekend sales or sales that began on Thanksgiving.

It’s been pointed out time and time again, and yet it still remains relevant: Americans spend a day being thankful for what they have, and then turn around and spend the next day fighting in lines to spend tons of money on material items.

Well, that’s not completely true anymore; it’s 2018 and many sales will likely happen online. There’s now a safer way to spend too much money during the holidays.

No one in my family ever participated in Black Friday, but a few years ago a friend convinced me to go with her. I decided to see what all the fuss was about and agreed to go. I left my house where my family was still celebrating on Thanksgiving night, and we drove to the nearest outlet mall.

I found the experience mostly underwhelming, and yet I still left with multiple bags from different stores. The signs and advertising had been screaming about deals for weeks, so my expectations were high. I went in to one shop looking for some new clothes and found…sweaters for 20% off. Or, I could buy discounted jeans, but I had to buy at least three pairs. Basically, I could have done better on a regular day in a clearance section. Or at a different store for that matter; one higher end store was selling clothes for the same price as a different retail store.

I didn’t buy that much, and I can’t even imagine spending hundreds of dollars on Black Friday. Besides the fact that I could use a new laptop, I don’t think I even need hundreds of dollars worth of material things. I don’t think anyone really does, but it’s easy to get swept up in the culture of spending and purchasing as much as possible. It seems like it should be obvious; it’s part of advertisers’ jobs to make sure people believe they need a new TV, two more new electronics and a ton of clothes. Knowing this but not caring is a privilege not everyone has.

This day essentially does nothing but add to the reasons that holidays are unenjoyable for some. It’s already heartbreaking enough to think that some people are too stressed to be truly happy during the holidays, a time that’s supposed to be about appreciating what you have, giving what you can and enjoying the festivities. Yet, events like Black Friday help taint the holiday experience for some.

Sure, people can brag about buying the most expensive gifts for their families; but, does it even cross their mind that there might be someone listening who isn’t sure their kids are going to get anything? Did they think to donate, as it’s supposed to be the season of giving? If they did donate, how does it compare to the price tags under their Christmas tree? Would they still fight tooth and nail to spend their money on someone less fortunate?

And that’s not even touching on what retail workers have to endure. Those unlucky workers that don’t have seniority will be forced to leave their families on Thanksgiving, if they get any of the day off at all. Then they have to be on the front lines of the chaos that other countries look on with horror, grateful for the distance between them and America on Black Friday.

I’m by no means innocent; as mentioned before I have participated in Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Even now, I find myself considering all the advertisements for online deals for just about every store. There’s nothing inherently wrong with enjoying shopping, or with wanting to get good deals — everyone can relate to that. However, we’ve glorified it so much that the holiday dedicated to sales has brought in extra millions every year, and every year we see on the news that some people were willing to resort to physical violence.

Blind enthusiasm for Black Friday has become a phenomenon that has spiraled out of control and ultimately brought mostly negativity to what could otherwise be a season of being grateful for what we have and helping those that have less.


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Quick and easy Thanksgiving sides

Rebecca Meyers | Lifestyle editor

Thanksgiving is nearly here, and most students are looking forward to their own Thanksgiving dinner with friends or family. For some, this means finding a way to contribute to the holiday meal. Fortunately, Thanksgiving dinner is about having an abundance of food and varieties of dishes, meaning there’s still time to find a quick and easy side or dish to bring to the celebration.

The following dishes are common staples to any Thanksgiving meal and do not require extensive culinary skill to make. Specific instructions and variations on recipes can be found online at websites such as and[fruitful_tabs type=”accordion” width=”100%” fit=”false”][fruitful_tab title=”Candied Yams or Sweet Potatoes”]This popular Thanksgiving side takes some time to cook, but the prep is fairly simple and only requires a few ingredients. Recipes vary, but the simple version can be made with only sweet potatoes, butter, brown sugar and marshmallows. The dish usually takes at least half an hour to cook if fresh sweet potatoes are used. [/fruitful_tab]
[fruitful_tab title=”Mashed Potatoes”]Another popular dish that will definitely go quickly is mashed potatoes. Simply boil the desired amount of potatoes, mash and add butter, salt and other dairy product, such as half and half, depending on the recipe. Optional additional ingredients include sour cream and shredded cheese. [/fruitful_tab]
[fruitful_tab title=”Cranberry Relish”]A classic side that will go with any Thanksgiving meal, cranberries are an easy dish that require only one main ingredient. This versatile dish requires just frozen cranberries warmed in a pan with a little water, sugar and citrus juice added. [/fruitful_tab][fruitful_tab title=”Green Beans with Bacon”]If all of the more traditional dishes have been made, cooked green beans sauteed with bacon and garlic is another easy — yet tasty — side to go with dinner. Add seasoning to taste, including red pepper flakes if desired. Some recipe add onions or pecans as well, so adjustments can be made based on preferred flavors and textures. [/fruitful_tab]

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Photo courtesy of Paul F. Davis



Turkeys for Thanksgiving

Bailey Thompson | News Editor

Preparing for the Thanksgiving holiday, The WOU Food Pantry compiled 50 Thanksgiving dinner baskets for families in need in the community. After assembling the baskets on Nov. 19 and 20, The Food Pantry was ready to pass out the baskets on Nov. 21 in the Werner University Center. Students and community members alike were able to sign up for baskets ahead of time which would be ready to pick up later on.

Leading the efforts to organize the event, Libby Vigil, senior sociology major and WOU Food Pantry Campus Outreach Coordinator, explained why WOU Food Pantry had hosted this outreach program for a number of years.

“We like to do events for people, and we know that the holidays can be kind of hard,” said Vigil. “So just being able to provide a meal for those in our community is the most important thing.”

Vigil explained that the centerpiece of the meals — the hams and turkeys — had been donated by an anonymous source who has done this for a number of years. For the rest of the items in the meals, however, Vigil explained that the food was provided by a number of individuals in the community.

“We send out an email to faculty and staff, as well as retired faculty and staff and alumni,” said Vigil. “We ask if they are interested in donating items to our Thanksgiving baskets…(and) they can do a monetary donation as well.”

With the proceeds from this year’s Thanksgiving baskets, Vigil was able to go with her supervisor to the grocery store and fill two shopping carts with any elements of the baskets that were remaining: stuffing, gravy, green bean casserole supplies, potatoes, cranberry sauce and more.

Although The WOU Food Pantry was able to help a number of families in years past, Vigil shared that the donations for baskets this year had exceeded their expectations.

“There’s 50 of them, which is 20 more than there was last year,” said Vigil.

In discussing the hope that she had for this event, Vigil shared the value she perceived in distributing these baskets.

“Food is a really big thing that brings people together in general — no matter if it’s this holiday, or a family dinner, or if you’re not family but you really care about each other,” said Vigil. Furthermore, she explained that “It takes the weight off (of families); there’s a social pressure during this holiday to have a big meal, but we do have a large problem with food insecurity — not only in this community, but also as a country and in the world,” said Vigil.

Then, in discussing the way that The WOU Food Pantry hopes to continue reaching out to the community beyond this holiday, Vigil shared some of the things that she wishes Western students knew about their resource.

“A lot of pantries limit people according to their income or how many people they have…but we don’t really keep track of that since we’re a smaller pantry,” said Vigil. She also wanted to remind people that WOU Food Pantry is “not only for students, but also for community members as well.”

Moving forward, Vigil wanted Western community members to know that she and the rest of the staff are so grateful for their generosity, and that if they are interested in volunteering, the WOU Food Pantry is a very rewarding opportunity. If students would like to volunteer, they can email Vigil at And, if anyone is would like to visit the pantry, they are located in the Oregon Military Academy Building and their hours are posted on Western’s website.


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Photo courtesy of Bailey Thompson

Upcoming concerts in Portland, OR

Chrys Weedon | Entertainment Editor

Living in a rural area sometimes has its perks, like less traffic and friendly faces. However, it has its drawbacks as well. One of those drawbacks is being far away from all the best music venues. Thankfully, we are only an hour away from the home of some of the most popular music venues in western Oregon — Portland. Here are some of the big names coming to Portland before the new year.


Nov. 24: Trans Siberian Orchestra

Venue: The Moda Center

Address: 1 N Center Ct St, 97227, Portland, OR

After two years away, the Trans Siberian Orchestra is returning to Portland. Tickets cost between $41.00 and $75.50, depending on where you sit. Tickets for the Orchestra sell notoriously fast, so be sure to grab tickets soon. Tickets can be purchased at Doors open at 3:30 p.m.


Dec. 3: Mt. Joy

Venue: McMenamin’s Crystal Ballroom

Address: 1332 W. Burnside St, 97209, Portland, OR

Mt. Joy is performing as the headliner, preceded by the band The Weather Machine. Mt. Joy currently has one self-titled album. Tickets are $17.50 and the show is all ages. Tickets can be purchased on Doors open at 6:30 p.m.


Dec. 8: Rosanne Cash

Venue: Revolution Hall

Address: 1300 SE Stark St, 97214, Portland, OR

Rosanne is an accomplished, Grammy award-winning artist who is also the eldest daughter of Johnny Cash and his first wife. Tickets are $42.50 and the show is all ages. Tickets can be purchased on Doors open at 8 p.m.


Dec. 12: Death Cab for Cutie

Venue: McMenamin’s Crystal Ballroom

Address: 1332 W. Burnside St, 97209, Portland, OR

Pacific Northwest native Death Cab for Cutie is touring their eighth studio album. Tickets are $62.50 and the show is all ages. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.


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Photo courtesy of Trans Siberian OrchestraMt. Joy, Rossane Cash, Death Cab for Cutie