Mount Hood

The best nearby Christmas tree farms

Rebecca Meyers | Lifestyle editor

The calendar has officially flipped to December, meaning that many people can agree that it’s time for the holidays to start happening. For those Western students who will be remaining in Oregon for the holidays, luckily, there is an abundance of you-cut Christmas tree farms nearby perfect for getting into a festive mood.


Bigfoot Christmas Tree Farm

Located in Dallas, Bigfoot Christmas Trees is a small yet festive place to find the perfect tree. Their selection includes the usual variety of trees, which include Nordman firs, Douglas firs, Noble firs and Grand firs. They sell wreaths as well, and the experience includes a cozy fire pit sitting area.

Location: 12120 Clow Corner, Dallas

Hours: 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. weekdays and 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays.


Vollstedt Farms

This Albany farm is another great place to find a variety of different trees. Their wagon rides take visitors to the tree-filled fields, and then returns them to a warm greenhouse where visitors can enjoy hot chocolate, cider, cookies and some Christmas decorations for sale

Location: 451 NW Quarry Rd, Albany

Hours: 12 p.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday through Friday and 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays.


Palmer’s Christmas Trees

This family farm in Salem was voted the Statesman Journal’s Best Christmas Tree Farm for both 2016 and 2018. It boasts a wide range of tree types, including the usual four, Norway Spruces, Turkish firs and more.

Location: 4716 Poinsettia St NE, Salem

Hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. daily.


Santiam Canyon Christmas Trees

A small family farm near Stayton, Santiam Canyon Christmas Trees is full of holiday cheer such as a gift shop, free treats, wagon rides and photo opportunities. Visitors can pick from the four traditional types of trees here as well.

Location: 17300 N Santiam Highway, Stayton

Hours: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Friday through Sunday.


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Season of giving

Rebecca Meyers | Lifestyle Editor

The holidays have arrived, and many people have started thinking about what to get for their family and friends. However, this time of year is also a great time to consider springing for things for strangers in need. Drives and donation sites, such as those listed below, are an easy way to make the holidays nicer for everyone.

Western’s food pantry, location on campus across from Heritage Hall, is always accepting donations. They accept not only food, but hygiene products as well. They also accept perishable foods as well as shelf-stable ones, restricted only against homemade or unlabeled foods.

The Independence Police Department will also be having their own donation drive, accepting both shelf-stable foods and monetary donations. This drive has already begun and will go through Dec. 14.

Some Bi Mart locations will be having winter clothing drives throughout the winter. They will be collecting clothes for cold weather throughout the season with dates varying for each.

A number of locations in Salem will also be accepting non-perishable food donations throughout the season. Multiple Fred Meyers will be taking donations up until Dec. 24. Additionally, the Salem Saturday Market will also take donations on Dec. 13 and 14, also of shelf-stable foods.


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Acing the application

Rebecca Meyers | Lifestyle editor

The last few weeks of fall term bring many things, from finals and stress to holidays and festivities. It also brings applications for financial aid and, in the case of some upperclassmen, to graduate programs.

Whether applying at Western again or elsewhere, the process can be stressful and sometimes intimidating. However, there are a few tips that might help make a difference in both confidence in the application and the quality of the applications themselves.

The first place to start is to check the deadlines. This may seem obvious, but it can affect how the challenge is tackled. If the deadline is far off, this gives time to hone and perfect any written requirements to be submitted. If the deadline is near and there’s some uncertainty as to whether this particular program is the right one, it may help provide motivation to apply anyway just in case it does turn out to be a strong contender. Also, regardless of the results, the sooner they are returned the sooner the idea of one’s options becomes clearer.

Next, it’s a good idea to make some kind of checklist of everything that has to be turned in. Some applications may require specific test scores, letters of recommendation or personal essays. These can take some time to put together, which is why the first step will help to prioritize which need to be done first. Some schools have later deadlines, but may require more time consuming materials.

For those who don’t have their heart set on specific schools or programs, it can also be a good idea to try and narrow down the list of applications. While it’s good to have options, having too many can become overwhelming and applying to too many that are just for backup can take time and focus away from the first choice applications. It can also become costly, as many applications can only be submitted with a fee.

It’s also never a bad idea to consult advisers or others who have also gone through the process. Experience from others can be just as valuable as personal research. In the end, a combination of both perspectives will take a great deal out of the stress and uncertainty of applying for that dream program.


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This week in completely made up horoscopes

[fruitful_tabs type=”accordion” width=”100%” fit=”false”]
[fruitful_tab title=”Aries 3/21-4/19″] It’s time to put the leftovers down and do the twenty assignments you put off and said you would do during Thanksgiving break. [/fruitful_tab]

[fruitful_tab title=”Taurus 4/20-5/20″] Taurus, you were supposed to buy some Christmas gifts for family and friends on Black Friday, not just gifts for yourself. [/fruitful_tab]

[fruitful_tab title=”Gemini 5/21-6/20″] The stars are studying for finals, don’t bother us! [/fruitful_tab]

[fruitful_tab title=”Cancer 6/21-7/22″] Post-dinner thought: What if in an alternate universe turkeys hunt and overeat us once a year in the name of the holidays??? [/fruitful_tab]

[fruitful_tab title=”Leo 7/23-8/22″] Memory foam pillows are the best… weapons to use in a pillow fight. [/fruitful_tab]

[fruitful_tab title=”Virgo 8/23-9/22″] Nothin’ quite gets you ready and pumped for your final like sitting down in soaking wet shoes and drenched hair from the rain. Better pack that extra pair of socks (preferably the ones with doggos on them, the stars think those are fun). [/fruitful_tab]

[fruitful_tab title=”Libra 9/23-10/22″] ‘Tis the season to go broke if you want to get presents for everyone on time, Libra. Or don’t. Choose wisely. [/fruitful_tab]

[fruitful_tab title=”Scorpio 10/23-11/21″] Deleting your old Instagram photos doesn’t count as self care, Scorpio. Stop making things up. [/fruitful_tab]

[fruitful_tab title=”Sagittarius 11/22-12/21″] It’s your season, Sagittarius! Make the most of it. Channel that powerful celestial energy into your unreasonably long papers that are almost due. [/fruitful_tab]

[fruitful_tab title=”Capricorn 12/22-1/19″] Make sure to triple check your double check on what time and day your finals are, Capricorn. [/fruitful_tab]

[fruitful_tab title=”Aquarius 1/20-2/18″] Yes Aquarius, we saw you write a “totally unique” poem to your girlfriend on Christmas that also spells out SEND NOODS in the first letter of each line. I did it last year…and the year before that. [/fruitful_tab]


Opinion: Art wall births even more hate speech in Monmouth

Chrys Weedon | Entertainment Editor

As I finished typing up my story about the new art wall installation on campus, I allowed myself to feel a little teaspoon of hope. It was hard to swallow because of my pessimistic tendencies and the current political climate; but somewhere in the back of my head I thought “well, this campus tends to be quiet, progressive even. I’m sure we can have a respectful, expressive conversation about this.” I guess I should’ve checked myself there.

Not long after the art wall piece came out, somebody — or a group of somebodies — spray painted anti semitic graffiti in Monmouth. Just last year was the last publicized occurrence of a hate crime. But I clung onto some bit of hope as participation with the art wall was mostly positive and rational at that point. People were having an encouraging and productive conversation about border security. Or so I thought.

One day, I checked up on the wall, as I made a habit of doing. My stomach dropped as I saw that someone had written over every piece of art with “BUILD THE WALL” in bright red paint.

Placing my own opinions aside, this “contribution” is upsetting on a basic level. Not only was this new addition vastly different from the rest of the constructive art it was now covering, it was incredibly disrespectful and counterintuitive to cover up another person’s piece. I don’t care what someone’s opinions are specifically; I care when people try to silence voices different from their own.

It got worse. The next day, while I was checking on the wall once again, I came face-to-face with one of the culprits. A man, accompanied by an armory of spray paint cans, was simply covering over everything he didn’t agree with. Thick coats of black and red paint now covered over every last piece of commentary with phrases like “MAGA,” little republican elephant symbols, and “build the wall.”

I couldn’t help but think back to the interview I had with the artist responsible for the wall, Eric Frey. He mentioned wanting to exhibit pieces of the wall in galleries after the installation is taking down on Dec.1. After witnessing the graffiti, I couldn’t start thinking about how the legacy of the wall will no longer be an open conversation, but a cortex of hate where only one voice prevails.

By the time of this article’s release, the hateful graffiti has been covered up with other graffiti from people with opposing views. Although this is less hateful graffiti, my point still stands. It’s still perpetuating the cycle of “your opinions aren’t the same as mine, so I’m going to silence them.” And the original commentary is lost forever, and the current art being displayed is still not constructive.

Constructive conversations allow room for both sides to express their opinions, without feeling unsafe or silences. There is no room in a productive conversation for hate speech.


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Photo courtesy of Ashlynn Norton

Opinion: The blaring sounds of nothingness

Lake Larsen | Sports Editor

As a child I practically grew up with some type of sports equipment in my hand. Some of my fondest memories as a kid are from Memorial Stadium in Berkeley, California, hearing the loud boom of the cannon on Strawberry Hill as the UC Berkeley Golden Bears scored a touchdown. That’s what I love about college sports: taking part in a fun tradition to root on your school.

Coming into Western as a first-year, a school with over 150 years of history, I was excited to see what traditions it had in store to take part in as a student. As I found my seat, ready to watch the Wolves football team for the first time, I gazed onto the field to see that not only was there no logo painted at midfield, but no endzone art either. Now, as a senior, I’m happy to see that there’s a little more care given to the appearance of the field with the new WOU badge on the 50-yard line, but there’s still no attention given to getting the student crowd fired up to watch their Wolves.

College sports differ from their professional counterpart due to the history and tradition that can be found at the games. My grandfather graduated UC Berkeley class of 1957 and to this day loves to sing the fight song after the Bears score. Meanwhile, Western leaves nothing for students to latch onto and remember for the decades to come. Whether it be something as large as a cannon firing off, a wolf howl or just something as little as just playing the fight song, Western needs something. Having been to dozens of games at Western, I’ve yet to actually hear someone play the fight song.

If Western was serious about wanting students to get more engaged and coming to games, they should look into making the sporting events more than just an event. Instead of just having students show up and leave, make the match a can’t-miss-experience. Play a wolf howl when the Wolves make a defensive stop, make some noise other than cheering when Western scores. Play the fight song for once. Honestly at this point, I would settle for even a simple saying like “Roll on you Bears” or “Fight on Trojans” to make me feel like more of a part of the school instead of just watching some game.


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Review: “Boy Erased” reveals truths and horrors about conversion therapy in America

Chrys Weedon | Entertainment Editor

Released Nov. 16, “Boy Erased” follows teenager Jason Eamos, the son of a conservative Baptist pastor and his loyal wife.

Following a traumatic, life-altering event, Jason is outed and must come to terms with the fact that he is gay. After coming out to his parents, Jason is faced with the two-realities that many young LGBTQ+ kids have to choose between: accepting his identity and being disowned by his family or agreeing to reject his sexuality to save his relationship with his parents.

After choosing the latter, Jason is put into a gay conversion program, in which he comes head-to-head with its abusive leader. Throughout the program, Jason witnesses the real-life horrors of forced conversion and begins to accept himself and his identity. Among fellow participants, Jason meets the indoctrinated young man drowning in internalized homophobia, the cunning boy who keeps his head low and fakes it, and the woman who is forced into long-term housing after “failing” to become straight.

According to the end-credits of the film, 700,000 LGBTQ+ Americans have experienced conversion therapy at some point in their lives. “Boy Erased” is actually based on a memoir, written by Garrard Conley, himself a survivor of conversion therapy.

The cinematography of this film is dark, flooded with grey and blue tones to match the subject matter. The dialogue is full of cliches and dogma that many LGBTQ+ children of religious parents have heard at least once in their lives. If nothing else, this film is a stark and honest vignette of the life of someone who has been forced through conversion therapy and has come out the other side — which can’t be said for all.

“Boy Erased” is hard to watch. For any LGBTQ-identifying who has experienced anything mentioned above, watching the film will be extremely triggering. Any sexual assault survivors should also watch with extreme caution. General mental health services can be found at the Student Health and Counseling Center, which can be contacted at (503) 838-8313. Other resources include the Stonewall Center, located in WUC 110 and Abby’s House, located in WUC 106.


Overall Rating: I would recommend this film, but would advise caution.


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