Mount Hood

A march for gender equality

Bailey Thompson | News Editor

With painted cheeks, decorated signs and their own reasons for marching, a substantial crowd of different gender-identities gathered together on the morning of Jan. 19 to support the diversity and strength of womanhood.

With the first march having only taken place two years ago, the Women’s Wave is back for its third year to “harness the political power of diverse women and their communities to create transformative social change,” according to the mission statement.

For this particular event, a number of sponsoring organizations and vendors set up camp on the capitol mall while people socialized and waited for the six women who were scheduled to speak before the march.

The first speaker, Danielle Meyer, is an openly transgender woman who serves as the chair of the Salem Human Rights Commission. She is an activist, a public speaker and a community volunteer. After sharing her story about struggling to come to a place of confidence in who she is, Meyer had a message for those present.

“Find a way to physically participate in the community,” Meyers said. “It’s important that we work for the team of humanity, not just for the team of women or certain religions or political beliefs. We do our work to unconditionally help everyone.”

After Meyers, Sarah Bennett — a wife and mother who works both as a caretaker and in the Oregon National Guard — emphasized the worth of traditionally undervalued jobs like caretaking to the crowd and encouraged them not to see such work as insignificant or unimportant.

Following Bennett, Shelaswua Bushnell Crier, a teacher, community activist and lawyer spoke about the importance in seeking unity in the midst of chaos and hatred.

“Let’s make an effort to talk to one another. Let’s make an effort to talk to people who don’t necessarily agree with us on everything,” said Crier. “Everybody has a story. That person who voted for Trump has a story. There’s a reason.”

Crier then stated that the only way the United States will be able to progress is if its citizens choose to embrace each other and work together, despite any differences they may have.

During the event, Crier’s two daughters also shared their gifts in singing “Quiet” by MILCK and “Lean on Me” by Bill Withers before the crowd.

Next up, Jennifer Hofmann, author of the political blog “Americans for Conscious Checklist,” shared how recent events have spurred her to action, and how she hopes that it will do the same to others.

“Instead of fighting the current administration, let us support our neighbors impacted by its intolerant ideas,” said Hofmann. “I challenge you to take your big heart to any community already working for justice and commit to supporting their work.”

The following speaker, Professor Wendi Warren Binford, brought an important, but a somber message. She has been one of the few private citizens allowed to go and observe the children held at our country’s border, which has left her with a number of horrifying stories.

“People ask me, ‘Is it really as bad as the media reports?’ and it is. In fact, I would say that it’s much worse than you have heard in the media,” said Warren Binford. “Indeed, today you can be assured that there are children in cages down on our country’s border.”

Despite the horrendous scenes she witnessed, Warren Binford has a vision for the future.

“We need to make sure that our children know another America — the America you represent, the America I’m fighting for, the America we need to take back,” said Warren Binford.

The final speaker of the day was Maria Reyes Patino, an immigrant from Oaxaca, Mexico who is a DACA recipient and works with the Oregon DACA coalition to help educate immigrants about what is happening in our system and to help support them. She is also an addiction treatment specialist and a college student.

“I am being silenced because you see my skin before you see my heart,” said Reyes Patino. “I am proud of my culture — where I come from — because I find beauty in my brain and in my strength.”

She also issued a challenge to those in attendance: passivity is not enough.

“It’s not enough to be not racist and not homophobic — we have to be anti-racist and anti-homophobic,” said Reyes Patino. “And the best we can help those around us is to educate ourselves.”

To round out the event, marchers took to the streets: chanting, holding hands and embracing hope for a brighter future for women everywhere.


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Photo courtesy of Bailey Thompson

Amusement from the archives

Caity Healy | Editor in Chief

Paige Montgomery | The Lamron Archives

Happy 163rd birthday, Western. This year, to celebrate Western’s birthday, the Western Howl dug through the archives to find some real knee-slapping comedy from back in the day. What better way to ring in the very significant 163rd year of this school’s existence by resurfacing what Wolves used to find funny?

What we came across, believe it or not, actually made us laugh. Turns out humor has always been a thing? For your enjoyment, here are some of our favorite stories written in a recurring segment from the 1985-1986 volume of the Lamron titled, “Turn to Paige” by staff writer Paige Montgomery. We hope you enjoy these as much as we did. Happy birthday, Western.

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Opinion: On the Serena Williams controversy

Chrys Weedon | Entertainment Editor

Serena Williams is an American professional tennis player who has won 23 Grand Slam Singles titles and has won a grand slam tournament for three decades in a row. Williams has earned the most prize money to date in the world of tennis; none of that money came from sponsorships or endorsements, either, but only from her winning record. She has won 743 matches as of May 2018, which is the highest number of won matches of any active tennis player (all statistics gathered from Just google “Serena Williams statistics,” because there’s a lot more where that came from.

Certain aspects of Williams’ conduct during matches have come under scrutiny by public audiences and news outlets alike, even sparking the creation of a racist comic by Mark Knight. The biggest incident in question is during Williams’ match against Naomi Osaka. After some calls by the referee that Williams viewed as questionable, she argued against them.

“You stole a point from me. You’re a thief, too,” said Williams after getting penalized for throwing her racket onto the court. Later in the match, Williams is quoted as commenting: “this has happened to me too many times.”

I don’t believe that this one outburst can label Williams “aggressive” for the rest of her career. As my stint as an athlete, I can relate to Williams’ outrage. Sometimes, when your adrenaline is high and the game is high-stakes, you do things that you probably wouldn’t do when you are off the court.

Also, I would like to point out that many male athletes have argued questionable calls, saying worse things than Williams, and often they are lauded for “sticking up for themselves.” For example, NFL player Richard Sherman is famous for interacting with the referees, arguing penalty calls and getting hyped up about a game — fans love him for it.

Williams clearly has a passion for the game of tennis that has undoubtedly been one of the factors contributing to her success. I mean, you don’t become a world-renowned, top-ranking athlete by being lukewarm about your sport.

Take a look at Michael Phelps, for example. When he locked down a gold medal in the Olympics, he often yells, slaps the water, hugs his fellow American teammates. Of course he does, right? He is a record-setting athlete. Many athletes do it, and rarely do we hear about it, much less hyperfocus on it. Muhammad Ali often celebrated after winning a fight, and although he has faced much discrimination, no one denies that he is one of the greatest boxers of all time. He isn’t labeled aggressive because of his athleticism.

Yes, maybe Williams shouldn’t have blown up at the referee in her match against Osaka, but she most likely knows that by now. Hindsight is 20/20, and I’m sure the average person walking down the street doesn’t want to be forever identified by a mistake they’ve made in the past.

“Serena Williams, in her more than 20 year career, has completely remade women’s tennis,” remarked Liz Clarke, sports writer for the Washington Post, “she has changed what a women’s player serves like, what she hits like, she has changed the expectation of what a women’s player dresses like.”

I believe that someone who completely remakes a sport has the right to be excited about how they, literally, changed the way a sport is played. In my opinion, when I watch sports, it’s more enjoyable when I see someone heated, passionate, and excited about what they’re doing. And honestly, I see a little bit of a double standard when people say that Williams is “too loud” or “overly aggressive.” Why is it okay to criticize Williams for her behavior, while at the same time put these male athletes on a pedestal for the exact same display?


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The perspective of a first generation college student

Rebecca Meyers | Lifestyle editor

Western has a wide diversity of students from different kinds of backgrounds. Some come from a family of college graduates, while others are the first generation to take on the challenge. While the college experience can sometimes be boiled down in pop culture as a universal experience, the reality is that these experiences can be as diverse as the people.

For first generation college students like Madison Gaylin, a junior education major, there are some similarities and some differences between students who came from college-educated families. One similarity, in her case, is that she had high hopes from a young age.

“I decided when I was little that I wanted to be a teacher,” Gaylin said. “Everyone said it would be hard work and there wouldn’t be much money in it, but I was set on it.”

Gaylin has some other members of her family that attended college, but not in her immediate family. She attended a community college where she got her AA, then transferred to Western. The transfer took her away from home, the small town of Clatskanie east of Astoria, for the first time.

For many students, even though college and their career path was ultimately a choice that they should be deciding, there was always an unspoken pressure to get a degree. This is especially true when one or both parents have a degree. For Gaylin, there wasn’t pressure so much as a hope or an expectation.

“I think it always came down to me wanting to go (to college),” she said when asked about the pressure many students feel from their families. “If I hadn’t, there might have been some disappointment — but not anger.”

She also said this internal, rather than external, motivation helped keep her focus when things got rough and she considered dropping out.

“I just had to keep telling myself to keep going,” Gaylin added.

Along with many other students at Western, Gaylin is now on her way to a career in education. While her experience isn’t shared by everyone, she can relate to those who have worked long and hard to achieve a lifelong dream as a first-generation college student.


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Photo courtesy of Rebecca Meyers

What to look for in a new roommate

Rebecca Meyers | Lifestyle editor

For most people, part of the college experience is finding and living with a roommate. Sometimes it’s a friend or acquaintance, but other times students have to wade through their options of strangers to find one they’re comfortable living with. In these cases, there are specific things to look for when considering living with someone. While not all roommates end up best friends forever, a living situation should be more than just tolerable. When looked for, these things can help turn a potential nightmare roommate story into a friendship one.


  1. Communication:  Being a good communicator is a good sign that someone will make a good roommate in all stages of the search. This kind of person can be depended on to communicate when they decide to sign the lease, what they expect from their roommates and what will work best in their living situation. This may seem intimidating at times, but being straightforward will help resolve issues before they grow and start to become disruptive.
  2. Socialization levels: Everyone is slightly different when it comes to how and how much they socialize at home. Some like throwing ragers regularly with as many people as possible while others prefer to keep their homes relatively quiet and secluded. Neither is better or worse, but people on opposite ends of the spectrum are unlikely to agree on how open their home should be.
  3. Real life experience: Every so often, there is an encounter with someone unadjusted to living on their own. This may not be a dealbreaker for everyone, but it should be considered for those who might get annoyed by someone who doesn’t know how to cook for themselves or do household chores.
  4. Responsibility: Some students may look to their classmates when searching for a roommate. The opportunity that comes with this is to observe how organized or responsible they are with their schoolwork and decide whether this is a good indicator of what kind of roommate they will be. If their homework is consistently late, it may be a good idea to first make sure they won’t do the same with their rent.
  5. Independence: In an ideal world, roommates would always end up good friends that enjoy spending time together. However, some people just need someone to help pay the bills. During the initial search, clarifying the amount of involvement desired in each others’ lives can help eliminate future conflicts or misunderstandings. Also, while it’s good to be able to depend on roommates when in need, dependence at a certain degree can cause tensions.
  6. Pet peeves: One of the challenges of finding a roommate can be that everyone comes from different backgrounds, lifestyles and habits. As a result, something that might seem minor to one person can be extremely irritating to another. Cleanliness, whether lack of it or obsession with it, is the most common example of this that can lead to roommates falling out. Discussing pet peeves and lifestyle preferences before hand can save the trouble of roommate drama.
  7. Timeline: For students, it’s usually fairly easy to determine how long they’ll be needing to stay in one place based on how long they have until they graduate, or if they plan to stay in Monmouth after doing so. Sometimes, however, people need to leave or find a new place in the middle of the school year, when it’s hardest to find someone to replace them. Some graduate in a term other than spring, or take terms off and need to move. This can sometimes create a revolving door of roommates that only need temporary homes and can create anxiety from the inconsistency of having someone to help pay rent.


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Photo courtesy of Ashlynn Norton

The benefits of learning another language

Rebecca Meyers | Lifestyle editor

It’s not uncommon for a certain number of language classes to be a requirement for graduation, both in high school and in college. It’s also not uncommon to hear people say “Yeah, I took a few years of Spanish a while ago but I don’t really remember much except ‘¿dónde está el baño?’”.

Like any other subject, a foreign language can be easy to dismiss from one’s mind if it’s not an area of interest. I hear phrases like the one above often when I tell people I am studying Spanish, and I can’t say I blame them as I have expressed similar attitudes towards subjects I was less interested in. It can seem like just another graduation requirement that won’t turn out to be useful.

However, there are actually many benefits to learning another language, especially when studied further past just a few terms. I believe this not only due to my own experience, but also thanks to some research on the subject I have done as my interest in foreign languages grew.

One of the more obvious benefits is the fact that being proficient in a foreign language can open more opportunities in the future. The world is now a very interconnected place, and being someone who can help further those connections looks good on nearly any resume.

My own job is just a part time, temporary position in food service that pays my rent and is not in my long term career goals. However, I have already found myself faced with the opportunity to communicate with speakers of other languages. I have been able to use my Spanish outside the classroom for once, and also gotten to know some Deaf customers that left me wishing I had taken advantage of Western’s many ASL classes.

Research shows that learning another language helps stimulate cognitive functions, such as finding patterns. Studies such as the ones cited in an article on titled “The amazing benefits of being bilingual” show that being bilingual can help exercise “mental muscles”. This is especially true for those who started learning a second language from a young age, but it’s never too late to start trying to become bilingual. These kinds of skills can help with academic performance as well, another plus.

On top of that, learning a second (or third, or fourth) language almost always comes with the added benefit of immersion into another culture. A language is rarely just conjugations and sentence structure; it’s also an origin, a history and a connection to different places.

At Western, there are many opportunities to learn or brush up on Spanish, German, French and American Sign Language. For more information on classes, visit


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Photo courtesy of Ashlynn Norton

Student artist spotlight: Madeline Weinstein

Chrys Weedon | Entertainment Editor

Madeline Weinstein is a junior studying theater at Western Oregon. Originally hailing from Seattle, Washington, Weinstein didn’t have much enthusiasm for the idea of college after her graduation from high school.

“It’s really cheesy, but then I visited Western Oregon, I was very hesitant. And then I realized, this is a very friendly place. People are waving ‘hi’ to each other, even on the weekends,” Weinstein said.

After visiting Western, Weinstein knew she wanted to apply.

“My mom actually said something that is going to stick with me forever, and it’s: ‘pick a school where you feel comfortable walking into a room and feeling confident that someone would help you,’” commented Weinstein, “that was the deciding factor.”

Weinstein had plenty of acting experience when she started at Western. She acted in all twelve shows that her high school produced in her four years there. In fact, Weinstein’s main inspiration was her high school drama teacher. Because of that one teacher, she decided to get her bachelor’s degree in theater and then continue on to get her master’s degree in education.

Weinstein hopes to relocate back to Washington after graduating to teach high school drama; “I want to give back and inspire my high schoolers,” she remarked.

Since coming to Western, Weinstein has participated in multiple shows in a various number of capacities. As a first-year, she was responsible for the sound in Western’s production of “Shakespeare in Hollywood.” She has also been a part of paint crew, and has acted in one-acts and ten-minute plays.

“Even if I don’t get into the main stage shows, I know that there’s still a chance for me to act in the one-acts and the ten minutes,” said Weinstein.

Something that Weinstein loves about the theater program is that “they don’t always put the ‘perfect’ actors in there, they put people who they know can learn from the experience and… who can grow more.”

Overall, Weinstein’s experience in the artistic community at Western has been positive: “I’m not a number, I’m an actual person with a name.”


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Photo courtesy of Ashlynn Norton