ASL Club’s 30th birthday

Written by: Hannah Field | News Editor

In celebration of Western’s American Sign Language Club’s 30th birthday, an anniversary party will be held in the Richard Woodcock Education Center May 17. Running from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m in room 101, the founder, co-founder and former presidents will be present, with the founders even delivering a speech.

“It’s a huge legacy of 30 years,” said Hearing President of the ASL Club and fourth-year student, Aiden Hare. “It’s pretty amazing that it’s been consecutively running for that entire time and it’s also one of the biggest clubs on campus.”

The club itself functions with both a Hearing President and a Deaf President. Operationally, events are hosted throughout each term such as game nights, intercultural panels, community nights and arts and crafts, all while communicating with the community. This spring term, the ASL club is hosting an LGBTQ+ panel.

“A lot of people know this program exists, and they know that it’s big,” said Hare. “But they haven’t stepped into it, or they live on campus and they’re just not aware, (but this is a way to get involved).”

Although open to the public, the event, like many others, is voice-off, sign-only and no interpreters will be provided.

According to Hare, the event is a good way to get connected with not only Western but the Deaf community as well.

“We have a lot of people coming from all over, which I’m excited about,” said Hare. “We have Washington State School for the Deaf students coming, Oregon State Students coming, teachers from other universities and random community members (that think) this is awesome.”

Visitors can expect a rather competitive match of musical chairs, amongst other games. Free food will be available as well, but RSVPing is highly recommended so a proper head count may be gathered to estimate how much food to order. Anyone with dietary restrictions or other preferences is encouraged to reach out.

“I think it’ll just be really cool to get that many community members there at the same time,” said Hare. “It’s a very impactful event… to be a part of this is pretty amazing.”

The event will also be handing out goodie bags as an incentive for attendance.

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