Advertising to stay relevant during stay-at-home order

Cora McClain |  Editor-In-Chief

Only a few days after the stay-at-home order, a flux of hermiting-themed advertisements popped up all around. From mobile games saying to “stay home and play” to Forever21’s “work (out) from home” activewear, businesses are rapidly adapting to changes in consumer life. 

While most business ads tend not to touch on hard news, COVID-19 and the self-isolation trends have made it so that businesses must respond. According to digital media blog, TheMatch2One, 61% of marketers have made changes to their short-term media strategies in the wake of the pandemic. The restaurant industry has been at the forefront of changing their business operation and advertising.

Restrictions on large gatherings of people have left restaurant tables empty, but many stay open and allow for takeout or delivery options. A video advertisement entitled “Open for Delivery,” highlights this exact situation, ensuring consumers that DoorDash will be there to make sure they get their gourmet takeout meals. Another advertisement boasts options for zero-contact deliveries. Advertisements such as these illustrate how businesses are changing to stay relevant to consumers. The question is, will this spike in self-isolation driven advertisements stay for long? 

Simply put, just as Executive Order 20-12 is meant to be a temporary situation, so is this trend in advertising. TheMatch20ne’s research also showed that even though 61% of marketers were making short-term alterations, only 9% were adjusting their long-term strategies. Currently, businesses are occupying a space of limbo, biding their time before the stay-at-home order comes to an end and business-as-usual resumes. 


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