Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor
With the start of the new year, you can count on a few things. A new sense of hope amongst many, a thousand “new year, new me” posts on Instagram and a completely packed gym, full of excited and ready fresh faces. Each treadmill, stairmaster, squat rack and bench will be occupied, and everywhere you turn will be a new person.
For those who go to the gym daily or at least frequently, I can understand where the frustration is arising from. You’re used to your routines and you can count on the fact that when you get to the gym, the equipment you’re wanting will be available. With a new herd of people joining in, your routine is getting shaken up a bit. However, I want you to remember one thing: it’s not your gym.
Every single person who goes to Western pays to be able to take part in all that the Health and Wellness Center has to offer. They have just as much right as anyone else to be there and utilize it however they see fit. People who chose to start 2018 by going to the gym are likely making a conscious effort to try and improve their health and fitness. Who are you to say that it is not okay?
It’s also frustrating when frequent gym-goers say things along the lines of “well they won’t be here long,” or laugh at the fact that many people choose to stop going after a few weeks into the new year. That is the absolute opposite attitude you should be having towards them. You should be rooting on these new faces. You should be supportive, hoping that they continue to push for better fitness and a healthier lifestyle.
Just because you go to the gym frequently does not mean that you are any better than them. You aren’t. And you have zero right to make fun of them or belittle them for wanting to be there, doing the exact same thing you’re doing.
With all this being said, to the new gym-goers, make sure that you are being polite there, as well. Don’t use multiple pieces of equipment at once if they’re in high demand, be respectful of others, and keep your opinions and criticisms to yourself. However, if you’re being considerate of everyone, and you’re simply doing your own thing, then you are in the right and doing absolutely nothing wrong.
New gym-goers, congratulations on your decision to improve your health and fitness and I hope for nothing but success and positive outcomes for you. Frequent gym-goers, try to be understanding of the position they are in, and learn how to share the gym. It’s a place for everyone. Rather than tearing each other down and criticizing one another, we should be working together for the same goal: maintaining a healthy body and lifestyle. Make a conscious effort to be welcoming and accepting of everyone who is aiming to reach this outcome. Everyone is in the same boat; find it in you to not only be understanding of all the new faces, but happy for them as well.
Contact the author at chealy16@wou.edu