A Time for Change

By: Megan Clark
Campus Life Editor

A new year, a new start. This attitude inspires people to create lists of resolutions, both realistic and farfetched, that they hope to accomplish within the next year.

While good-intentioned, sometimes some goals don’t get checked off of that list. The common example of this is the hoard of people who flock to the gym after Jan. 1, and the few that remain as the year progresses.

That being said, there are those that fulfill their resolutions and probably have a happier year because of it.

What about the resolutions made by WOU students? What are they, and will students be successful in accomplishing them?

Jocelyn Chavez, junior anthropology major, said she wants to “work on [her] mental health and keep a planner so [she] can go to sleep on time.” She later mentioned that she wanted to find more hobbies and go on a trip to New York later in the year.

After a period of silence during which Chavez looked at her phone, she also stated she wants to “go on one Tinder date! Just one though.”

Going to the gym is another goal set by New Year’s resolutioners. Justin Oehler, a senior education major, said, “My resolution is to work out more. Super cliché, I know.”

“I am also trying to eat healthier, I am taking a health class this term and it helped reinforce that I need to get into better shape,” Oehler continued.

Mariah Williams, a senior interdisciplinary studies major, said that she wants to get “super healthy and in shape, and to learn how to be happy being single.” She also wants to be able to let go of anger from the past and find inner peace.

Will they be successful? Only time will tell! Keep an eye out for next week’s issue, where we’ll revisit our three intrepid New Year’s resolutioners and see how they’re faring.