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Service Learning and Career Development to host Internship and Volunteer Fair on campus

 Staff Writer

The Service Learning and Career Development Center (SLCD) will be holding their second annual Internship and Volunteer Fair Tuesday, Feb. 17, from 1 to 4 p.m. in the Pacific Room of Werner University Center.

Last year, approximately 200 students attended the event. The SLCD is hoping to
see more students attend this year.

There will be at least 40 local businesses at the event, ranging from public, private and non-profit. The attending businesses will be looking mostly for interns and volunteers.

There are opportunities such as Marion County Volunteer Services, Springfield Police Department, Peace Corps, the Bureau of Land Management and more.

“Only in college will people come to you. It’s not going to happen once you graduate,” said Adry Clark, director of the SLCD, who organized and founded the event.

Clark got the idea for the fair after she noticed that there was not a general careers fair on campus like other colleges frequently have, but specific career fairs for certain majors. She said she “felt like the career fair was missing.”

“I think it’s important for students to get internship and volunteer opportunities to develop [their] skills,” Clark said. Both internship and volunteer work allow students to have some opportunities while in school.”

All Western students can come into the SLCD between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays
for drop-in resume advice, ranging from helping students to begin a resume, to
giving helpful editing advice. The SLCD is located in room 119 of the WUC.

“Every Western student has the opportunity to have a great resume,” Clark said.
“It’s really helpful to come prepared to the fair. Do your research. Bring your resume.

Think about what you want to tell businesses about you.” Wolf Link also provides
more information regarding the Internship and Volunteer Fair. Students can find
a complete list of businesses scheduled to attend and some additional information on the companies by going online to Wolf Link (

There is also a list of upcoming SLCD events on the Wolf Link calendar (http:// By following the link, students can view locations and times of other career fairs, both on Western’s campus and nearby locations, which any Western student can attend.

There are events through the SLCD that students may have to pay to attend but that
information is available on the listing, and in the regular emails sent to all students from SLCD.

Wolf Link also has information about the Western internship program, which will be discussed in length at the upcoming fair. Currently there are 13 paid internships
in varying locations across campus listed on Wolf Link as well.